Here in the spiritual or non-physical realms we are all delighted with the progress that you are making towards the awakening, which is now very close. You have worked very well and very hard to bring it about, and you will not be disappointed. To awaken is humanity’s divine destiny, it is inevitable and unavoidable, so relax in the inner knowing that you all have, that your awakening is no idle dream, that it is a real event which cannot be prevented or avoided. The time for dreaming is over, now it is time to awaken into Reality.
Many of you have doubts – self-doubts, doubts about Reality, doubts about awakening, doubts about your sanity – release them with thanks, because they were necessary to ensure that you did not get caught up in egoic flights of fancy about a new illusion/dream to replace the very unsatisfactory one in which you have been ensconced for so long. Reality is your eternal Home, and it is into this that you will awaken, and not into another illusion.
As you have been told so often, your awakening is inevitable. Release your firm hold on doubts, they no longer serve you or humanity. You are divine beings, perfect divine creations, who have very temporarily forgotten who you are – and you are about to remember. There is only the One, the Source, the Mother/Father/God, and every sentient being ever created is completely one with and inseparable from that One.