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41 Million Affected And 1,200 Dead By Flooding In India, Bangladesh And Nepal

By Amanda Froelich Truth Theory

Because much of North American media has been focused on Hurricane Harvey and the looming Hurricane Irma, few have been informed of an even worse natural disaster taking place overseas. In India, Bangladesh and Nepal, weeks of unusually strong monsoon rains have resulted in at least 1,200 deaths. In total, approximately 41 million people have been affected, according to the United Nations.

The New York Times reports that thousands of homes have been destroyed in Nepal, where elephants are being used to rescue people and activists have been constructing rafts from bamboo and banana leaves to save landlocked victims. Despite some successful efforts by aid organizations, hundreds remain missing. As a result, many families have held last rites without their loved ones’ bodies.

To make matters worse, Nepal’s flooded areas are in the poorest parts of the country. Many farms are now underwater, and thousands of people are stuck subsisting under plastic tarps in camps for displaced people. As a result of poor hygiene and cramped conditions, disease is beginning to spread.

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It is not unusual to find yourself feeling alone and adrift during these great times of change.  For some, self-imposed isolation is how you deal well with energetic changes.  Others will go out and surround themselves with as many as possible to relieve the symptoms.  Regardless, check in with your heart and be very sure it is the right way for you.  Just like anything else in your Earth plane existence…if it must be forced then it is not what The Universe intended.  Self-care is key, darling one. ~ Creator


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Daily Message ~ Wednesday September 6, 2017

During times of energetic intensity, it can get overwhelming particularly if you are caught up in the unknowns of the future. When times get chaotic it is time to strip things down to basics. Simply take things one now moment at a time. Breathe. Trust. Align. Connect with your core truths and remember what you know. And rest assured that you are absolutely capable of navigating through it all, for these are the exact times your soul couldn't wait to experience. ~Archangel Gabriel



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AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey

Much has been stirred up and brought to the surface since the big Solar Eclipse two weeks ago. We have been through a very intense and transformative period over the last several weeks. There is a lot happening in the world and the energies are hard to just dismiss. The Big Solar Eclipse activated the chart of the United States and the President….and we can see daily how chaos and changes/transformations are being bought to the surface for the leaders of the United States!  The big Solar Eclipse also affected each of us…some more than others and it also affected the collective and the Earth itself!  With this very watery Pisces Full Moon sitting with Neptune (which rules Pisces) there is a lot being played out emotionally and in relationships. We can also see it being played out in the weather….Hurricanes, 2 of them now, and floods!   We are experiencing Radical Change and a Cosmically Intense Turning Point….in our Evolution and the Evolution of the Planet! 

We (ourselves and the collective) plus the Earth are receiving a lot of cosmic energies coming in….consciously and unconsciously.   At times all this energy can feel a bit Chaotic and over whelming!  As it is very intense and is coming from many different areas, and with many different themes….all hitting and surrounding us within a short time period.  It can be a bit challenging.   Remember however…..that out of Chaos, comes Creativity.   It is time for us to manifest and create the future we want!  The Cosmic focus for Evolution….is intensifying!!!

GFP Newsletter - 9/5/2017

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Try to understand this arithmetic of existence, paradoxical, but real. And if you can understand it many things will change in you immediately.

If you demand something it will not be given to you. If you don't demand, you will suddenly find millions of streams falling into you - every door is open. Demand and you will be denied; don't demand and the whole existence belongs to you. Possess and you will lose; don't possess and nobody can take it from you. Be self-conscious and you will not be a Self; be unself-conscious and you attain to the inner crystallization, the integrity which is the Self.


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Daylight Savings Time

God said:

As much as you might like to, no one can be all things to all, do you agree?

However, you can be everything to Me. No, better than that, you are all things to Me. There is no shadow of a doubt. You are a dream of Mine come true. I cognized you. I created you. I did not create you for nothing. I created you in a physical body for greater than your physical body yet also for you to exist in the illusion of the physical for a little while.

I created birds to fly, fish to swim, lions to roar. I created you to soar. I created you to give what is yours to give. Not sometime, but now. Not later but sooner. Not tomorrow, but today. In Truth, only this moment between words exists.

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday September 5, 2017

So many of you have completed one phase of your journey and are anxious for the next phase to begin. You are yearning for new experiences and potentials, new timelines, if you will.

So how do you shift into the new timelines? By surrender, faith, flow, trust, and intention. If you are using those navigational tools, you are poised and ready to move as soon as the elements have come together behind the scenes.

It takes all of the guess work out of things, you see, when you practice surrender, faith, flow, and trust, along with your intention. You know you are primed and ready to move the second the energies support it. You can then simply stay present and engaged in the Now moment until then, following the signs and synchronicities, giving your feedback through gratitude, and doing whatever brings you comfort and joy with your day.

Do you see? Your intention is how you co-create. Your surrender, faith, flow, and trust is your willingness to experience the new. Together they are the operating system of the fully empowered human being. ~Archangel Gabriel


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Peace Or Chaos

There will always be those of you that choose to be in peace and those that choose to be in chaos.  Being peaceful while chaos swirls around you does not negate the chaos.  It does, however, give you peace.  Keeping yourself in a quite space does not change the fact that negative emotions come to you.  It does change exactly how long they stay.  And that, my love, it completely up to you.  (Smiling) ~ Creator


GFP Newsletter - 9/4/2017

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Tense, you are like a river in hot summer; only in some spots little pools are left, but the bed is dry.

Somewhere you can find a little dirty pool, but there is no flow; so again sand, so again a little pool.

This is how a tense man is: there is no flow of energy-many blocks, many dry beds, and somewhere a little pool exists and that pool is bound to become dirty. When energy is flowing you are fresh.

When energy is moving without any blocks you are river-like, and the ocean is not far away. When you are a summer river; when everything is dried and only pools of energy exist, and there is no interlink between your energy pools, then you can never reach to the ocean; then God is the farthest thing possible. Flowing, He is near - non-flowing, He is very, very far away. Flow is needed, and when you flow you are beautiful.

Look at a child, watch a child; he is a flow, a river-like flow. He moves like wind and he never tires.



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