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Blessings Are on Their Way to You

God said:

Dear Ones, when you see bad guys in front of you, you have brought them into existence. You imagine you see them when you brought them in before you. When you see villains, you see them in your mind. They are of your imagination. You are disturbed by that which you call forth. You manifest your ideas. You take to your ideas. You believe in them. You believe wholeheartedly in what exists in the mist of your thoughts.

You would never do that, not consciously would you, not when you are clear would you. Unclear, you insist that bad guys exist, always have, always will.

Tell Me, Dears, whose creation can bad guys be but your own popping up in all corners of the world? They are someone’s thoughts. Unbeknownst to yourself, you appropriate bad guys. Certainly, these offenders to your rickety ego system appear before you like floaters in your eyes. You are your own victim, I kid you not.

Let go of the concept of danger, and now predict blessings lying in store for you.


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Neuroplasticity Sheds Light On The Amazing Fertility Of The Older Mind – How The Brain Can Change Itself

by Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution

If you are anything like me, you may have thought to yourself over the years, Man, I really wish I would have learned another language in high school, or wondered, Why didn’t my mother put me in guitar lessons? Now I’ll never be able to learn how to play. You can’t teach an old dog new tricks, right?


This common misconception couldn’t be further from the truth, and older minds are still very much capable of learning and mastering new skills.

Emerging studies in psychology and neuroscience are now proving this very fact. They are also showing that continuing to learn and experience new things may actually help you to maintain good mental health and cognitive functioning as you age. It’s time to reconsider any previously held beliefs that we are simply incapable of learning new things after a certain age.

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Scientists Calling for Geoengineering to Dim the Sun for the Corals

Heather Callaghan, Contributor
Waking Times

Researchers openly calling for releasing sulphate aerosols in the sky to literally dim the sun in an attempt to stop coral bleaching.

Scientists of University of Bedfordshire, UK, want geoengineering to dim the sun for ocean life and also to “stop hurricanes” as a bonus. Hurricanes are implicated for busting coral reefs, and there have certainly been some powerful ones this year.

They think “artificial planet coolers” are the way to go – a sulphate “sunshade” over the oceans. A study by James Crabbe at the University of Bedfordshire examines this form of geoengineering and the idea of “squirting a cloud of sulphate [dioxide] aerosols into the upper atmosphere” over the Caribbean regions.

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If you could see clearly into the future when you were younger, would you change anything?  Would you change knowing that every mistake, misstep, misguided decision (no decision) or road taken would change who you are today?  Each one of your not-so-good moments put you on a path that helped develop your original gifts, your unique talents and your ability to help others through similar experiences.
So, I will ask again; would you change anything?  The wealth of experience, wisdom and knowledge at your fingertips now is far beyond anything you could have ever imagined….and it grows every day.  Remember, even though you have made mistakes, you are loved beyond measure and time. ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 10/21/2017

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If you grow in love, meditation will happen like a shadow. Love and meditation are two aspects of the same coin; if you have gained control of the one aspect, the other follows. If you meditate, love will follow - if you love, meditation will follow. This you have to choose.


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Research Shows What Living Near A Forest Can Do To The Human Brain

by Amanda Monteiro, Collective Evolution

European research from the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Germany suggests that city dwellers who live near nature experience positive effects on their brains compared to their purely urban counterparts, especially on the amygdala, the brain’s integrative center for emotions, emotional behaviour, and motivation. When we think of stress or fear responses, we should be thinking of the amygdala.

This research should come as no surprise, since the physiological and psychological benefits of nature are well documented. In our article “How Walking In Nature Changes The Brain,” we explored the study led by Gregory Bratman, which suggested that being in nature can potentially change our brains and positively impact our health:

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A Steady Stream of Self-Love

God said:

When you truly Love yourself, what difficulties can there be? When you love yourself, what greater Proof of Love could you have from anywhere? I ask you to claim your own Love. Your Name is deeply embedded in My Heart and My Love. Your Love and My Love are the One and the Same. You are Mine, as I am yours.

Love Yourself, and worries no longer exist. Your basic source of worry has been that you feel unLoved, or, at the very least, not Loved enough.

Yes, of course, this is the case. Lack of Love is the crux of all worries. When a Loved One flies the coop, you protest. Whether your Loved One leaves you from personal choice or from leaving Earth, you howl that you are bereft of Love. When Loved Ones innocently die, you may feel: “How could they, how dare they go leave Me alone without them. Who is going to love me now?”

Through thick and thin, Beloveds, Love Yourself. Then what will you mourn? Love Yourself as I do Love you, for you art My Very Self.

You are Loveworthy. When you Love yourself, you are not forlorn. Stop gazing at disparity, and you will not conceive of even the concept of loneliness. You will be your own steady Stream of Love. You will be complete unto yourself. When you Love yourself, what imagined lack can hold you in its thrall?

Trade in loss for Love instead.

Instead of being fraught with worry and rue and sorrow and feeling sorry for being imperfect, fill yourself with Love. When it comes to Love, take Love out from its confines.

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11 Essential Oils that Enhance Lucid Dreaming Abilities

JoAnne Bassett, Contributor
Waking Times

For millennia people from around the world have been using a powerful technique called lucid dreaming. A lucid dream is a dream during which the dreamer is aware of dreaming. During this type of dream, the dreamer may be able to exert some degree of control over the dream characters, narrative, and environment. In Eastern traditions, cultivating the dreamer’s ability to be aware that he or she is dreaming is central to both the Tibetan Buddhist practice of dream yoga and the ancient Indian Hindu practice of Yoga Nidra. Now science is catching up to prove the powers of lucid dreaming.

There is a group of plants known as “Oneirogens” (from the Greek oneirosmeaning “dream” and genmeaning “creating”), which produce and also enhance dream-like states of consciousness. These herbs and roots have been used for thousands of years for prophetic divination through dreams, out-of-body experiences, and to consciously awaken you during dream states.

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Facing Your Music…

My beloved, you can only run for so long.  The things you attempt to hide from, that follow you and have been following you for quite some time are demanding your attention.  Rest assured; once you have ‘faced your music’ and release what you need to release, it will free up space for further growth.  Although it may feel challenging in the moment, The Universe always has and always will be there to support and protect you throughout the process.  You have been blessed with your existence, it is time to start living it! ~ Creator


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