God said:
In what fog are you today? What are you bewildered about or forlorn? Something is puzzling to you. Something is sad. There is something you want to begin, and something you want to be done and over with.
You are perhaps so full of activity that you can hardly draw a breath, or possibly you may not have quite enough to do. Being with insufficient activity pains you as well as having too much to do. You tend to always be wanting for something. Whether it is less or more, you want it when you want it, and the way you want it. You find yourself muttering about one thing or another.
In the midst of summer, you yearn for the world to cool down. In the midst of winter, you would like the heat of the sun on your back.
It’s not totally that you are finding fault, yet you are clamoring for something you had and want now or do not want now.
Increase your gratitude quotient. Be a bit more forward-thinking. Give the world a break. By what Divine Right are you more disgruntled with Life than you are accepting of it? Admit, even when Life plies you with all you could ask for, you still might ask for something else or more.
You can ask for anything you want, of course. You may or may not receive what you want.
Is Life your servant? Are you not to serve Life at least some of the time? Why not? Why isn’t Life a two-way street?