GFP Newsletter - 10/1/2017

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Once it happened: A man came to Buddha, and Buddha said, "Beautiful. You are a beautiful person. I have never come across a person like you."

One of the chief disciples, Ananda, was sitting nearby. Ananda was always present. He became uneasy. When the man left, he said, "But you told me the same thing, and you have been saying the same thing to others, to many people, and I have been hearing this. What do you mean?"

Buddha laughed and said, "Everyone is beautiful, so beautiful that everyone is more beautiful than everybody else. Nonsense? How can everyone be more beautiful than everybody else? Everybody else is included in everyone."


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Mesmerizing White Humpback Whale Spotted Off The Coast Of Australia [Video]

By Amanda Froelich Truth Theory

Jump, Migaloo! In recent months, we’ve seen photographs of white giraffes and even a white moose. Now, footage has been shared of a rare white humpback whale, and nature enthusiasts can’t contain their excitement. The whale, named Migaloo (after the Aboriginal word meaning “white man”), was recently spotted off the coast of Sydney, Australia. And, he is just as majestic as many remember.

Migaloo was first spotted in 1990 and is believed to be around 30 years old. As National Geographic reports, it is unknown whether or not he has leucism (a condition which results in white or patchy skin, but the eyes remain dark) or is a true albino, meaning he doesn’t produce any pigment at all.

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“There Is Nothing Else but Love, So Help Me, God.”

God said:

Life surrounds you around every corner. While you are on Earth, it seems like there is no getting around it -- your surrender to Earth. You may have capitulated. You are waiting to be picked up, although how this occurs, you are unsure.

You used to have bravado and can’t find a trace of it now. You used to be slick and wear cool sun glasses.

It feels to you that you got separated from yourself. Once you were one way, and now you are another. You may feel stolen from yourself.

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Daily Message ~ Sunday October 1, 2017

Dear Ones, did you know that every single time you experience channeled material you move closer into the alignment to channel for yourselves? There is an energetic entrainment that occurs that adjusts you into the same frequency which, over time, creates the pathway for your own flow of information to come through. It has never been about being a specialty for a select few, but rather, an opening for all to move into their own beautiful and unique partnership with spirit. ~Archangel Gabriel

GFP Newsletter - 9/30/2017

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One day, Mulla Nasrudin came to me and I said to him: Nasrudin, many people say that you are effeminate. He said: They are right, in comparison to my wife, I am.

We think in terms of comparison. If somebody says to everybody: You are beautiful; to us the meaning of that word 'beautiful' is lost. Because if you don't tell anybody that they are ugly, what do you mean by your word 'beautiful'? If somebody says: Everything is good, nothing is bad, then what is the meaning of his word 'good'? To us the word 'good' carries meaning only in comparison to 'bad'.

An Enlightened person has to use your words with the different quality of his consciousness. He doesn't compare.


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For All Who Live with You under the Sun

God said:

Time is an illusion and no matter how much you recognize the fallacy of time, you are nevertheless overburdened with time. There seems to be no stemming the tide of erroneous time. Time holds you in its vise. To your distress, you may well feel yourself rushing to keep up with time, unable to rid yourself of a sense of being late, a sense of being out of time, no time at all, a sense of not ever catching up.

Time is ruthless. Time does not have to be a carriage that stops for you or slows down for you. Relentless time may not stop for anyone. Time has its own Will and its own tempo. Time isn’t thinking about your sense of fulfillment. Time isn’t concerned about your satisfaction.

The same time that goads you to go faster may make you wait for a long-awaited time, and even deny the appearance of what you may be sure time guarantees to you. Time may even withdraw its appointments with you, leaving you unrequited. Time rushes you, yet time doesn’t concede to you. Time may never keep its dates with you, and there is nothing you can do about it.

At its own call, time may rush off, and time may run off laughing at your discomfort as well. Time may disregard you and leave you hanging, leave you holding the bag without a backward glance, while you stamp your foot as time doesn’t care one whit about you.

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Richard Branson: We’ll Soon Think It’s ‘Archaic’ To Kill Animals For Food

By Amanda Froelich Truth Theory

When grocery shopping, few people give consideration to where the food they are putting in their shopping baskets comes from. As a result, humans have become incredibly disconnected from the natural world and are largely ignorant about the ethical and environmental implications of eating animals. However, according to Richard Branson — the founder of Virgin and an investor in plant-based start-ups, this will soon change.

In August of this year, Branson wrote a blog post about his investment in Memphis Meats. He expressed his vision about the future of food, writing: “I believe that in 30 years or so we will no longer need to kill any animals and that all meat will either be clean or plant-based, taste the same and also be much healthier for everyone. One day we will look back and think how archaic our grandparents were in killing animals for food.”

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Dozens Of Pages of Analysis From A Monsanto Study Found Copy-Pasted in European Food Safety Report

By Fattima Mahdi Truth Theory

Monsanto, are a multinational corporation that was once known for manufacturing Agent Orange for use as a chemical weapon in the Vietnam War. In September 2016, the German chemical company Bayer merged with Monsanto and became one of the world’s biggest agricultural conglomerates.

Monsanto are notoriously known for their super-corporation approach to nutrition. The company and its genetically modified organism (GMO) seeds have been the subject of global protests around the world. They have reaped huge profits from selling its popular weedkiller, glyphosate (known as “RoundUp”) in tandem with crops genetically engineered to withstand glyphosate (“RoundUp Ready”) crop. Last year, RoundUp brought in around £3.5bn.


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