Live Long And Be Present

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This is every moment for me, LOL

My zen koan, I dress, I eat and I party, Yep I Love to be me.

REALITY IS LOVE BEING ONENESS, Whew I am happy I got that ONE.

Every moment of my Life feels like the very first time I have experienced it. Yep, I am funny like that.

The difference between 3d and 5d is presentness. 3d is just ignorance searching for a new belief system, 5d IS A LIVING UNIVERSAL PRESENTNESS, WHICH IS A NEW WORD, LOL, 'PRESENTNESS'. Yep, JUST LETTERS meaning more than the "sum" of their parts.


Live long and be present is my motto.
Love is what happens all along the way.

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New Moon In Scorpio: Deep Feelings And Making Adjustments

by Carmen Di Luccio, Collective Evolution

There will be a New Moon in Scorpio on November 18 at 11:42am Universal Time. This marks a new wave of energy influencing the upcoming lunar month, yet the astrological configurations at this time will be the strongest over the following two weeks leading up to the Full Moon on December 3.

We have been in Scorpio season since October 23. Although we will be going into Sagittarius season on November 21, Scorpio themes will still be active throughout this Lunar month due to this New Moon and other planets travelling through this sign. As mentioned in previous articles, Jupiter will be travelling through this sign for a year, which can help bring out more of its positive aspects.

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Keystone Pipeline Leaks 210,000 Gallons of Oil In South Dakota: This is Why We Stood With Standing Rock

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

Keystone XL, the tar sands pipeline that connects Alberta, Canada, to Gulf Coast refineries and carries nearly 1 million barrels of tar sands oil per day across the U.S. to be refined, exported, and burned, has just leaked 210,000 gallons of oil in South Dakota.

This comes after a massive protest gathered thousands upon thousands of people, including CE team members, in North Dakota, near the lands of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, to oppose the pipeline. Peaceful protestors and water protectors were threatened and physically abused by a militarized police force working for the corporation.

It was truly an unbelievable sight. The pipeline threatens a water supply upon which many people depend. Yet officials have said, according to the Guardian, they “do not believe the leak in TransCanada Corp’s pipeline . . . affected drinking water.” 

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Dancing Your Divinity

Your energy, your soul is meant to dance and, in dancing, you express the divinity that The Universe placed within you at the beginning.
What does it mean to dance your own divinity? It is different for everyone. No two energies dance the same.  It is a matter of becoming whole and safe and well within your unique dance, whatever it may be ~ whatever you are choosing to be at this particular moment in your life. To be comfortable being a witness for another’s dance….that is the challenge.
When you step away, isolate yourself from the connections of others, keep your connections shallow and at arms’ length or let your negative core belief and fears take over, you are giving up the pure joy of participating in the divine dance that The Universe put in place for your pleasure.  You are creating a separation, turning your backs on yourselves and the people you chose to witness for before coming in and joining the journey called “being human”.  Embrace your divinity and dance! ~ Creator

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18 Nov Daily Message ~ Saturday November 18, 2017

Have you noticed how your love relationships enjoy such a glorious time of wonder and connection in the beginning, and over time start to feel less and less magical? Have you wondered why that happens?

The reason for that is because you enter the relationship from a space of openness and appreciation but don't consciously keep up that positive focus, and slowly start to shift from gratitude, unconditional love, and acceptance for each other into the lack of appreciation for them that you call taking for granted.

Once you fall into taking each other for granted and worse, negative focus, you start to judge the other, which creates separation. From the space of judgment and separation, it is easy to feel resentful and fall into conditional love, which further erodes the love and connection you once had. Further, because you are so focused on the failings of the other, you have stepped of being responsible for self, and the knowing that the only thing that you do have control over is yourself.

Dear Ones, this is a very common thing, and something you are ready to evolve beyond. If your relationship has gone down this road, you can start to turn it around. Consciously look for the traits you truly love about your partner and voice your appreciation for them. Appreciation always shifts the energy into acceptance. Acceptance is the core of unconditional love.

GFP Newsletter - 11/17/2017

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When a child is born the mother is the only reality. He is in contact only with the mother and every desire is fulfilled: he is hungry and mother gives him milk; he is thirsty and water is given; he is feeling wet, the clothes are changed; he is not feeling warm, a blanket is put over him - everything is fulfilled. And every child is a dreamer, has to be. The child starts feeling as if he is the center of the world - he is here to demand and the world is there to fulfill. If you continue to try it, you remain a child.

I see people not growing at all. They reach their graves but in fact they have remained in their cradles, still playing with toys, still dreaming. Then they weep and cry because the reality doesn't bother about them; they feel frustrated, they feel aggressive, they feel that everywhere something is going wrong and against them - as if the reality is the enemy.

It is neither enemy nor friend - it is neither. If you are aware, it becomes your friend; if you are unaware, it proves to be your enemy. In itself it is neither. Reality has no prejudice about you, as a friend or an enemy.


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Drama! Lights! Camera! Action!

God said:

The theme of drama in the world is utterly dramatic and long-lasting in its effect. Drama makes you sit up twice.

The Drama of Life is an essential theme to step away from. Run from drama like the plague. Enter Life and enjoy Life for itself and not for its spotlight. Live your Life. Live your Life simply and not congregate around the drama or glamour or timbre or tremor of it.

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Daily Message ~ Friday November 17, 2017

Some people claim solitude is what is necessary to move fully forward into their truth and authenticity. Others claim that connection is what the goal is. We would say depending on what your individual needs are at any given point on your spiritual path, both are true.

Many people, when they first start their awakening process, feel a deep need to withdraw. This allows them the time to connect within, align with Source, and to create a safe space for healing and transformation to occur. Many people well on their spiritual journey frequently need to move into solitude to recharge their batteries, to integrate energies, and to nurture whatever their specific needs are at that time. A great many empaths withdraw to learn how to gain mastery with energetics so that connection without discomfort can become possible.

For many, once a period of solitude, growth, and healing have occurred, there is an urge to step back out into the world and into relationship with others that is deeper and more profound than ever before. They have come to a place of acceptance and unconditional love from their sabbatical and wish to start to practice that with others. They are ready to take connection to the next level. And many will find a combination of solitude and connection that works for them to create balance in their lives.

NEW MOON IN SCORPIO – NOVEMBER 18th 2017 – 5:42 am CST

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AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey


It’s a Scorpio New Moon….one of the most intense, transformative and mystical Moon’s of the Year!  Especially surrounding Love and relationships in all areas!!   Venus (the planet of Love and abundance) and Jupiter (the planet of expansion, joy, and belief systems) are both sharing the sign of Scorpio (the sign of sex, passion and the Soul Mate…among other meanings)……with this Scorpio New Moon.   Scorpio is also about the shadow side of things…..the part that we really don’t want to look at until it is put right in our faces….and we have to deal with it.   This powerful New Scorpio Moon is not only binging up our own shadows, but also the shadows (especially sexually) of many well known people, both politically and famously……while also adding chaos, urgency and major transformation in all areas!

During this Scorpio New Moon……many desires will surface  in all areas, and raw sexuality (good and not so good) may be lurking around the corner.  Scorpio not only rules Sex….it also rules the true Soul Mate (the merging of 2 Souls in deep Soul Love).  We can find ourselves exploring  our own deep psychic….our Soul…..and also the passions, that surround the ecstasy and madness of all our Soul Mate relationships…..

On this New Scorpio Moon …….be outside and be with the Earth.  Look up at the sky and realize that as above….so below.  Scorpio is also the sign of Earth Spirituality and Natural Shamanism!   Honor the Earth, play on the Earth and when the sky is dark…..meditate and listen to what the Universe is trying to tell you.   This is a night that even people who think they are not intuitive at all…..will begin to realize that are “picking up” on things.   Scorpio is a very intuitive/psychic sign!! 

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Encouragement To Rest

During this time of ‘rest before recommence’, it is very important to release any judgement you may have about yourself and/or others.  You may be saying to yourself, “…but I should be doing ____” or “I have to do _____!”  Actually, you do not! (Smiling) One of the most challenging things for you, as a human, to do is allow yourself the time for self-care.  In your world of ‘doing’, just being is judged as lazy.  Give yourself the gift of resting and know that it is fully supported and encouraged by The Universe.  You are worthy and deserving of it. ~ Creator


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