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Seattle Commit To Banning Plastic Straws And Utensils In Restaurants

By Jess Murray Truth Theory

Our planet has a major plastic problem, and the only way to help it is to drastically reduce our plastic consumption. Whilst it is great to reduce plastic use within our own homes, we all know the feeling of when we get sent a package that has been unexpectedly wrapped in numerous layers of plastic, or when unnecessary plastic items are given to us during meals out in public places. There are currently 300 million tons of plastic being produced globally every single year, according to recent reports.

However, as the serious issue of plastic pollution arises increasingly in the public eye, more businesses are trying hard to face the problem head on, and reduce their use of plastic where it’s not needed, or alternatives can be found.

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Daily Message ~ Saturday October 7, 2017

A great many human beings came onto the planet with a service contract. They understood that ascension was a true potential on the planet, and as many of them had experienced when it had been attempted before, both on your and other planets, and was not successful, they approached this lifetime with a deep seriousness of purpose. They had the traits of diligence, hyper awareness, perfectionism, commitment, and tenacity. For many, this was coupled with the old energies of martyred service. They were absolutely committed to being successful this time around.

Now that the ascension process is well on its way and passed the point of no return, these souls are trying to redefine their purpose. The time has come for them to move into joyful service, and to co-create in the new energies based on what they would enjoy. This can be difficult for these beings as there was no room for fun in the first part of their mission. In fact, fun is an underdeveloped skill for them.

Dear Ones, if you are having trouble figuring out how to have fun now that you are moving into the next phase of your life expression, we have some suggestions for you. First, understand that it is ok to drop your guard. You have succeeded in your mission and it is safe to celebrate that fact!

GFP Newsletter - 10/6/2017

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A Master speaks - his words come from his silence, from his inner silence. You speak - your words come from your inner madness. That's why Houn says: You have eyes, but you won't see. Why can't you see? - because your eyes are filled with many thoughts. Just as the sky is covered completely by clouds in the rains, you cannot see where the sky is; when thoughts are too many, floating in your eyes, you cannot see. When thoughts are floating too much in your mind, you are dumb.

Be silent. First attain to silence, then your word carries a tremendous force and energy; then whatsoever you say or don't say has a significance; every gesture of yours is a poem. Even if you sit silently, you release a tremendous energy around you - it is a communion.


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All the Colors of the Rainbow

God said:

There is no death, and there is no birth. They do not really exist because you are never non-existent. On Earth, there is nothing more than appearance. You might call yourself a chrysalis. On Earth, you trade in costumes. Today you wear one outfit, and tomorrow another. Outfits are interchangeable. Today you wear pink, tomorrow yellow, or green, or blue or gray. Infinite are the colors you wear. Infinite are you.

Non-existent? Never.

You manifest yourself in various ways. Just as your dreams at night shift or even disappear, you are, nevertheless, the Dreamer who dreams, or who had a dream, and then your dream went walking and then new and old dreams come back, and you slip back into them. Sooner or later, all dreams come true somewhere somehow.

Only on Earth is there a then or a now whereas Eternal is entirely a horse of another color.

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Daily Message ~ Friday October 6, 2017

One of the biggest challenges enlightening human beings are facing right now as they move forward into the new energies, is getting comfortable with shifting from the doing phase of their life expression into the being phase.

You see, you had a large to-do list for the first part of your incarnation. This would have contained family experiences, karmic balancing if required, the exploration of certain themes you wished to master, relationships within the template of conditional love, societal conditioning, and the illusion of separation and powerlessness. As you have moved through the profound energetic changes this year has offered, you are wrapping up those old themes and ready to move onto phase two.

This is why, when you asked for guidance in the first phase you would get clear cut answers on what you should be focusing on. You had a clear cut agenda for the first phase. By wrapping up those experiences, and going through a review process, you are now moving into unprecedented energies that are all about you deciding what you would like to do for self expression and fun. So the answer now when you ask for guidance is, “What would bring you joy?” You get to decide.

Due to old conditioning, many of you fear being is not doing enough. You worry about being lazy, that you aren’t worthy to receive if you haven’t worked hard first. Dear Ones, you have worked hard! You have been working hard your entire incarnations. It has all been in preparation of the phase you are in right now, which allows you to step into being.

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The Megalomania of Modern America

by Julian Rose

As many already know, on September 18, 2017 the Senate passed a bill authorizing a further $700 billion to be injected into the coffers of the Pentagon's military industrial complex, whose primary role is ceaseless global hegemonic expansion, under the deceitful banner of 'protecting the national interest'.

The US already has over 1,000 military bases spread all over the world. Each exerting a strong geopolitical influence within its particular domain. The budget which supports these bases and the troops, air power and naval presence which goes with them, amounts to 54% of Federal discretionary spending.

The feverish determination to retain and expand the US position as the planet's number one bully boy, has been accompanied by an unprecedented escalation in the rhetoric of war and violence.

The vitriolic exchanges between Trump and North Korean leader Kim Yong-un, bear testimony to the levels of depravity each party is prepared to descend to in threatening the other with various shades of annihilation. Within the shifting parameters of this slanging match, it is worth noting that North Korea actually has something to defend: its sovereignty and independence from the ever present threat of US hegemony.

GFP Newsletter - 10/5/2017

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It is easy to attain something in an isolated monastery. It is easy to feel that something has been attained there, but the real test lies in the market, in the world, there where the situations are, where the challenges are.


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God is. And, like God, so are you.

Here in the spiritual or non-physical realms we are all delighted with the progress that you are making towards the awakening, which is now very close.  You have worked very well and very hard to bring it about, and you will not be disappointed.  To awaken is humanity’s divine destiny, it is inevitable and unavoidable, so relax in the inner knowing that you all have, that your awakening is no idle dream, that it is a real event which cannot be prevented or avoided.  The time for dreaming is over, now it is time to awaken into Reality.

Many of you have doubts – self-doubts, doubts about Reality, doubts about awakening, doubts about your sanity – release them with thanks, because they were necessary to ensure that you did not get caught up in egoic flights of fancy about a new illusion/dream to replace the very unsatisfactory one in which you have been ensconced for so long.  Reality is your eternal Home, and it is into this that you will awaken, and not into another illusion.

As you have been told so often, your awakening is inevitable.  Release your firm hold on doubts, they no longer serve you or humanity.  You are divine beings, perfect divine creations, who have very temporarily forgotten who you are – and you are about to remember.  There is only the One, the Source, the Mother/Father/God, and every sentient being ever created is completely one with and inseparable from that One.


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