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You will be enraptured and enchanted to recognize yourselves just as you truly are.

Humanity is most definitely awakening, there are powerful signs of this everywhere, “for those who have eyes to see, and ears to hear!”  Allow your intuition to guide your web searches for evidence and you may well be greatly surprised by what you find.  The collective intent to awaken – your individual intentions joined together and greatly amplified – will be achieved because that is the divine plan, your plan.

Yes, you have been hearing and reading messages like this for what seems a very long time indeed, and the reason for this is because we, here in the spiritual realms, are being constantly called on for uplifting and inspiring messages about the awakening from so many of you.  We are your holy support team, and we are always fully awake to hear and respond to your calls.  We agreed to this before you incarnated so that you would know that you would never be left alone to work things out on your own, for as individual humans, seemingly disconnected from Source, that just would not be possible.  You need constant guidance and mentoring, and we provide it 24/7.  Of course frequently you choose not to listen because the distractions of the illusion are so alluring and demanding, capturing your full attention as you lead your daily lives, often fearfully and in great anxiety.

The Path of the Heart

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I walk the path of the heart, I have no followers, in this I am blessed. Although the path of the heart includes ones walking with me it does not require this for me to walk my path of the heart. If a flower blooms and no one sees it, this does not stop the flower from blooming, for blooming is the flowers destiny.

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Daily Message ~ Saturday November 11, 2017

Dear Ones, if you ever feel like you are unsupported or alone on your journey, we suggest taking a moment to announce, “I gratefully accept all the help and support that is available to me.”

This is a wonderful affirmation because it activates your team of helpers by giving them permission to assist. It also clearly shows your intention to receive help in the many ways it can arrive, and to shift beyond where you are into a better feeling, supported space. The gratitude acts as an energetic anchor to what is desired. It is a profoundly empowered act of moving out of separation into being led by Source with faith, trust, surrender, and acceptance.

If you say the affirmation and feel resistance to it, we would suggest you take the time to look at why you have trouble accepting help. Do you only feel comfortable when you are giving? Why does receiving feel uncomfortable to you? Can you start to see if you reject help from others you are denying them the joy of giving and being of service to you? Can you start to move into a more balanced flow of both giving and receiving? Can you see how if you are well supported you will be even better able to serve others?

GFP Newsletter - 11/10/2017

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Right now, you are there, the mind is there and the world is there: the trinity that all the religions have talked about - the Father, the Son, the Holy Ghost. Hindus call it TRIMURTI. You must have seen three images, of Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh; three faces together. These three faces disappear because these three faces are illusory. Hidden just behind these three faces is one. With that one, there is no object, no subject - you simply see whatsoever is. That which is, is revealed. But to come to this understanding you will have to understand your illusions, and you have known many.


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Which Side Is Your Bread Buttered On?

God said:

What if you could start an all new Life, start from now without holding anything over from the past that is unfavorable to you or to anyone who may have caused you or anyone heartache. If you could start over, where would you start from now?

If you could start over with a clean slate, what age would you be when you start over? Where would you live? What would where you live be like? Would you live in the same state or country as you do now?

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Florida Lawns Are Being Converted Into Edible Farms

By Fattima Mahdi Truth Theory

Imagine having row upon row of carrots, lettuce and tomatoes in your front yard. This organisation decided to turn homeowners lawns in Florida into rows of fresh local produce.

Fleet Farming are a volunteer-led program that transform under-used lawns into lush edible farms. All of their volunteers ride bikes and go from lawn to lawn to seed and harvest the produce. Homeowners have the opportunity to donate their garden to the organisation. Once approved, they have to sign a two-year agreement and donate approximately $500 to cover start-up costs. In turn, the homeowners get a share of the produce. The rest is sold at local farmers markets. What’s even more amazing is that 100 percent of the sales go back into the organisation and cover the costs of irrigation, composts and seeds.

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Daily Message ~ Friday November 10, 2017

Do you have resistance to the concept of grace and ease? Can you embrace it as something that is available to you, or do you immediately think of reasons why it can't work for you? So many human beings have an attachment to the idea of efforting their way to success.

The whole reason the idea of work for gain has been effective is because after you work an amount you deem to be hard enough, you move into acceptance to receive because you feel like you deserve it. You don't have to wait until you are battered and worn in order to be worthy to receive, Dear Ones!

Your worthiness as a beloved individuated aspect of Source energy has never been the issue. It is inherent. What has held you in the old system has been your belief you needed to prove yourself, time and again, before you would move into allowing yourself to receive.

If you feel like you must work in order to receive something, perhaps you can change your idea of what the work is. What if you made your work setting an intention, surrendering, watching for the signs and synchronicities that point the way, and holding the space with faith, trust, alignment, and open acceptance until it arrives?

What if your work now is to finally accept your innate worthiness and your role as an empowered co-creator? Not only is an entire system that supports you fully available to you, it is the one that is being energetically supported in the new energies. Why not get comfortable with it now? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


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