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With Silver Spoons in Hand

God said:

The reference to everything in the relative world being relative in its appearance cannot be overlooked. Relative means relative to everything else. This means that everything is compared to something else. This implies opposites and constant comparisons. Thinking in terms of opposites can be looked at as not so hotsy-totsy. Looking more deeply, it may be wiser to not compare and contrast so much. Life on Earth is not always made up of what someone else may be doing better or worse than someone else.

On a surface layer, We can honestly wonder about Suzy’s comparing her dress to Lily’s. Whether the comparison is up or down for one or the other, wherein lies the merit? Possibly, when Suzy and Lily are both dress designers, there can be a business reason to contrast and compare.

Let Us take another look at comparisons and contrasts, for from another direction there can be some merit in contrasts.

Let’s say in the land where you live, you have just had two weeks of rain and now the Sun comes out. Without having to speak of it or figure it out, you are brightened on this day. You smile up at the Sun. You take a deep breath. You are heartened. This is good news – the Sun Is Shining Once Again. What a good day! These are the circumferences you assign.

If you live where there is a lot of smog, and you visit the country, again you take a deep breath. Once again, you recognize the good fortune of fresh air.

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Cannabis is Also a Powerful Preventative Medicine

Anna Hunt, Staff Writer
Waking Times

Most doctors no longer contend the medicinal value of cannabis, as there are hundreds of scientific studies that prove it, making the point difficult to argue. Furthermore, pharmaceutical companies are developing cannabinoid-based medicines, affirming that cannabis benefits the human body. It is these substances – cannabinoids such as cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) – which give the cannabis plant its medicinal properties.

Thanks to extensive research, we have discovered that cannabis is effective in treating a wide variety of illnesses, including chronic pain, seizures and PSTD. Some would even argue that cannabis can treat cancer, with many individuals curing cancer with cannabis oil. Yet, it is rarely pointed out that cannabis is also a potential preventative medicine for some very common health problems.

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Gulf of Mexico Dead Zone Demonstrates Dangers of Industrial Agriculture and Factory Farming

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer
Waking Times

If one is truly concerned about climate change, and wondering where to begin to reverse the damage being done to our planet, a great place to make changes would be the modern industrial farming and agriculture model. In addition to the harm being done by the overuse of pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides, overuse of nitrogen fertilizes and runoff from animal feeding lots is causing a unique ecological disaster.

In the Gulf Mexico, scientists have recently announced they have measured the largest oceanic dead zones ever recorded, just off the coast of Louisiana and Mississippi at the mouth of the Mississippi River. This seasonal dead zone is an area of water where oxygen levels are too low to support life, due to an extreme water pollution.

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Behind The Mask…

Dearest one; do something for me today…..look behind.  Look behind hate to see love.  Look behind fear to see love.  Look behind disappointment, confusion and pain to see love.  Most people will hang these negative emotions out for all to see to hide their love because they have been wounded in the past.  Do not let that deter you!  Within each of you is the spark of Divine Love from which you were created.  It may take some time looking behind to find it, but it is there.  Have faith that the masks will not be needed in the future and that the love each of you carries within will be visible to all. ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 10/17/2017

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You may have observed in yourself and in others also, that there is a very deep urge to become unconscious. Puritans cannot understand it, moralists cannot understand it, hence the appeal of all types of alcohols, drugs, chemical intoxicants - why?

Preachers go on preaching against it but it has not changed a single person; not a single man has been changed through it. Humanity goes on moving on its path: puritans go on condemning, but nobody listens to them.

It cannot be an ordinary thing, something extraordinary is involved. That's why it is so difficult to try to change an alcoholic - very, very difficult, almost impossible. Why is there so much appeal in becoming unconscious? - because self-consciousness is such a disease, it is such a burden.

And there are only two ways to go beyond it: one is to fall into unconsciousness, the other is to become superbly conscious. Either move to superconsciousness, or move to unconsciousness.


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See Life as Your Good Friend

God said:

What a difference a day makes! One day in Life, everything comes up roses. Another day, you may feel torn apart.

Part of you wishes Life would make up its mind, yet Life arrives as it arrives, whether you like it or not. However Life appears, you have to go along with it.

You may feel that Life isn’t rock-solid when it may be you who wavers. Yes, Life doesn’t stay the same, yet must you see Life as an affront and allow yourself to be railroaded?

Is your happiness really so dependent upon what happens around you? Turn your face to the Sun or to the rain with openness. You wonder why Life doesn’t give you a break, yet, how about you, Beloveds? How about your giving Life a break? Could you be more amenable to Life as it shows up? Is it so much how Life shows up, or is it the way you receive Life as if Life is out to get you?

There are days when you are really out of sorts. Does Life owe you a living? Must Life coddle you and toss you only gifts wrapped in ribbons of gold? More vital than ribbons of gold lie gratitude, regard, and appreciation from you even for what you call hard times. Yes, for even the experience of Life the way you may see it.

You so desire Life to bow down to you. Beloveds, lean toward the idea of taking it for granted that Life does love you and does value you and does have you in mind and heart no matter how Life appears. You don’t have to keep score. You don’t really want a tug of war with Life, so let go of the idea that Life must suit you. There is more than one wave on the Sea.

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How Your Favourite Chocolate Bars Are Contributing To Illegal Deforestation

by Kalee Brown, Collective Evolution

Our love for chocolate is undeniably high, meaning that the demand for cocoa beans is continuously increasing. Chocolate companies make a lot of money off this industry — an estimated $100 billion annually to be precise — and this number is only expected to rise.

Trust me, I get it. I’ll be the first to admit that I love chocolate and eat it regularly. But, our obsession with this bitter yet sweet treat comes at a cost, one that’s far more detrimental than you may think. Our love affair with chocolate is seriously damaging the environment, contributing to deforestation and endangering species along the way.

A new report produced by non-profit Mighty Earth revealed just how damaging the cocoa industry can be for the environment, breaking the chocolate industry wide open by exposing how these companies are illegally clearing protected land.

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Juice Company Dumps 12,000 Tonnes Of Orange Peel In The Forest And Transforms Forest Into Magical Landscape

By Fattima Mahdi Truth Theory

In the late 1990s, an experimental conservation project in Costa Rica saw a juice company dump 1,000 truckloads of discarded orange peel on degraded land. Unfortunately, the project was forced to end in its second year and was forgotten about – until now. Nearly two decades after the project was abandoned, the orange peel has grown into a thriving lush green forest.

In 1997, two ecologists from the University of Pennsylvania approached Del Oro, a Costa Rican orange juice manufacturer. They said that if Del Oro agreed to donate parts of its land bordering the Guanacaste Conservation Area, a national park, the company would be free to dump its waste orange peel at no cost in designated zones where the soil quality was poor. Del Oro decided to seize this unique opportunity and some 12,000 tonnes of orange peel was dumped on the deserted pasture.

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For You…

Today, take some time to breathe.  With all the Earth plane chaos over the past few days, it may feel as if your soul has taken a beating.  If it is quiet time you need; take it.  If you choose to share your time with others; do it.  If you prefer your reflections and releases remain private; give that to yourself.  Remember, my darling child, you do not have to do anything or be anything to anyone else unless you choose. ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 10/16/2017

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When the outside and inside disappear, nobody dominates anybody, because a domination is not a good state of affairs. The one who dominates will be thrown sooner or later, the oppressors will become the oppressed, and the oppressed will become the oppressors. It is just a fight between your left hand and right hand and the whole game is a pretense. Remember this paradox: the more you go inwards, the less of the outer there is. When you really reach to the innermost, inner and outer both disappear. Then you are nothing, and everything.

In a school a teacher was asking tricky questions, and then she said: Charlie Brown, how will you define nothingness? Without a single moment's hesitation Charlie Brown said: Nothingness is a balloon with its skin off. That is you at the last moment, the skin off - nothingness. But then you have become the Whole because the skin was dividing you from the Whole.

And where is your skin? Self-consciousness, the ego is your skin. When the ego is off you become nothing and the Whole simultaneously, because they both mean the same thing.



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