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The vast majority of humans have forgotten their life purpose.

All humans on Earth at this time of enormous change are here to help with the awakening, yes ALL humans.  There is not just a special group of Light workers and Light holders who are horribly overworked as they assist in the awakening process.  No, ALL of humanity is involved, and no one is special, because ALL are special simply because they are ALL the beloved and absolutely perfect children of God, even though their attitudes and behaviors while in human form may well seem totally at odds with Love, with Mother/Father/God.

As we have so often pointed out, the vast majority of humans have forgotten their life purpose, the purpose with which they incarnated.  Nevertheless, like those of you reading this and similar messages, they too are here to assist in the awakening process.  EVERYONE is involved, because EVERYONE is ONE!

One of the main reasons that you need to release all judgment of others is because you cannot possibly know their circumstances, their chosen life paths, and therefore you are in no position to pass judgment.  Only God and the soul involved has that knowledge, the soul has forgotten it, and God never judges!

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Just for You – and Everyone

God said:

You don’t know what I am going to do next, do you? By the same token, much of your Life is revealed to you how and when it is revealed. You find out Life as you live it. There is no rule that requires that the progress of your Life, in the long run or day-to-day, is laid out. It’s okay to find yourself drawn to something here and there.

You may also be someone who loves to plan a week’s menu, or you always eat oatmeal on Friday mornings. Life also holds choices and change, and you also change your mind. And, oh, yes, Life holds surprises, and surprises can be welcome guests. Life can be fluid and not so hard and fast as you may think.

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There’s An Organ In Your Brain Which Seats Your Soul: Meet Your Pineal Gland

by Jeffrey Roberts, Collective Evolution

“The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light…”
Matthew 6:22-23

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Situated at the anatomical center of our brain lies a mysterious gland that may be the intermediary gate that bridges our physical and spiritual experiences here on Earth. Seventeenth-Century French philosopher Rene Descartes coined this organ, called the pineal gland, as the “seat of the soul”, as he believed it provided people with a medium from which our soul could be expressed through our physicality. The pineal gland has been a topic of great debate over the past couple of decades as the science community is still trying to discover its complete biological function. Dr. Rick Strassman, M.D., author of DMT: The Spirit Molecule, has dedicated years of research to the pineal gland as he suggests that this gland is the factory for a powerful brain chemical called DMT (Di-Methyl Tryptamine) which when produced induces a person into a psychedelic and mystical experience.  Many different cultures talk about our “third eye,” and modern theories suggest that this may be a reference to the pineal. Even more peculiar is the fact that pineal gland symbology can be traced to many civilizations such as the Romans, Mexicans, Egyptians, Babylonians and the Greeks. It is interesting to note that even the Catholic Church displays pineal gland imagery, as the Vatican Square contains the largest pineal-like statue in the world. So what could all of this mean? Is there ancient knowledge of this gland that previous cultures had access to? Furthermore, what role does the pineal gland play in our spiritual experiences and how can we explain this in physiological terms?

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Daily Message ~ Sunday October 29, 2017

Do you distrust when good things happen to you? Do you wait for the other shoe to drop? Do you think if something is going too smoothly it is too good to be true? Do you not fully embrace your happiness or success because you don't want to jinx yourself?

These are all old pervasive belief systems that have been part of your conditioning. Due to these beliefs, many of you constrain yourself into a toned down zone of happiness that you feel is not too happy so it should not carry negative consequences. Because of this, many of you fear the full experience of success and happiness so much you never anchor it fully into your life expression.

This distrust comes from not fully embracing your own ability of the co-creator of your experiences. Dear Ones, good things come to you because you aligned with them energetically and create them! Do not be afraid to embrace these creations. While there is a natural ebb and flow to the universe, it absolutely can hold happiness and success as a constant if you see that as being a possibility for yourself.

GFP Newsletter - 10/28/2017

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The moment the doer leaves, everything starts happening because the doer is the problem. Let it happen. If meditation is not happening, you are still doing it. You are still a doer, you are still watching how and what others are thinking, whether they will judge you mad. If their judgement is in your mind you cannot be total, you are divided.

Only the ego thinks about others, because it depends on others. It is nothing but a collection of others' opinions, what others say about you. You are continuously on display, an exhibitionist: 'What are others thinking, what are others saying?' Because of these others your ego remains, becomes more and more solid, crystallized.


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God Describes the Process of Godwriting

God said:

Godwriting is an experience of Oneness whether you are aware of this at the time or not.

I, God, AM the Author of that which comes to you and flows through you. You hear Me, sense Me, vibrate to Me at a level deeper than seeming ordinary everyday thought. Godwriting is an experience of Oneness.

The process of so-called ordinary thinking is no less a blessing or outright miracle than Godwriting is.

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Low-Carb Ketogenic Diet Proves as Effective as Antipsychotic Drugs, Without Negative Side Effects

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer
Waking Times

Among the many pharmaceutical options available for treating mental health issues, antipsychotic medications are some of the most overprescibed. So much so, in fact that in 2015 the Government Accountability Office (GAO) issued a report urging lower uses of antipsychotic meds for elderly patients suffering from symptoms of dementia, citing a number of dangerous side effects of this class of drugs.

“They blunt behaviors. They can cause sedation. It increases a patient’s risk for falls. And, if you just want to get to the very basic bottom line, why should someone pay for something that’s not needed?” ~Bradley Williams, geriatric pharmacist, University of Southern California [Source]

Just as is with depression and anxiety, numerous cases demonstrate that dietary changes and other lifestyle changes can often times achieve better results, more safely, than using psychotropic medications.

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If You Choose

You may look back on your past and see time wasted, energy expended and love cast aside by those who did not understand you.  When The Universe looks back, it sees something completely different…
It sees your time spent in learning who you wanted to be.
It sees the energy you put forth to become who you are.
It sees the Love that was given in good faith, even though it was not received by the person/thing it was intended for, it was received and sent back to you ten-fold.
Remember; if you choose, for every negative thing you experienced there is always a positive outcome. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Saturday October 28, 2017

We strongly encourage you to infuse some joy into every single day of your lives. More than that, we wish for you to stop and truly allow yourself to feel the experience of joy. Let your mind to acknowledge it. Savour it. Feel your heart expand with it. Embrace it as a necessary part of you.

It doesn't have to be grandiose. It could be taking a hot bath. It could be enjoying your favourite food. It could be enjoying a sunrise, or the beauty of nature, or playing with a beloved animal or child. It could be anything that brings you to full presence and appreciation.

By consciously choosing to incorporate it into your life daily, and truly feel the joy that exists for you whenever you choose to experience it, you turn joy into a constant in your life, rather than something you only experience sporadically. And that, Dear Ones, is a shift we wish to see for each and every one of you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


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