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Pictures of Life Taken from Different Angles of the Sun

God said:

No longer fear what the world calls death which, as it turns out, is no more than a change of venue. Those who die and the loved ones left behind come to a point of releasing a certain filter more or less identified as the physical.

The old style camera no longer can take pictures, or, rather, you don’t have the means to develop the photos nor, at present, are your eyes able to see the behind-the-scene levels of Being. The physical is no longer the featured picture. The loss you anticipate has only to do with a glimpse of the physical and the senses you have become accustomed to.

Your beloved who appeared in the physical can now be looked at more like, no offense, an old favored couch that you have to let go of, or, on some occasions, a beautiful newer couch that got covered up in some way. It is a well-grasped idea in the relative world that everything you are attached to has to be let go of, yet this parting is so heavy-duty that your heart hurts and you pay dearly for the privilege of having known the soul of one who became so dear to you.

What passes, dearlings, is time, even though time is only an idea. Time itself even acknowledges that it marches on, and there is no holding on to it forever more. Time is a wily will-o’- the-wisp.

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Daily Message ~ Friday July 28, 2017

Dear Ones, the antidote to doubt is trust. Doubt constrains and stagnates, while trust expands and opens to new experiences. Your soul is always seeking expansion and experience, so trust is a vital element!

Trust in your guides and helpers, trust in your own wisdom and capability, trust in your soul's ability to know where you wish to go and what you wish to do. Trust in a universe that adores you! Trust that you can move one Now moment at a time and redirect as you go, if necessary.

It is time for you to reassure the part of you that is fearful and doubts and to lovingly guide yourself to your next beautiful expression of self. The most glorious act of self love is acknowledging all your parts, soothing and encouraging them, and guiding yourself forward as your own divine and mindful leader. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Your Garden

Imagine your mind as a garden.  Some are full of weeds and brambles, ready to poke and give pain with each step.  Others are full of flowers, food and medicinal plants, bringing beauty, sustenance and healing to your life in ways that you can easily understand.  Still others have nothing at all; the ground being ready to receive whatever is placed there.  And, just like any other garden, it needs watering, tending and love to thrive.  Take a few moments today and think of what your garden needs and what you are choosing to plant.  Destructive or beautiful; the choice is always yours. ~ Creator

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Science Confirms that Nearly Half of the Human Body is Made of Intergalactic Stardust

Buck Rogers, Staff Writer
Waking Times

“The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of starstuff.” ~Carl Sagan, Star Stuff

Have you ever felt as though some part of you was not from our galaxy, that somehow you had a physical connection with the cosmos?

A dramatic new study into the origins of galaxies simulated the process by which galaxies are formed and when stars within them explode. The finding offer strong evidence that nearly half of the atoms found in the Milky Way are made from residual particles ejected when far away galaxies go supernova and explode. This includes half of the atoms that make up the human body.

GFP Newsletter - 7/27/2017

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The ego is a plastic thing, but it looks permanent. Remember, eternity is not permanence. Eternity moves through movements. Eternity moves through change. Eternity is continuous change, and yet it remains the same: changing, yet remaining the same, moving, yet never moving.


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Your Key to Life Is How You See It.

God said:

Open your Heart to Love. What is so hard about this? In some corners of Life, this means simply to fear not. What an amazing expression – to fear not. To set yourself loose from fear. To say Sayonara to fears, little and big. To come to the place where you can rise from fear. What basic fear is it that you are to rise from?

Rise from the basic fear of granting yourself freedom to live Life as you are without chains and hand cuffs. To be as you are doesn’t mean to be as you used to be or used to think you were. Those were just ideas. Make room for new thinking. Flex your Muscles. Say Yes to Life more than you say No.

You like new things. You like new cars. You like new books. You like new clothes. Why maintain old fears? No need to replace old fears with new ones. Where did you get the idea that fears are to have a place of honor in your Life?

Beloved, you are the only one who can set yourself free. It is for you to give yourself permission to declare your freedom – your freedom from what? How about declaring your freedom from everything that ails you?

Your key to Life is how you see it. You can’t get around this.

One way or another, you learned to adapt to fear as a Way of Life. You learned well. Hey, never mind now the old fears you used to hang out with. They are ominous shadows, wasps that buzz around you. Fears are your thoughts that you supercharge.

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Doctor Discovers Telepathic Abilities In Multiple Autistic Children

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

What we label as autism covers a vast spectrum. One autistic child may be able to communicate perfectly and perform normal daily life tasks, while others can barely move, and still others can’t communicate at all. You also have children under this label known as autistic “savants” who show extraordinary abilities.  This is why it’s more commonly referred to as autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

Some savants are able to perform extreme mathematical calculations in their head, similar to a calculator or computer, and others have remarkable artistic ability spanning across a variety of subjects. The list of abilities seen in savants is long, and one ability that could one day be added to that list is telepathy.

Unfortunately, it’s commonly believed that the autistic children who lack movement and communication are ‘not there.’ Yet some evidence suggests they are not only aware, but have greater mental abilities than the average person. The communication barrier may be preventing them from sharing that with us, but perhaps we’ve been missing something?

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7 “Weird” Things We All Do (But Won’t Admit)

by Mark DeNicola, Collective Evolution

When we are honest with ourselves, which can be harder than it seems, we all know that we are each at least a little bit “weird.”

Whether it be an odd tendency we’ve had for years, or a way of behaving while alone that we believe nobody else would ever even conceptualize, much less respect us for, we are all unique in our own special way.

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Magnesium Found to Treat Depression Better than Antidepressant Drugs

(Natural News) A breakthrough nutritional study conducted at the Larner College of Medicine at the University of Vermont and published in PLoS ONE has found that just 248mg of magnesium per day leads to an astounding reversal of depression symptoms in study subjects.

New clinical research results show magnesium is effective at addressing symptoms and is safer and easier on the wallet than prescription therapies,” reports Science Daily, echoing the reporting of Natural News from over a decade ago. Today, even mainstream science is now confirming that magnesium is a safe, affordable and effective treatment for depression.

What’s really astonishing about all this is that while dangerous pharmaceuticals are bankrupting our nation and causing our health care system to collapse under the weight of out-of-control costs, magnesium can treat and prevent depression for mere pennies a day. Just a quarter of a gram of magnesium is all that’s necessary, and it costs less than 10 cents a day.

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Daily Message ~ Thursday July 27, 2017

Dear Ones, there are endless supports available to you. If you are unsure of how to proceed, ask for help from your loving team of guides and helpers. If you are unsure of how to help another appropriately, ask your guides and helpers to provide healing and guidance for their situation. Just as calling in experts to fix something that isn't working in your house is still taking empowered action, so is calling on your guides and helpers to lend their expertise to any situation. It is always our greatest joy to serve and assist you. The key is remembering to ask. ~Archangel Gabriel


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