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Another Wave

Get ready…. here comes another wave! It may seem as if the ‘resting time’ between growth periods is getting shorter and shorter, but they are given to you in a way that will help facilitate your growth and learning. It is important to remember self-care and boundaries during these times of change.
If you feel as if you are being overwhelmed, take some time to connect with other like-minded individuals and share experiences. Loving and supporting as well as giving voice to your emotions will be of great help.
Lastly, it is imperative to know that you are never alone in these moments. The Universe takes great pride in what you accomplish during these somewhat challenging times and is there to supporting you every step of the way. ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 7/31/2017

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In millions of ways you attract the attention of others: you dress in a certain way, you try to look beautiful, you behave, you become very polite, you change. When you feel what type of situation is there, you immediately change so that people pay attention to you.

This is a deep begging. A real beggar is one who asks for and demands attention. And a real emperor is one who lives in himself; he has a center of his own, he doesn't depend on anybody else.


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Doors Open, and Someone Walks Through

God said:

You may have said more than once:

“How different the world would be if I had some say over it!”

Here’s the rub, dear Sons and Daughters: You do have say. You and the world go hand in hand. Lift your Life, and you lift the world.

If you see yourself as a cog in the wheel, how are you rating yourself?

If you see yourself as helpless, what do you contribute?

How you see the world, despite what you may prefer, is pretty much how you see yourself. Of course, there can be exceptions at least on the surface, yet pretty much, this is the case. Accept more confidence in your ability to make a difference, and you will make more of a difference.

How does a child from the slums who has no shoes grow up to be a billionaire? You might say it was by chance. You might say he was lucky. Indeed! You might say he worked hard. Regardless, he had somewhere deep within himself a belief in himself and his ability to make something happen. He had the drive. He had the get-up-and-go.

Regardless, you can also ask: “What is so all-out important about becoming a billionaire?” Of course, this may well be the way many prove their inherent value to themselves. At the same time, this question may be asked about many avenues in Life. Teacher, student, cabinet-maker etc.

In the example of the pauper who became a prince, likely, the pauper knew what he wanted. He didn’t let the grass grow under his feet. He didn’t say that he had no power. He told himself that he had power. He achieved what he set out to achieve.

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The Resonance Of The Earth's Geomagnetic Field Has Quadrupled In The Last 24 Hours

Update: We received a message from the HeartMath Institute saying the spikes appear to have been an error: "We don’t know the exact cause of the spikes but believe they may have been caused by lightning. At the same time the spikes were recorded, we were making changes in the digital noise reduction filters which allowed energy from the spikes to be included in the Schumann power measurement giving a false reading."


By Luke Miller Truth Theory

There has been a spike in the power of the earth’s geomagnetic field affecting the schumann’s resonance: reaching a 15 month high.

According to a real time graph from Heart Math there has been a spike in the earth’s geomagnetic field, the data only goes back 1 year, but I managed to find data going back to April 2016, meaning it could actually go back further than 15 months.

The Spike

The spike was recorded by the Global Coherence Monitoring System from the Heart Math institute:

The Global Coherence Monitoring System has been in operation since 2015 and uses state-of-the-art sensing technology to detect changes in the earth’s magnetic field. They have 6 systems based in

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The Power of NO

by Julian Rose

When one feels and witnesses the crushing affect of the status quo on all sentient elemental life forms, as well as on the great majority of human beings, one eventually reaches the point of saying “No, enough!”

Saying No comes before saying Yes, in the context of putting a brake on the slide into slavery currently besetting a great proportion of mankind. There comes a moment, in nearly everybody's life, when one makes a stand against some intolerable treatment which is being meted-out by the forces of control and subversion.

Almost any incident could spark-off the resistance: stifling and stultifying bureaucracy, the crazy behavior of a neighbor, criminal bank charges, the dictatorial behavior of the boss at work – any and all ways where the law is treated as a blunt instrument of repression. They all have a common source which centers around the deliberately oppressive, competitive structure built-in to our post industrial Westernized societies. One that crushes the humanity out of people. Although external in nature, the pressure builds and builds internally – until something gives – and one finally says “No! No more!”

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General Mills Teams Up with Big Pharma to Keep Americans Obese and Unhealthy - Waking Times

Cameron S. Bigger, Staff Writer
Waking Times

General Mills is one of the largest processed food manufacturers in the world, owning more than 100 food brands in more than 100 countries. It owns such beloved brands as Cheerios, Lucky Charms, Yoplait Yogurt, Betty Crocker, Chex Mix, Progresso Soups, Häagen Dazs ice cream, Gold Medal Flour, and Pillsbury Dough.

Since 2008, Kendall Powell has been the Chairman of General Mills. Since 2007, also serving on the Board of Directors of Medtronic—the producers of the #1 selling insulin pump. In fact, he now serves as the Chairman of Medtronic’s Compensation Committee.

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Daily Message ~ Monday July 31, 2017

What would happen if human beings started to acknowledge every single soul's innate ability to be exactly where they need to be at any given moment? You would start to practice honour and acceptance for yourselves and for others, and that, all by itself, would be a profoundly powerful energetic shift that would ripple out beyond anything you could imagine. ~Archangel Gabriel

GFP Newsletter - 7/30/2017

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You can clash with an Enlightened man, but that is your problem, not his. And if you are hurt in that clash, that too is your own problem. He cannot hurt you. And it is like knocking against a wall - you will be hurt, but the wall has not hurt you.


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The Gnomes – One of Many Elemental Beings That Might Also Inhabit The Earth

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

Many ancient cultures have stories and texts which refer to ‘magical’ and ‘mythical’ lands that c0-exist alongside our reality. Whether these places are actual physical places, or places that reside in ‘another dimension,’ for lack of a better term, has been the subject of great discussion within various texts throughout the ages. These stories can be found in ancient Buddhism and Vedic philosophy, along with oral stories passed down from Native cultures throughout the world. Regardless of what tradition the stories come from, however, it’s clear these weren’t just fables, but fact, a part of reality that many experienced and witnessed.

For example, earlier this year we published an article discussing the Legend of Shambhala, a Hidden Land That Exists Within Our Own.

The idea of gnomes or dwarfs dwelling alongside human beings might seem ridiculous to many readers, but this doesn’t change the fact that some of the world’s most brilliant scholars have critically examined the lore, and the evidence.


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