GFP Newsletter - 11/9/2017

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Buddhas have always said that if you have any desires, you cannot know the Truth because your desire will color it. If you want to achieve something you will not be able to know reality. The very effort to achieve something, a desire, will color it.

When you are desireless, when you are not in any way ambitious, when you are not moving to achieve something, when you are simply a being, totally still and quiet, then suddenly the reality appears to you.

So this is the mechanism - you and the reality, and in between these two, the mind. This is the mechanism of the unreal, the illusory, MAYA. You and the reality and no more mind in between; suddenly, all that is there is revealed, all mysteries open. But when the mind drops the bridge drops.

You and reality become one because now there is no dividing line.


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Why Two Sides, Beloveds?

God said:

It would seem obvious that it is better to love than not to love. I am saying point-blank that best of all in all the world is to Love. Do you believe that vindication comes first before Well-Being, before Health, before Freedom, before Good Will, and, therefore, before My Will?

Who wins in war? Is there any debate but that there are great losses even on the so-called winning side? When all is said and done, what can be won but ego, and what good does ego do for anyone but to make rosy their cheeks for a few moments in a misspent fervor of glory?

Who in his right mind would want to believe in revenge as something to be sought after and feel good to accomplish in the name of spitefulness? If there were something good in trouncing another, I would tell you.

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An Infographic That Shows The Healing Power of Cat Purrs

by Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution

Cats have been human companions for at least 4,000 years. Worshipped as gods in ancient Egypt, it’s easy to see how they developed a reputation for arrogance. It’s not that cats are entitled, it’s that they do what they want, when they want, and where they want it — okay, so maybe they are a little entitled. As cat owners, we do what we can to cater to their needs, ensuring they have food and water, plenty of love, and a clean box to poop in. But what makes a cat worth all this effort?

Someone who dislikes cats or simply doesn’t understand their appeal might question why anyone would give so much to a creature who doesn’t even greet them at the door, but this relationship between cats and humans isn’t all take and no give; our kitty companions give us something in return, and it’s more than just head rubs, cuddles, and cute little meows (though that’s payment enough for most cat lovers). In addition to these signs of affection, they actually emit a healing frequency when they purr.

That’s right, those little jerks are healers, too.

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Daily Message ~ Thursday November 9, 2017

Dear Ones, your level of monetary abundance is not dependent upon a specific job or source of income. It is an alignment that you carry with you everywhere you go.

You will create for yourselves according to what you think is possible for you. Simply put, most people get comfortable with a certain level of abundance and stay there. This is why it is difficult for most people to manifest a huge amount of money. They can't find the energetic alignment of it. It is too big of a vibrational jump for them. But this does not mean you cannot create more monetary ease in your life. Far from it! It simply means that you must find your comfort with larger amounts incrementally.

So ask yourself what you think is possible for you with money. Do you think you can create an extra $5 a week? That would be a very easy thing to do for most people. You would believe that was an achievable amount. What about an extra $100? An extra thousand? Most of you will hit an amount that you feel resistant to. That is where you have entered the zone of believing it is not possible. That's okay. Back up from there. What amount more do you feel acceptance to? You want to find an amount that you feel good about to start from.

GFP Newsletter - 11/8/2017

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The world is a projection - God is not a projection, God is the reality. And you have been missing it. You have been missing through the projections; you see something else, what you would like to see.

A woman doesn't exist, a man doesn't exist. Woman exists because you are sexual. If within you sex disappears, woman disappears. But there will be somebody, your wife will not simply disappear into thin air. She will be there but she will no longer be a wife, and she will not be a woman.

Suddenly all projections disappear, and there is God. Your wife becomes a God, your child becomes a God, the tree becomes a God, the rock becomes a God. Existence is God. Existence is Divine - but that you cannot see, because that is the screen on which your Projections are being imposed.


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Report Sheds Light On How Many People Die From Overdosing On Marijuana

by Joe Martino, Collective Evolution

Marijuana legalization has been the talk of North America for years now. It’s arguable that one of the biggest campaign promises made by Canada’s new Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, was his goal to legalize cannabis countrywide. In the US, cannabis is legal in some form in 23 states, and with that we see a staggering number we should all consider. The number of Americans who fatally overdosed on cannabis in 2015 was: 0.

No one. Not a single person.

This of course is a huge increase from the year before which was also, zero. So it begs the questions: why is marijuana illegal? And why are other substances like alcohol and pharmaceuticals legal, yet they actively contribute to killing people in large numbers?

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The Greater Joy You Are

God said:

It is like you walk on the Great Sea and a little individual Sea all at once when the Truth is that you are the Eternal Sea.

You are the Unbounded Infinite, and you are a drop of water who imagines that a drop of water is all that you are. Or, you imagine yourself as Everything and Nothing at all and all at once when you are ever truly Infinite.

The Truth is you are all-important. The Truth is you are everything I say, yet you see yourself as insignificant in a little land. As it happens, the Great Soul of you exceeds worldly Significance. You may play hop scotch around the edges of the playground that exist only on the perimeter of the Real You.

I am all for play. Enjoy. Yet there is greater Joy within you than you hardly dare squint at. Or you look at this Greater Joy as you might look at a Fairy Tale. You don’t yet quite dare to grasp the greater fields within you to explore, for these greater fields are not yet metered. You see them as uncharted while you perform a charade. In actuality, you are well-versed deeply in the Silence far more than the charades you enter into.

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday November 8, 2017

Magic, simply put, is experiencing energies beyond what you thought possible that surprise and delight you.

The first steps of living a more magical life is being open to the idea that the unknown can bring you much goodness and wonder, and allowing the universe free rein to show you what else is possible. It is being willing to accept energies beyond what you can see or imagine from your vantage point. It is playing in the etheric and receiving in the physical.

Magic is absolutely available to each and every one of you, in fact, your guides, helpers, and your highest self want you to move into playing in that realm of full potential.

Did you know you are magical beings in our eyes? You continue to surprise and delight us in your discoveries and expansion all the time. Allow us to match your magic, in a dance of co-creation, that is delightful for everyone to behold. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


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