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What If You Are Your Own Source of Truth?

God said:

What would Life, your Life, be like when you accept Reality as it is – the way I describe it to you is what I mean. Do you really think I am out to sell you a fast one?

What if you Light up the world as I say? What if you could contain this seeming Dream within you? What if what I say is The Truth and you could accept it without argument? What prevents you, dear Ones, what makes you fight?

As it is, you are tentative in Life. Doubting Thomas had nothing on you. What if everyone who doubts could doubt a little less? What if you could live in Faith and be uncertain about doubt?

What if you didn’t have to be won over? What if you were not a detective of Truth, but rather your own Source of Truth. What if within you sits the evidence you have missed seeing?

What if you didn’t tell yourself that doubting is smart, for Truth is smarter, and you are smarter than you let on. You are well-learn-ed in doubt. You have been well-taught. You have, more or less, accepted doubt as your windfall.

You wander in the wilderness and feel like the boy who pulled out a plum and was proud of himself. Doubt is not a plum. It is at best a prune. Doubt does not make for confidence. Doubt is a spoilsport. Yes, doubt is a spoiler. It reprimands Truth. What are you looking for, and why do you believe in not having it, as if that were exclusively My Choice and not yours at all?

There are many ways you can look at Life and your Life.

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Full Moon In Aries: Self-Interests Versus Considerations

by Carmen Di Luccio, Collective Evolution

There will be a Full Moon in Aries on October 5 at 6:40pm Universal Time. This marks the peak of the current lunar cycle, which started on September 20. During Full Moons, we experience a push-pull between two opposite signs, in this case the Moon in Aries and the Sun in Libra.

The Aries-Libra polarity has been somewhat of a theme since late last year, when Jupiter and Uranus began their opposition in those signs, which is currently concluding during the week of this Full Moon. We can look at this period as a sort of a finalization of this energy, which has been playing out throughout much of the year and especially in recent months.

Aries is about our self-interests, independence, pioneering, and leading. It can be impulsive and take bold action without much consideration. Libra, on the other hand, is about balance, fairness, relating, and overall relationship interests. Consideration of others interests, needs, and perspectives is what Libra does but it can also be indecisive and lack action.

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Daily Message ~ Thursday October 5, 2017

Dear Ones, as you move forward energetically and start to navigate as pioneers in brand new energies, we cannot stress the importance of surrendered intention as your new navigational tool. You do not need to know all the details of how things come together, for creating in the new is not done by the mind, it is led by the soul. All you need to know is what you wish to experience next, how you wish to express yourself, and what will bring you joy.

As empowered co-creators, all you must do is choose your intention and then surrender into allowing your highest self and Source energy to lead you to that experience. It is an entirely different way of navigating than most of you are used to, but once you start to play with it you will find that it allows you to move into your highest expressions of self far faster and more efficiently than ever before. We urge you to give yourself permission to start to experiment with this and have fun as you play in the realm of experience. ~Archangel Gabriel

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To Life!

Many of you see your Earth plane existence as moving from one point to another mechanically and mindlessly.  If you take a moment, just a moment, to stop, breathe and look around, you will find that your life is more than you imagined.  It is beautiful, amazing, awe-inspiring and exciting!  Even with what you consider low points and rough patches, it is a gift that you may choose never to experience again.  Embrace it! ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 10/4/2017

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Remember, neither has your consciousness any mind, nor your body. Mind exists just in between it is a ghost phenomenon. If you are totally in the body, mind disappears. If you become totally conscious, then too mind disappears.


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To See the World As God Does See the World

God said:

You may desire Peace within with all your might. Yet, again and again, you find yourself in havoc. You may find yourself terrorized, undermined, cut open, devastated, imprisoned in a sheath of panic. And you crave Peace. You would give anything for Peace, yet you don’t have it.

You cry out: “God, give me Peace. What I want most is Peace.”

It doesn’t seem to matter how much you crave, desire, demand, authorize, defend Peace, you seem to have scared it away. Peace seems to shy away from you. You get handed turmoil instead. Even as you understand that the turmoil that seems to surround you is of your making, you alight on it. You may have one hand out for Peace, yet your other hand reaches out further and touches torment.

The terror you face doesn’t even seem to be about death, but, oh, yes, it is about loss, yet not loss of your Life. Others’ deaths yes, yet your panic borne of terrors looms far greater to you than that.

Loss of limb may be greater to you than loss of Life. Loss of youth seems to be a great preventer of happiness. You know that you are greater than skin-deep, yet how you would treasure your lost youth back and firm skin with it.

You may say to yourself often enough:

“What is the matter with me? What on Earth is going on with me? If I desire Peace, why do I constantly find obstacles to it? It’s not like I don’t know better. I know better, yet I persist in sabotaging myself. Or do I kid myself? It can’t be that I would prefer the agony of struggle. Who in their right mind would?

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The Future Of Farming: Phone-Powered AI Detects Diseases In Cassava Plant With Incredible Accuracy

By Fattima Mahdi Truth Theory

With Artificial Intelligence (AI) on the rise, many industries are now looking to this advanced technology to help businesses grow more efficient. One such industry is modern agriculture. AI-based digital farming solutions can significantly accelerate learning. Farmers are now making informed decisions about how they use resources like soil, water and energy by using AI technology.

The cassava plant is the most widely grown root crop on Earth. Researchers just developed a program that detect diseases in the plant with almost 100 percent accuracy. The technology does not require cloud computing or hulking processors for that matter. Instead, the network that powers it runs entirely on a smartphone-based program.

“Some neural networks require hundreds of millions of parameters and just the file size you would need to store those is beyond what you could include in an app,” says Google’s Pete Warden. “Happily, it turns out that networks trained to recognise certain kinds of objects can actually be taught to recognise other things with a lot less data, and that’s really the idea behind transfer learning,” says Warden.

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CNN’s Primary News Anchor Exposed With Ties To The CIA & The OSS

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

The CIA’s connections to mainstream media are well documented. Take Operation Mockingbird, for example, a program developed by the agency to infiltrate mainstream media and feed them stories that suit the narrative of the agency, for ‘national security’ purposes. It was actually birthed out of the Office for Strategic Services (OSS), which, during the second World War, established a network of journalists and psychological warfare experts. Back then, these were propaganda campaigns, or fake news campaigns in essence. One old example from the OSS can be looked at by examining the Career of Richard Helms. He eventually become the CIA’s director, and was recruited by his own supervisor at the United Press International’s Berlin Bureau to join the OSS’s “black propaganda” program.

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday October 4, 2017

If you are not experiencing the amount of love you would like in your life, we would ask you to examine any ways you are holding yourself separate from love.

Do you do everything for yourself? Do you turn down help? Do you make time to connect with Source energy in whichever way feels right to you? Do you practice self care? Do you act lovingly to yourself? Do you believe you deserve love?

Do you think love is something to be afraid of? Do you fear being taken advantage of? Do you think love will hurt you? All of these worries have been the result of conditional love, the idea that love is a commodity to be given or taken away at the whim of another, based on your behaviour and if you are deemed worthy or not. That is control, not love.

Dear Ones, love has never been what has hurt you, it has been the absence of love that has resulted in your pain. Can you release those old attitudes, those old templates, and replace them with the understanding unconditional love is safe, expansive, nurturing, and feels wonderful to both give and receive?

If you have been in the habit of holding yourself outside of love, start being aware of all of the ways love tries to come to you and through you. Start to say yes to love! Little by little let love in, until you learn to trust and enjoy it again.


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