All humans on Earth at this time of enormous change are here to help with the awakening, yes ALL humans. There is not just a special group of Light workers and Light holders who are horribly overworked as they assist in the awakening process. No, ALL of humanity is involved, and no one is special, because ALL are special simply because they are ALL the beloved and absolutely perfect children of God, even though their attitudes and behaviors while in human form may well seem totally at odds with Love, with Mother/Father/God.
As we have so often pointed out, the vast majority of humans have forgotten their life purpose, the purpose with which they incarnated. Nevertheless, like those of you reading this and similar messages, they too are here to assist in the awakening process. EVERYONE is involved, because EVERYONE is ONE!
One of the main reasons that you need to release all judgment of others is because you cannot possibly know their circumstances, their chosen life paths, and therefore you are in no position to pass judgment. Only God and the soul involved has that knowledge, the soul has forgotten it, and God never judges!