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The Bread Crumbs of Truth

God said:

Most people intend well, yet intentions without action don’t count for much.

Sure, a good deed intended is better than no good deed at all, yet having an idea unacted on doesn’t go far. There is value in thinking of a kindness, yet words have substance as you follow through on them. Anyone can say anything, and often do.

On the other hand, despite all the Good Will you wish to follow through with, you ponder about the time and energy you don’t have. You would love to be an Angel on Earth if you didn’t have all the pressing obligations that have to come first.

Unless you back up thoughts of good deeds with action, then, beloveds, it behooves you not to advertise them. You don’t want false advertising to be your habit. When you still owe the bank money, the bank doesn’t give you credit. You have to deliver before credit is in your hand. Promises without back-up are nice words. Alas, nice words alone don’t take you far, and that’s it.

Promises are like your lying down for a night’s sleep and not getting one wink of sleep. Promises can be shaky premises, dear one. Shaky premises are not to be a way of Life. Ah, yes, all that you would do if only you could.

With a foundation, how good you will feel. Oh, to feel the solid ground under you. It is not your desire to row a leaky boat. You yourself believe in substance and not shadow.

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Scientists Discover A ‘Force-Field’ Around The Human Body That You Can Actually Feel

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

The human body is fascinating, and although we’ve come a long way with regard to understanding how our own biology works, there is still much to be discovered, and still much that has yet to be understood. Even with all of our advancements, and how far we’ve come, it’s but a minor peak in a long road of discovery.

How do we sense the world around us? Are there hidden factors which are UN-observable that remain hidden from the human eye? Sure there are. Why do we duck before coming to a low ceiling? Why do we dodge things that are thrown at us? Do we have more senses than we’ve been lead to believe, and do these senses play a role?

New research from scientists at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden have used a very well known experiment, called “the rubber hand illusion,” to demonstrate that humans can sense what feels like a “force field” between the brush and the rubber hand.

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The Native Americans Code Of 16 Ethics For Humanity To Live By

BLuke Miller Truth Theory

The Traditional Indian Code of Ethics is a set of rules that the Native American community choose to live by. The earliest written source for this code is from 1982, taken from the Four Worlds Development Project, which was founded by Phil Lane Jr, a member of the Yankton Dakota and Chickasaw Nations, although it is though that there are many verbal variations of this code from times gone by.

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Document Surfaces Showing CIA’s Plans To Infiltrate Academia & Change University/College Curriculums

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

There’s no doubt about it: three letter agencies like the NSA, FBI and CIA and the ones we don’t yet know about are full of great people who want nothing but the best for their fellow human beings. People join these agencies because they have good hearts, and want to see the world thrive in a state of peace, equality, abundance and freedom. That being said, the “disastrous rise of misplaced power” to which President Eisenhower referred when referencing the military industrial complex, has taken a hold of these agencies, which now comprise what’s known as the Deep State. The Deep State is a covert network of powerful and influential people who continue to manipulate, lie, and deceive the public for their own interests.

Oh, by the way, it’s safe to assume that the Deep State also includes, as mentioned above, the agencies we don’t yet know about. We know this from looking at history: The National Security Agency (NSA) was founded in 1952, its existence was hidden until the mid 1960s; Another great example is the National Reconnaissance Office, which was founded in 1960 but remained completely secret for three decades.

GFP Newsletter - 9/3/2017

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You walk - everything shows around you. If you are tense you walk in a tense way, as if you are carrying a burden, a mountain on your head; something is hanging around your neck. Even if you shake hands, if you are worried and tense, the hand will be dead, there will be no warmth in it, it will be cold. It is like a dead branch of a tree: no more life moves in it.

Because when you are tense the whole energy is absorbed in the head. When you are relaxed, the energy moves all over; then the energy has a flow. When you are tense it becomes blocked.


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The essential need to honor oneself.

A musing from John.

As I was meditating this morning (one day in April 2016, actually) the thought “honor yourself” flowed into my mind. And I suddenly realized (finally!) that that is the only rule we need to observe!

If I do not honor myself how can I possibly honor anyone else? The vast majority of humans, regardless of race, color, or creed, were, as children, told and shown that they were not good enough. It was (is?) believed that they had to be taught to behave well and honor others, BUT they themselves were not so honored! After all, they were only children!

We are all teachers, as ACIM makes very clear, and we teach what we believe even if we are unaware of it. So, as children, many of us are dishonored, unacknowledged, discounted, and that is what we learnt and then teach, purely by how we conduct ourselves, how we live our lives for all to see.

Our upbringing makes us feel inadequate at best, and at worst worthless! Our “elders and betters” think this is good for us because it was how they were brought up – children need to be disciplined – and that it is the correct way, otherwise they will become uncontrollable! Then in our teens, sometimes much earlier, we rebel against this unfair and unjust treatment, and are again harshly judged by those “elders and betters!” And we do become uncontrollable.

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On Earth, Wonders Are Still Performed

God said:

Of course, the Mind goes further than logic. The Mind can enrich you and travel with you far beyond logic.

Logic tends to be either/or, this and that, or, exclusively, this or that. Logic does not want you to argue with it. Logic tends to say: “Take this or not. There are no two ways about it. You must not stray. Stay on a straight line.”

Logic can entrap you into one way of thinking and block out Awareness of Oneness. Logic can be a secular-minded part of Life that confines you and denies you greater Vision. It can make hash of wide Vision. Logic can narrow your ability to think.

It is perfectly logical that when you have a tiny amount of food available, you want to keep it for yourself and your family. Logic tells you that you cannot afford to share what you have because what you have is finite, for then, as logic sees it, you have one of two choices:

If you feed another, you deny yourself and your family. By necessity, then, all you can do is to deny another. You’re sorry.

Even if you have enough today to feed another, you might not have enough tomorrow, so for your own survival, you are wise to play it safe.

All wars are based on logic. The logic was entitled The Call of the Wild – kill or be killed. With that kind of Earthward logic, there is no logical way to prevent some or most wars or any wars at all. Based on logical thinking, what can you do but fight a war? One way or another, war declared or war contemplated makes killing legit. Anything goes, for what else can be done?

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Daily Message ~ Sunday September 3, 2017

Dear Ones, there is an infinite stream of unconditional love available to you at all times. Love is a constant. The variable is how much you are in acceptance and allowance of it.

We ask you to pay attention. Do you tend to give and not receive? Do you find it easy to serve but find it difficult to allow others to serve you? How many times do you turn down assistance or kindness from others? How often do you still yourself to connect with and feel the love and support of Source? How easy is it for you to accept compliments with grace and appreciation? Or do you shrug all of these things off when they try to come to you?

All of the above are indicators of how much you are allowing yourself the joy of truly experiencing the love that is always, always there for you. It is an endless resource that is there for the sole (soul) purpose of nurturing, sustaining, and cherishing you as a beloved part of that whole. All you have to do is agree to receive it. ~Archangel Gabriel


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