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The Creator Writings - September 30th, 2017

Take a moment today to meditate on this thought; triggers versus abuse.  Some will come into your life to show you what you need to change to make you a better person.  They will be there to guide you to things you have kept hidden from yourself so that you may release and grow from it.  You have often asked to learn these things and these people are a direct response to your specific request. However, if you have cleared what you need to in the highest/best way (an extra set of eyes will help in these situations) and the ‘assaults’ continue then a line has been crossed from being a trigger to abuse.  You are responsible for you and, if you have done all you can within yourself and for the other person, then it becomes an issue for The Universe to handle.  It is not your ‘job’ to fix them.  Release the person with appreciation, gratitude, Unconditional Love and know that you have learned a very important thing about being human…knowing when to say, “Enough is enough.” ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Saturday September 30, 2017

Dear Ones, do not be concerned if all your chores are not done because you need to rest or make self care a priority in order to release, heal, transform, or integrate energy. Trust us when say it is irrelevant to the caterpillar if his cocoon is messy or not. ~Archangel Gabriel

GFP Newsletter - 9/29/2017

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Zen says: It is up to you. And there are different types of people; Zen gives freedom to all. There are people who would like to remain in the mountains - good. There are people who would like to remain in the markets - very good. Zen says that it is up to you; the style of your life is up to you.

That is not the thing to be worried about. The basic thing is to be alert.


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Wandering in the Desert

God said:

I have heard you wandering in the desert.

Sometimes you do not feel affiliated with Earth at all. Somehow, you are here on Earth, and yet you feel nowhere. You feel connected not at all to Earth. You don’t know what to make of Life on Earth. You don’t know what to do with it. It is so unreal to you. If it is a dream, it heads the list of absurd dreams that you may feel far away from. Nothing adds up. How did you get here, and where are you going if anywhere, and where did you come from even as you don’t find any answers you can hold onto. You may feel that there is somewhere you will never pass again. Perhaps Life on Earth was a vague song you could almost hear, and yet not quite.

Then you may feel more bewildered when you hear Me say to you from a distance that Life on Earth is truly unreal. Compared to the Real Thing, Life on Earth is a blurry story, and none of it is real. Everyone may make the best of it, yet it may seem to you to be a half-hearted attempt, hardly worth squabbling over.

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Toxic Particles To Be Sprayed Into The Atmosphere In An MIT Geoengineering Experiment, Blocking Sunlight

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

If you’re concerned about our environment, geoengineering is something you need to be aware of. The sad reality is that most have no idea it’s happening, which is why it’s crucial to create more awareness on a subject about which the public has been kept completely in the dark.

What is exactly is geoengineering? It’s the deliberate and large-scale intervention into the Earth’s climatic system. It’s done through various means, one of which is spraying chemicals into the atmosphere via planes or balloons.

For years, climate change and other environmental problems have been labelled as a “national security” issue, a phrase that’s now used to keep information from the public. The CIA and other federal agencies control these programs, which means that if they are already spraying substances into the atmosphere, we would never hear about it.

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Daily Message ~ Friday September 29, 2017

We understand that you have been shifting at an unprecedented rate and the sheer magnitude of the releasing and integration you are under can seem overwhelming at times. Let us reassure you, you are ready and more than able to do this!

The fact that you are on the planet assimilating and driving these shifts is testimony to the amount of work that has been done both individually and collectively. It is proof positive that the shift is occurring, and that your hard work is creating change. While your body knows exactly what to do, it is your mind that may sometimes react to the depth of the change, and start to feel like it is all too much. And as with all other matters, resistance can make the process more difficult and uncomfortable.

Trust that this process is exactly what you could not wait to experience on the planet. Know you are energetic experts with an innate wisdom that knows exactly what to do. Lovingly give yourselves the love and encouragement you need. Choosing to approach each energetic shift as a gift of enlightenment and a testimony of your divine capability will allow you to shift into gratitude for the process. Gratitude is completely non-resistant state, one of open acceptance and welcoming, which will allow yourself to release, receive, and integrate with the greatest amount of ease possible. It also acts as an energetic anchor, which assists in the embodiment process.

GFP Newsletter - 9/28/2017

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There is a saying in Zen that before you are Enlightened, rivers are rivers and mountains are mountains. When you start meditating, rivers are no longer rivers and mountains are no longer mountains; everything is topsy-turvy. Then you attain; again everything falls into line - rivers are rivers again, mountains are mountains again. Just in the middle everything is disturbed, then everything settles again. Of course, it settles on a totally different plane.


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‘World’s Poorest President’ Shares 6 Captivating Facts About Life That Will Make You Question Everything

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

“To succeed in your professional life isn’t that hard, but to succeed in your personal life is a lot harder. To really be a human is a lot harder. We forget about that.”

These are the words of Yann Arthus-Bertrand, director of the film Human, from which the clip below was taken. The gentleman in the clip is Jose Mujica. Dubbed ‘the world’s poorest president,’ he recently retired after a five year run as the president of Uruguay. In the 60’s and 70’s, he was a Tupamaros freedom fighter, and was subsequently detained and put in solitary confinement for 13 years. After holding several positions within the Uruguayan government, he eventually became the president of his country, serving from 2010 to 2015. Over the course of his life he has endured the unimaginable, and he offers us today some wisdom borne of his incredible experiences.

“I dedicated myself to the struggle for change, to improve life in my society. And now, I am the president.”

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“Let there be Light!”

God said:

When I said, Let there be Light, there was Light.

When I said, Let there be Stars, there were Stars, and the Stars are to this day, visible or not.

When I said, Let there be you, there was you. You arose. You appeared before Me all arisen. It took no effort whatsoever for you to appear before Me and the Whole Family of God to appear before Me. There was no impasse. There was no time that elapsed before you appeared. I called to you to arise, and you arose.

In effect, this is how Life appears before you.

Of course, you may say: “Hey, God, wait a minute. This isn’t how Life appears to me. Life appears to me like a struggle.”

I ask you why this is, and you may say:

“God, are you going to say that I struggle all on my own doing?”


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