GFP Newsletter - 10/20/2017

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When you attain to the innermost core of your being, you are happy without any cause, you are happy without any reason, you are happy without any excitement. There will be no boredom. And this is what happens in love also.

You need love, because only in love do you become self-unconscious; only in love does the other disappear. There is no need to be 'I'. With someone you love you can be alone. Even if the lover or the beloved is present you can be alone. The deepest possibility in love is that it helps you to drop self-consciousness.


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An Amazing Cast of Characters in Your Life

God said:

If from this Life on Earth you had one adventure to choose as your all-time favorite, you might find yourself attached to a slew of moments. You might not have the heart to give away even one of the now precious moments that wove themselves into your Life.

Which person could you give away? Truly, it would be too difficult. You have many moments and many people in this Life you may have called miserable more than once, yet you see now that they mean more to you now than you had let on to yourself.

Which face could you give up? Which voice? Whose eyes? Which hands? Which breath?

You may have well made a fuss during these moments you now see in a different light. It’s hard to understand now that you had carried ill-will. Of course, your ego was uptight. How could one or another person have stoked so much animosity in you? How could you have wasted even five minutes in resentment and indignation?

You would cast out your ego now. At this moment, you have cast it out. Tomorrow you might find another occasion for upset here and there. Perhaps you will think better of it sooner this time. There is no way you would really toss out one soul so ruthlessly.

You have had an amazing cast of characters in your Life. They all played their parts spectacularly. No one could have played their parts better.

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These Specific Techniques Allow You To Control Your Dreams

by April McCarthy,

Dreams have fascinated philosophers for thousands of years, but only recently have dreams been subjected to empirical research and concentrated scientific study. Chances are that you’ve often found yourself puzzling over the mysterious content of a dream, or perhaps you’ve wondered why you dream at all.

Although many techniques exist for inducing lucid dreams, previous studies have reported low success rates, preventing researchers from being able to study the potential benefits and applications of lucid dreaming.

Although anecdotal reports of people awakening inside a dream have been around for centuries and over 50 percent of people report having at least one such experience in their lifetime, the first rigorous study of the phenomenon was only conducted in the last century.

Dr Denholm Aspy's research in the University of Adelaide's School of Psychology is aimed at addressing this problem and developing more effective lucid dream induction techniques.

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Meet John Magiro, A Kenyan Entrepreneur Who Built His Own Hydropower Station From Scratch (Video)

By Fattima Mahdi Truth Theory

What do you do when your village is not connected to the main electricity grid, but you have a waterfall nearby? John Magiro is an unsung hero from a small village in Murang’a county, Kenya. After seeing his mother struggle, he decided to build a hydropower station using everyday objects, including a dynamo and a bicycle rim. Despite failing his exams at school, Magiro has successfully produced power for over 350 households.

As a child, Magiro used a kerosene lamp to study in the evening. The kerosene would often run out which meant that he had to walk almost one kilometre to buy more fuel. Due to lack of school fees, Magiro was sent home from school. He used this time to work on his turbine power plant project which has turned out to be a huge success. Magiro charges a standard fee of $2 a month and the electricity generated is now being used by many people in the village.

GFP Newsletter - 10/19/2017

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A Buddha is so fulfilled, but there is no excitement about it. He's simply fulfilled. He has not achieved anything, nothing new has happened, but he has simply become so content with himself that it is very, very cool state of enjoyment - it is a cool state of bliss.

Remember, that is the difference between bliss and happiness: happiness is excitement; bliss is happiness without excitement. If there is excitement, sooner or later you will get bored, because only when the excitement is new it is excitement.


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What’s in a Name?

God said:

Coincidences are what you see in front of you as unlikely bizarre occurrences. Coincidences carry a certain aura of unbelievability, yet such combinations do occur, and they occur frequently enough to be common even in their seeming impossibility. Well, you have heard that there are no limits, so why are you so surprised?

Some remarkability appears as rare and odd to you, for you do not expect the improbable. You see limits whereas Life sets none. This includes what you are thrilled with as well as what you are appalled at. Your view is your view, and it is you who puts your view in place. It is you who doesn’t hold conscious awareness to seeming coincidence.

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New Moon In Libra: Changes In Relationships

by Carmen Di Luccio, Collective Evolution

We are having a New Moon in Libra on October 19th at 7:12pm Universal Time. This marks a new wave of energy influencing the upcoming lunar month, yet the astrological configurations at this time will be the strongest over the following two weeks leading up to the Full Moon on November 3rd/4th.

Libra energies have been present for the last month — since the previous Equinox, which is when the Sun always enters this sign. As an air sign, it is social and intellectual. Libra is about all types of relationships, as well as balance, fairness, equality, and diplomacy. Consideration of others’ needs is also a theme, as well as anything to do with beauty, aesthetics, and even creativity and the love of art.

GFP Newsletter - 10/18/2017

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Excitement is a sort of anxiety - anxiety is a sort of excitement. If you are after excitement, you cannot be meditative, you cannot move to a solitary place, you cannot move inwards, because there you will be alone and there is no excitement. Excitement needs the other. Alone, how can you be excited? - Nothing is happening, how can you be excited? For anything to happen the other is needed. So if you are alone you become bored. If you move with society, live in relationship, then you become much too tense.

So going into loneliness won't help. But if you can drop your self-consciousness while living in society with others; in relationship if you can drop your self-consciousness, suddenly there is no tension and no boredom, and life is a constant celebration without any excitement. It is a very silent celebration. It is a joy, but without any excitement; it is a very, very cool happiness; it is a deep fulfillment, but without any excitement.



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