God said:
Certainly, you feel afloat in the world. Your feet may be on solid ground. Your feet may even be glued to the ground. Nevertheless, you feel up in the air, suspended in midstream as it were. You may feel that you haven’t yet landed, that you fly around somewhere getting ready to come to Earth, yet it hasn’t happened yet. You haven’t hit Earth yet. You wonder if you ever will, or if you will be spending your Life in midair suspended between two worlds, neither of which you may feel you really belong in.
You are a dispatch that was sent and, as yet, hasn’t reached the landing place. You are in an awkward place. How long does it take you before you can say fully that you have come to Earth? You wonder if you will ever get down-to-Earth the way others appear to do.
Other people seem to have some chance of command over their lives whereas you seem to just keep looking at a Life in the distance, front or back, as if you are looking for an opportunity to glide down to your Life or over it or around it. It doesn’t seem to you that you have even gotten your sights yet. You don’t know where to look.
How strange it is to not be anywhere, or not to know where you are, and not to know who or what you are. You don’t know if you are a star in a far-off galaxy. You don’t have a compass to give you good directions. When you are adrift, you long to steady yourself.
What dream is this you are having? Are you the Dreamer of the Dream, or are you the Dream itself? What do you have to drop off, or what is it you have to catch onto?