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Daily Message ~ Thursday November 2, 2017

Dear Ones, we wish for you to understand that you are beings of flow and in a constant state of flux as you go through your transformative processes.

What this means is that what works for you well one day, may not on another. A diet that makes you feel good initially may seem to stop working. A practice that brought you comfort may not work as beautifully the next time you try it. We understand this can be frustrating to you, but in reality it serves you well.

The fact that things are ever-changing is teaching you to tune in and listen to your own inner knowing. It means asking what you need today and following that wisdom. It means moving with whatever the energies are supporting on any given day. It means releasing the idea that there is a single solution to anything and opening up to the myriad of options that exist. This helps you get comfortable with the aspects of surrender, flow, and becoming your own loving guide.

So follow your intuition. Ask your body what it wants. Trust yourself enough to move with what feels right. Know that what works one day might not work another. That is perfectly fine, you will find a brand new support that better matches your needs of the day. All of this is supporting you in moving into your own mastery and presence, as a pioneer and co-creator, who is comfortable in harnessing and aligning with the available energies of each Now moment. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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50 Facts The World Needs To Know About Mainstream Media’s Relationship With The US Government

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

James F. Tracy is a PhD from the University of Iowa. A former professor of communications at Boca Raton, Florida Atlantic University. He is one of many critical thinkers within the world of academia, and as result of presenting the following information that might spark some cognitive dissonance, he has been singled out due to his activism efforts.

For example, he was fired from his tenured professorship at Florida Atlantic University for questioning official narratives of terror events. Now, his Blog has been taken down by WordPress with no clear explanation.

You can listen to what he has to say on the matter here.

You can support the James Tracy Legal Defense Fund, and find out about what is going on with him at the moment HERE. He made national headlines, as many academics who are not afraid to stand up for truth do, in an attempt to ridicule them. 

GFP Newsletter - 11/1/2017

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Just a few days ago one man came to me and he said: I have become Enlightened. I said: It is very good, now everything is finished. Why you have come to me? He answered: Just to check.

What type of Enlightenment is this that you are not certain of it?


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HomeBiogas Device Turns Food Waste into Clean Cooking Fuel and Nutrient-Rich Fertilizer

Anna Hunt, Staff
Waking Times

Imagine being able to turn your food waste into clean cooking gas and nutrient-rich fertilizer, while at the same time reducing potent greenhouse gases. This was the exact vision of Israeli-based HomeBiogas, which resulted in the creation of an affordable consumer appliance that efficiently produces sustainable fuel out of kitchen scraps. In addition, the device creates a high-quality organic liquid fertilizer that can be used to nourish the plants in your garden.

Environmental Impact of HomeBiogas

Most people don’t realize that food waste is a significant problem. According to estimates, about 365 million pounds of food per day is wasted in the U.S. In other words, about 30 percent of food produced in the U.S. ends up in the landfill.

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Astroturfing and Media Manipulation Compromise Truthful Information

Dr. Mercola, Guest
Waking Times

Ninety percent of news media, be it television, radio, print or online, are controlled by six corporations. As a result, the vast majority of what you read, see and hear is part of a carefully orchestrated narrative created and controlled by special interest groups.

When you combine that with other astroturf and public manipulation schemes that hide the identity of these special interests, the end result is, to use investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson’s term, a Truman-esque fictitious reality, where medical journals, doctors, media and presumably independent consumer groups all seem to be in agreement. The problem is it may all be false.

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Once-upon-a-Time Never Happened

God said:

“Until we meet again…” is a poetic way in the world to say: Good Night, Good Morning, Good Day, a loving way to say: So long, See you later, Alligator! in a rhyming casual fashion.

“Until we meet again…” The words are thoughtful. In terms of Earth Life, the words give sway to the world glance at temporariness. The words say, in terms of housed-in bodies, you are alive on Earth today. It’s not clear yet about tomorrow. Something risky could happen, and it might well be the end of you – Boom!

In Truth, you are never in danger of not Being, for day or night, in Sunshine or in rain, at play or at work, you are unending Being.

Life is made of more than Activity in the world. Life is made of far more than the physical. There is much to read between the lines that may have passed over your head.

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday November 1, 2017

Dear Ones, your divinity is always there. It is your alignment and acceptance of your own truth that allows you the experience of it.

That is why your self care practices are so important – they help keep you in the alignment that helps you remember who you really are, and what you know. The more you choose the self love and care that allows you to stay in that space, the more your own unique beauty and contributions will shine, which not only serves you and your soul journey, but also all of humanity.

There is nothing in the world more breathtakingly beautiful than a human being shining the light of their own authenticity as a glorious individuation of Source energy. For those of you who still feel an urgency to hurry up and do something, it is coming from your soul craving to shine, unapologetically, in its own glorious light.

That is the core of the enlightenment process – coming home to the divine light that you are, and then having the courage to let it shine for the entire world to see, and through that action lighting the way for others to find the way to their own divine truth, as well. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

GFP Newsletter - 10/31/2017

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Unless you want to go on accumulating more junk around your ego, watch whatsoever you do and remain alert. Don't go on moving like a somnambulist and don't try to seek any recognition from others. Just be alert, and watch and wait - and the Ultimate will happen to you. Because through watching, you will disappear. Through forgetting about others you will forget your own ego.



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