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Coming directly from Father God and Mother God...

and many many other torch carriers...

fairies, Arcangels, baby gods, Masters, Elementals, Elohims, Cherubims...

and even Gaia is fully present with US...


With Love, Predrag


SaLuSa 09~January~2012 The energies around the world continue to build up

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 SaLuSa  09~January~2012


The energies around the world continue to build up, and are carried by the grid that is lifting up the Earth. All is preparing for the final thrust of energy, that will propel it into the new level of expression and out of duality. It will also fulfill the promises of a new Age that will be unlike anything you have experienced previously. and truly bring about a heaven upon Earth. Only those of you who have lifted your vibrations sufficiently, will be able to join those energies. Thereby lies the outworking of a truth, that only those of the Light can exist in the new dimension. The choice has always been yours, but with it comes the responsibility to carve out your own pathway to Ascension. You can have all of the help and encouragement in the world, but only you can take the necessary steps that will bring it about for you.


~ Update from Montague Keen ~

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Montague Keen ~ 8 January 2012



My dear, there is a lot of confused thinking in your world just now. Some of it is deliberately placed to confuse you. Not all Spirit is of the Light. Some give themselves grand names; some use names that are familiar to those who believe that they are channeling their relatives or those they trust. Every trick in the trade will be used to cause distrust and confusion so that the Cabal can maintain overall control. Remember that they are desperate to hold on to their power. They have lived off humanity, and humanity has suffered such deprivation because of this. It is only when you return to Spirit that you can see the extent of the suffering caused by such greed.


~1~9~12~ Space Weather Update~ Big Sunspot, Low activity~

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WEEKEND SUNSPOT: Over the weekend, sunspot AR1393 tripled in size, swelling into an active region more than five times as wide as Earth. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the two-day expansion:



Despite the sunspot's rapid growth, solar activity remains low. Like all the other "active" regions on the solar disk, AR1393 has a simple, stable magnetic field that poses little threat for strong eruptions. NOAA forecasters say the chance of an X-class flare in the next 24 hours is no more than 1%. Stay tuned for quiet.


CANIS LUNUS? According to folklore, this week's full Moon is the Wolf Moon. Native Americans named it after packs of wolves they once heard singing in the deep snows of January. Folklore, however, doesn't always translate:

"Last night in Sweden, we heard no wolves," reports photographer P-M Hedén, "but we heard something else totally amazing - the song of the ice in the Dalriver!" He and his children enjoyed the Dalälven Moon around a campfire in Sweden's Färnebofjärdens National Park:

HEAVEN #4063 ~ Look Through a Wider Window ~ 90.01.12 ~ by GOD

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Heaven #4063

By Love Reporter  Gloria Wendroff

Look Through a Wider Window

Heavenletter #4063 Published on: January 9, 2012

God said:

My words are beautiful, and you are beautiful. Beauty is surrounding you. Even in bleakness, there is beauty. Look for it. Even in the most awful situations, there is something of beauty. It could be the sound of a nurse's voice. It could be the glass of water on a table. It could be the sun streaming in the window. It could be a cloud outside the window. It could be a nurse's shoes squeaking on the linoleum. It could be the spattering of rain. It could be you.


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