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Daily Message ~ Saturday November 4, 2017

So many of you think that comfort is something to worry about creating for others, but make your own comfort an afterthought. Some of you carry the idea that suffering is somehow noble, or that going without is good.

Dear Ones, we urge you not to underestimate the importance of your own comfort. It is absolutely essential for your own wellness and balance. It is the base from which you will create from. If you are chronically uncomfortable, forever ignoring your own needs, you will enter into survival mode with all of your energy being used up sustaining your discomfort. From there you simply will not have anything left over for others or for the creation of the life you wish to experience and deserve.

What creates comfort for you may not be what would work for others. Give yourself permission to be the expert on you and to honour what you need for your own comfort without judging yourself. Understand that choosing comfort is an act of accepting the supports the universe has for you. It moves you from holding yourself separate in a place of lack into inclusion and receiving.

If reasons come up why you think your own comfort is not a priority, stop and ask if this is in line with who you are today and what the energies are supporting. You will, with some self examination, discover that anything that argues against your own comfort and needs is of old energy and expired belief systems. It is time to let them go and replace them with new beliefs that honour and support you and your evolution.

GFP Newsletter - 11/3/2017

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Everyone is a masterpiece because God never gives birth to anything less than that. Everyone carries that masterpiece hidden for many lives, not knowing who they are, and just trying on the surface to become someone. Drop the idea of becoming someone because you already are a masterpiece. You cannot be improved. You have only to come to it, to know it, to realize it. God has Himself created you, you cannot be improved.

Here, I'm not teaching you to improve your life - no, not me. I am simply teaching you to know the life that is already there, that has already always been there, that is already the case.

Just put yourself aside, so your eyes are not filled with the ego, your being is not cloudy, and the sky becomes open. Suddenly, not only you, but the whole Existence says: A masterpiece! This is 'the first principle'.


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8 Inspiring Steps to Live a Healthier Life and Naturally Avoid Disease

Phillip Schneider, Staff Writer
Waking Times

Your health is one of the most important things that you can focus on throughout your life. Unfortunately, not everyone takes it very seriously and many people live much of their lives feeling lethargic and in full of pain. Despite the fact that food and medicine is more readily available than at any time in history, the quality is typically questionable at best. In a world filled with toxins and more ways than ever to avoid exercise, the biggest health question becomes not how to cure disease, but how to prevent it while living a productive, healthy life.

If you’re looking to improve your health and in turn improve your quality of life, try following these 8 easy steps.

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Combined Wealth of World's Billionaires Now Tops $6 Trillion, and Rising Fast

Isaac Davis, Staff Writer
Waking Times

By many economic indicators, the world is seeing an unprecedented boom right now. While this may seem like great news in generalized terms, there are some foreboding anomalies developing which foreshadow very difficult times ahead for the vast majority of the world’s people.

People love a great success story, though, and the numbers on the most recent numbers on global wealth, recently published by UBS, show just how good the world’s billionaires are doing right now. Their wealth is increasing at astronomical rates.

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Are the Innocent to Feel Guilty?

God said:

You are at a turning point. This is how it is every day. Every single day you are making choices. Every single day, you go in one direction or another. Of course, it is good for you to take Life in your stride.

Every choice has bearings.

Possibly, your choice of which coffee shop to go to this morning will have bearings on your Life. But, hey, there are choices that you can’t figure out, and you have to take pot luck. You cannot dwell on decisions overmuch, or you may ponder your Life more than you live it.

You cannot know ahead of time at which coffee shop you will find your own True Love or be discovered by a movie agent, and your whole Life changed – or not.

How can Life be figured out? There are no guarantees.

Even after the fact, you cannot always know for sure the meaning of what a whole story really is. Even a bona fide mistake is not a mistake, for you gain Life Experience.

Great difference or none, at the moment of decision and even in retrospect -- no one knows. Had you taken another road, you don’t know whether that road would have been for better or for worse. Again We come to the unpredictable and wondering what might have been. Was it all Destiny anyway?

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Daily Message ~ Friday November 3, 2017

Many human beings start to experiment with the elements of surrender and flow and find themselves coming up against an obstacle or challenge in their lives that they have been struggling with for a while. This makes them feel like surrender and flow doesn't work for them, so they knock themselves out of that empowered movement because they do not have a deeper understanding of why that happens.

When you surrender into the flow, what can frequently happen is your soul, along with your highest guidance, will take you right to what has been holding you back in the desire to flow you to the solutions that you seek. This is a wonderful thing! If you do not panic and allow yourself to be led and guided with your faith and trust, you will navigate beyond it, once and for all.

So if your challenge shows up again through surrender and flow, you do not need to be frustrated or upset. It simply means that you are now approaching it with higher guidance and support like never before. The flow is trying to take you into the energies beyond that old obstacle, and that is exactly what you are desiring to do.

So trust. Stay surrendered in the flow long enough for the magic to happen. Be open to the idea that solutions exist that you couldn't have imagined from your vantage point. Let the universe move you with the greatest grace, ease, love, and support, beyond the challenge into the wonder of the full potentials that are waiting for you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Manifesting Machine

Dearest one; what are you waiting for?  Are you waiting for a sign, word or voice from the ether to point you in the right direction?  It is part of the human condition to crave news of the future or a possible life that is waiting for you.  What you do not realize is that you already know, but may lack the initiative to create. (Smiling) You always have and always will be in co-creation with The Universe.  Rather than waiting for someone else to tell you what to do, think, feel or say, it is time to do that for yourself.  You are a manifesting machine…get those gears moving! ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 11/2/2017

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If you can put yourself out of the way, your whole being will say - masterpiece! You become the masterpiece. There are two types of creators in the world: one type of creator works with objects - a poet, a painter, they work with objects, they create things; the other type of creator, the mystic, creates himself. He doesn't work with objects, he works with the subject; he works on himself, his own being. And he is the real creator, the real poet because he makes himself into a masterpiece.

You are carrying a masterpiece hidden within you, but you are standing in the way. Just move aside, then the masterpiece will be revealed.


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Room for All in the Universe

God said:

Talking about space which does not truly exist, even so, just the same, there is plenty of room for All in the Universe. Indeed, you, All My Children, are the Universe.

Exclusion happens in the world, and it has happened to you. This too happened to the Innkeeper who thought he was excluding others rightfully from his inn. Limited Awareness had taken him over. An adverse decision had been made, an adverse decision based, no doubt, on consideration of payment, as though a human Being’s worth is to be tied up in coin. A mistake was made without consideration of Soul and of My Will that there be Love.

Now, please, dear businessman, do not think for one minute that I do not understand how it is that the Innkeeper was caught up in his practical-seeming business needs. Therein lies the sadness that the Innkeeper did not know Who his Visitor was. He did not cognize that the Visitor was himself as well.

Uni means One. Verse could be considered to mean poetry. Then Universe means One World, one Line of Poetry. Consider the Universe as a Song Sung. It is indeed a Song of Oneness I Sing without end.

Now everyone is growing to the Awareness that he, too, will come to Sing the Song of Oneness loud and clear.

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Another Record Breaking Year for Opium Production in U.S. Occupied Afghanistan

Isaac Davis, Staff Writer
Waking Times

Now officially a national federal emergency, the opioid crisis is gutting America. The roots of this complex issue lie in supply, not demand, and while we are beginning to see major pharmaceutical executives being indicted for conspiracy and bribery of doctors, we have a long way to go to turn this thing around.

Pharmaceutical and synthetic opioids are a major part of the catastrophe, but the other side of the supply chain is actual opium, and the world’s biggest opium market just happens to be occupied Afghanistan, the epicenter of the global heroin trade. The United States military has been operating in Afghanistan as part of the war on terror for over 16 years now, and opium production in the war-torn nation continues to increase, year-over-year, coinciding with the rise of the opioid crisis.


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