GFP Newsletter - 9/2/2017

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A deep association exists between love and food because every child receives love and food together, from the same mother - they become deeply associated. In fact, the child gets food first, milk, and then by and by, he becomes aware of the love that is flowing from the mother. So whenever you cannot find love you will fall back on food; you will start eating more; it will become a substitute.


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Pakistan Has Planted A Billion Trees In The Last 2 Years

By Fattima Mahdi Truth Theory

Over the past two years, Pakistanis have planted 1 billion trees in the Khyber Pakhtunkhaw province. As a result, they have restored an impressive 350 hectares of forests and degraded land.

Imran Khan is the leader of the political party Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf. He has spearheaded the “Billion Tree Tsunami” campaign and as a result Pakistanis can now be proud of their efforts to stem the rate of deforestation. The campaign was part of The Bonn Challenge – which was established by The International Union for Conservation of Nature. The challenge aimed to restore 150 million hectares of forest by 2020. Pakistan was one of 20 countries who signed up for the challenge and they have already surpassed their target, way ahead of schedule.

The threat of climate change motivated the tree planters in Pakistan to act immediately. There have been a number of violent floods that have ripped through the heart of the communities in Pakistan. Planting trees helps to sustain the river and provides a barrier which diminishes the damage caused by floods. This is a great achievement in Pakistan and if the trend continues, the ecosystem will see a revival in certain areas.

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Life, a Two-Way Street

God said:

In what fog are you today? What are you bewildered about or forlorn? Something is puzzling to you. Something is sad. There is something you want to begin, and something you want to be done and over with.

You are perhaps so full of activity that you can hardly draw a breath, or possibly you may not have quite enough to do. Being with insufficient activity pains you as well as having too much to do. You tend to always be wanting for something. Whether it is less or more, you want it when you want it, and the way you want it. You find yourself muttering about one thing or another.

In the midst of summer, you yearn for the world to cool down. In the midst of winter, you would like the heat of the sun on your back.

It’s not totally that you are finding fault, yet you are clamoring for something you had and want now or do not want now.

Increase your gratitude quotient. Be a bit more forward-thinking. Give the world a break. By what Divine Right are you more disgruntled with Life than you are accepting of it? Admit, even when Life plies you with all you could ask for, you still might ask for something else or more.

You can ask for anything you want, of course. You may or may not receive what you want.

Is Life your servant? Are you not to serve Life at least some of the time? Why not? Why isn’t Life a two-way street?

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Daily Message ~ Saturday September 2, 2017

Judgement separates while acceptance unifies. So why do you judge and choose separation? Because there is something that you are afraid of – you are not feeling secure in your safety or empowerment.

Dear Ones, the more you develop healthy, loving boundaries and become responsible for your own balance, comfort, and satisfaction, the less you are affected by the wild card of what another may or may not do.

When you assume the role of being your own loving parent, best friend,and guide, you start to understand that you have everything you need to thrive. You will embrace your divine ability to co-create from that space of wholeness without fear. You will shift into self expression and mastery.

From that space of self responsibility, you will be able to accept people where they are without being afraid of their actions or feeling the need for them to change. You will fully understand that as a sovereign being no one can affect you energetically unless you give your power away to them to do so.

As you embrace your mastery, honouring your own capability and the capability of others, wherever they may be on their path, you will get comfortable in accepting it all as being divinely perfect, which will lead to the unity consciousness and unconditional love you are all wanting to experience as you continue to move forward in the shift of consciousness on your planet. ~Archangel Gabriel

GFP Newsletter - 9/1/2017

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If you are tense, you will eat more. Tense people tend to eat more because eating becomes an occupation; through eating they can forget themselves. Tense people become ugly because the tension is not only in the mind, it affects the body.

Body and mind are not two, there is no division. Mind is just the other pole of the body and the body is the other pole of the mind. Visible mind is body; invisible body is mind. Subtle body is the mind; gross mind is the body. You have a psychosomatic structure - it is one.

When the mind is tense, then your face starts showing the worries, then your skin starts showing the tension. And if it has become a deep-rooted thing, then the body takes the shape; the mind becomes the mould and the body takes the shape. Just by watching the face of a man, you can see what is happening in the mind.


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Love Is on the Wing

God said:

Deep within you, deep within the depths of you and everyone else, lies a Bubbling Brook of Joy that runs through you, such Happiness that you can hardly remember feeling, yet this Fulsome Brook is Full of the Joy you have read about and long to remember. Clearly, this Brook of Resurgent Joy runs through your bloodstream.

This is greater than a Gurgling Brook, greater than a Murmuring Brook. Deep within you, rising to the surface is this Wildly Laughing Brook That Knows No Bounds. It is within you now, and it is rising, rising to the surface. It cannot be kept contained forever. The Truth will out. Within you, often kept as a secret, your Heart is rife with Immense Joy that keeps the Earth rolling with Laughter in Mid-Air.

You may find such Happiness in Dreams and in Unexpected Moments of Joy ready to revolutionize your Life. Another way to say this is that your Native Joy is being brought back Home to you in All Its Splendor. This is the Joy You Were Born For and somehow skipped over, alas.

You are being slided back to where you began. Your debut is beginning. I kid you not. You haven’t even yet started yet. Your Shining Light is rising to the surface. There is no stopping it. There is no longer any stopping you. You errantly found a way to plug it, and now you are going to open this Bubbling Brook of Joy.

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Here Are The Electronics & Apps In Your Home That Secretly Monitor You & Map Your Home

by Kalee Brown, Collective Evolution

In a world where electronics seem to drive our entertainment, it’s not uncommon to find numerous electronics and robots all over North American households. From cell phones to computers to smart TVs, they’re everywhere, and a lot of them are collecting very specific data about you, your home, and your personal preferences.

So, which of your electronics are collecting data about you, and who has access to your personal, and perhaps sensitive information? Let’s take a look at a few of the common household or personal electronics that are spying on you.

Roomba (Electric Vacuum Cleaner)

Do you own one of these electric vacuum cleaners? Well, as it turns out, they’ve been collecting a little more than just dust. These little robot vacuums use advanced mapping technology to learn and collect data on the floor plans of consumers’ homes, which can then be sold or shared with companies such as Apple, Google, and Amazon. More specifically, it’s anticipated that this data could be very helpful as smart homes become more common.

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Find Out Which Is Your Predominant Chakra

BLuke Miller Truth Theory

Find out which is the predominant chakra in your system

The chakra system is comprised of 7 main chakras, although many believe there to be 13 main chakras and many other sub chakras. But for the simplicity of this article I will talk about what is widely accepted as the 7 main bodily chakras.

The chakras are what you may call energy points within the subtle body, although they do have a physical point within our human body. These 7 chakras when aligned work as a representation of complete health and can help you to understand different physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and real world problems that you face. There are no chakras that supersede the importance of the next, however most of us are predominantly inclined to resonate with 1 or 2 of the chakras from the system. This can lead to balance, disbalance or a middle ground of the 2, but an understanding of which of your chakras are the main focus of your attention, can lead you to balance in the others, and/or understanding how to counterbalance your energies.

Chakras can be to open, to closed or closer to a balanced central point; in this article I will discuss all 3 for each chakra.


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