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The Universe communicates with you every day.  Some days, it is as clear as a bell, other days it is subtle and still others will leave you scratching your head.  Each one of these beautiful moments is a learning experience for you, a way for you to expand your abilities of listening and growing into what you are to become.  Even if you do not fully understand, give yourself some time and the answer will be there in a way that you best understand. ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 11/7/2017

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Mind is a projector - watch it! Because this is one of the roots of all your misery, and all your happiness also.

A man who understands is neither happy nor unhappy, he is neither in anguish nor in bliss - and that is the bliss. He simply exists without any projection. Nothing can make him more happy, nothing can make him more unhappy. He is simply, for the first time, in a deep contentment - nothing disturbs.

And he can see what existence is.


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Why Harvard Medical School Has One Of The Largest Energy Medicine Research Programs

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

Below is a clip from an interview we recently conducted with Dr. Natalie Leigh Trent, a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Harvard Medical School and Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health, where she investigates the mind-body practices of yoga and mindfulness for health and wellbeing. She obtained her Bachelor of Science from the University of Toronto in 2006 and her Doctorate in neuroscience from Queen’s University in 2012.

In this part of the interview, we discuss the ancient healing art of Reiki, a healing modality that has been practiced and taught around the world for thousands of years. As Dr. Trent shares in the interview, it’s a relatively new field of science and medicine that’s continually growing, with approximately 80 studies that’ve been published so far.

With scientific research now emerging attesting to the ability of human thoughts, emotions, and intentions to affect the physical material world, an increasing number of scientists, and quantum physicists in particular, are stressing the importance of studying factors associated with consciousness and its relation to our physical world. One of these factors is human intention.

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Open the Eyes of the Universe

God said:

Of course, it does matter how you feel and what you say. Your desire to be heard, really heard, is great. What matters more is Who you are and what you consider yourself to be. What worth do you set on yourself?

There is nothing you have to be but Who you are. Words go only so far. Words are a lot, yet they are not everything. You are everything. The world view is nothing next to Who you are. You may demerit yourself.

In Truth, you are a different matter altogether from what someone may suppose. You are supposed to be you, not someone else’s estimate of you. To say you are worth gold doesn’t begin to state your value. You, the concept of you as you are purported to be in the world, may be a falsehood perpetrated upon you. Do not believe for one minute the world’s estimate of you, nor the world’s estimate of itself.

No one sees you clearly enough. Doubt is an epidemic in the world passed on from one to another. No one begins to know your worth. No one begins to know your legacy, not even your mother, and least of all you. Nor do so-called others, even those with the most bravado, know who they are.

I know what I wrought, and I know your worth. What am I worth? You are worth the same. No matter what the Earth ascribes to you, you are Heaven-borne and distributed on Earth as a Lighted Star.

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday November 7, 2017

Dear Ones, if you don’t create a space of comfort for yourself you will naturally be in a space of complete resistance to your reality. What causes you to feel the most resistance in your life? How can you change it? If it is something you cannot change right now, can you shift your viewpoint of it?

Sometimes just a change of focus can move you from resistance into acceptance. Simply switching “I have to” to “I get to” can instantly move you into seeing what blessings already abound in your life. For example, replacing “I have to drive the children to school today” to “I get to drive the children to school today” instantly moves you into a space of enjoying the extra time with them and having appreciation for their presence, their health, your ability to drive, and the fact that you have working transportation with which to do so.

We understand that there are times where you may be required to do things that are not your preference. We are not suggesting that you deny your feelings. All feelings are valid and should be honoured for their feedback, and should be explored to see if they are trying to lead you to empowered change. But there are many instances where you can move from resistance into acceptance by shifting your focus, and from there you can experience far more comfort, flow, and appreciation in your now moment. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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All Of You

When you feel as if you are stuck in the mundane, please remember the uniqueness of you.  There has never been anyone like you…ever.  Others may have been similar but, you are you and have never been duplicated.  All you have experienced, all that you are and all you will ever be is beautiful, right and very much needed on your Earth plane in this moment! ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 11/6/2017

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Then there is a point when there is no mind - this world that you have known up to now simply disappears. Not that nothing remains, not that everything dissolves into nothingness - no. But all that you have known simply disappears, and the Unknown is faced for the first time.

The world is a projection, existence is not. When the world disappears, existence is there in its absolute glory - magnificent! But now it is not a projection because there is no projector inside.


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The Science Behind Kundalini Yoga

GMI Reporter, Guest
Waking Times

You’ve probably heard about the health benefits of yoga, but did you know there is an ancient practice called the “mother of all yogas” that can reverse symptoms of anxiety and stress in as little as three minutes? 

It has been estimated that as many as 2 billion people worldwide practice some form of yoga. Some are drawn to the gentle mode of exercise that yoga provides, seeking a more mindful way to work up a sweat. Others are drawn to yoga as part of a process of awakening, finding deep affirmation of the mind-body-spirit connection through their practice. A person may be introduced to a particular style of yoga through a friend, or through what’s available at their local yoga studio, and may never give any thought to the fact that yoga exists in many forms, with each style possessing significant differences in form and function.

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No More Hard Feelings

God said:

What is patience but waiting? That is, waiting without impatience.

What is impatience but being too excited to wait? Your anticipation is strong, or you are just too eager for something to be done and over with.

It is said that all good things come to he who waits. Sometimes you serve the world by catching a falling star just like that. You run to catch a star or a baseball and then slide into first base.

In the world, everything seems to depend upon something else or everything else, and who knows why there are fumbles? You may figure them out after the event, yet what good are explanations anyway, especially after the fact?

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Daily Message ~ Monday November 6, 2017

Dear Ones, resistance is the number one cause of discomfort in your lives. Resistance is an attempt to fight the flow, to deny where your soul is trying to take you, and to choose constriction over expansion.

So what do you do about it? The first thing you need to do is to identify that you are being resistant. Whenever you are uncomfortable, in fear or doubt, or attempting to control or effort you way through something that is not being energetically supported, you are being resistant. Being aware of how you are feeling is the first step.

Once you have identified that you are indeed trying to navigate your life through a space of resistance, there are many things you can do to shift out of it. Surrender is the most effective tool to move from resistance into movement again. Meditation is helpful to move you back into faith and trust, and the alignment of surrender and acceptance.

Asking your guides and helpers to show the way is also an excellent method to get back in the flow. Giving your fears or worries over to Source, or using an affirmation such as “God is guiding me” is effective because not only does it indicate your intention to move beyond your concern, it is also utilizing the assistance that is always available to you. Gratitude is also a wonderful tool to use, as you cannot resist and appreciate something at the same time.


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