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A Quiet Land

God said:

Ah, there is a place that exists, and you are invited. This is a Quiet Place. In the center of a maelstrom lies this Quiet Place.

In the world where winds blow, the eye of the hurricane lies within you. In the midst of a huge storm, which you may witness and believe in, there lies this calmness. It awaits you. Be assured that this quiet place is within you. It always exists. It is yours. It is you. Reveal and enter. Sink into it, this Quiet Land within you.

The way someone might put a shawl around his shoulders, so do you have the opportunity to enter this Quiet Place. Find it. You have it. Everyone has it. This Place of Calm is your Center. This is where, in Truth, you abide. This is you. This is the real you. Always you are free to enter here no matter what storm may rage outside.

Whatever wild winds may throw around – none of this is the Truth of you. Oh, yes, the storms may rage and pick you up. Just the same, you are the Calm within every storm. No matter what transpires, no matter how storms may whirl, inside you is where you are invulnerable and where I wait with you.

A storm may toss you from pillar to post. You may feel you are at the mercy of a storm. Nevertheless, within you is where you repose. Recline in this place that is always available to you and seeking you and where I AM.

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78-Year-Old Grandmother Spends 7 Years Transforming Swampland Into Two-Acre Wonderland

By Amanda Froelich Truth Theory

Behind an unassuming home in Walkden, England, 78-year-old grandmother Sally Berry cares for a tranquil paradise which was once an unloved and derelict swamp. Dubbed The Secret Valley, it truly is just that according to the mother-of-three and those who visit her.

When she first moved into the house in 2010, Berry was surprised to see the two-acre site covered in dense knotweed. Though she was 71-years-old at the time, she was determined to transform it into the oasis she knew it could be, so used a scythe her son William purchased for her and got to work.

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Allowing yourself to be bent or allowing others to bend you to their will through spoken or unspoken expectation is a recipe for disaster and self-loathing. Stay true to who you are and what you want from this Earth-plane existence. Stand in integrity, dear one!  You are always supported by The Universe. ~ Creator

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Big Pharma and the Creation of a Painkiller Addiction Epidemic

Paul A. Philips, Guest
Waking Times

Many people would naturally associate drug addiction with illegal street drugs. However, there’s a different type of drug addiction. Growing exponentially and out of control Big Pharma has created an opioid painkiller addiction epidemic that’s causing more suffering and death than illegal street drugs.

In the USA the opioid painkiller prescription rate has increased by 300% over the last 10 years.  In Alabama State, for every 100 people, doctors hand out a staggering 123 opioid painkiller prescriptions. This is the highest rate in the USA.Americans are the highest opioid users making up 80% of the world’s total use.

Considering the potential for having serious side effects and their addictive nature this makes opioid painkillers the most dangerous drugs known. Around 70% of accidental deaths caused by prescription drugs have been attributed to painkillers:  Over the last 10 years, female overdose deaths through opioids have increased by 450%.

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday August 2, 2017

Many enlightening human beings came onto the earth to be of service. They understood the ascension of the planet and her inhabitants was a true potential and came to assist that process. Because many had attempted such a task before in other incarnations and failed, they came onto the planet with a great sense of responsibility – a seriousness and a sense of urgency that they naturally felt due to their service contract.

So now that the shift is occurring, those human beings are starting to experience a change of service. Their first phase of service, the doing phase, is completed, and now their service is shifting into being. This is a profound shift of service that many of you are now working on getting comfortable with.

There is a changing of the guard, so to speak, with one vast group switching up their service from doing to being, and another vast group stepping forward into the doing phase of their service. The first wave is moving forward in their divine self expression, pioneering new paths and potentials as creators, while many others are awakening to fill the service roles they left behind.

This is proof positive that the shift is occurring and all your hard work is reaping rewards! It is beautifully and divinely orchestrated to honour each person’s growth and intended service paths, and a wondrous aspect of the shift of consciousness you are all such a vital part of. It is truly remarkable to see. ~Archangel Gabriel

GFP Newsletter - 8/1/2017

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If the wife escapes, divorces you, goes to somebody else, you are completely shattered - because she had been paying attention to you, caring, loving, moving around you, helping you to feel that you were somebody. Your whole empire is lost, you are simply shattered. You start thinking about suicide. Why? Why, if a wife leaves you, should you commit suicide? Why, if a husband leaves you, should you commit suicide? Because you don't have any center of your own. The wife was giving you the center; the husband was giving you the center.

This is how people exist. This is how people become dependent on others. It is a deep slavery. Ego HAS to be a slave. It depends on others. And only a person who has no ego is for the first time a Master; he is no longer a slave.


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Somewhere Over the Rainbow

God said:

Certainly, you feel afloat in the world. Your feet may be on solid ground. Your feet may even be glued to the ground. Nevertheless, you feel up in the air, suspended in midstream as it were. You may feel that you haven’t yet landed, that you fly around somewhere getting ready to come to Earth, yet it hasn’t happened yet. You haven’t hit Earth yet. You wonder if you ever will, or if you will be spending your Life in midair suspended between two worlds, neither of which you may feel you really belong in.

You are a dispatch that was sent and, as yet, hasn’t reached the landing place. You are in an awkward place. How long does it take you before you can say fully that you have come to Earth? You wonder if you will ever get down-to-Earth the way others appear to do.

Other people seem to have some chance of command over their lives whereas you seem to just keep looking at a Life in the distance, front or back, as if you are looking for an opportunity to glide down to your Life or over it or around it. It doesn’t seem to you that you have even gotten your sights yet. You don’t know where to look.

How strange it is to not be anywhere, or not to know where you are, and not to know who or what you are. You don’t know if you are a star in a far-off galaxy. You don’t have a compass to give you good directions. When you are adrift, you long to steady yourself.

What dream is this you are having? Are you the Dreamer of the Dream, or are you the Dream itself? What do you have to drop off, or what is it you have to catch onto?

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The Great American Eclipse: An Astrological Analysis

by Carmen Di Luccio, Collective Evolution

On August 21st, 2017, we will be experiencing one of the most powerful and significant total solar eclipses of our lifetime. Its path of totality goes right across the United States from coast to coast, starting from Oregon in the West to South Carolina in the East. This eclipse has been on the radar for both astronomers and astrologers for years and has been dubbed ‘The Great American Eclipse.’

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Heart Medicine - Awakening and Reconnecting to Your Soul with the Sacred Plant Iboga - Waking Times

Dylan Charles, Editor
Waking Times

“Man is a stream whose source is hidden. Our being is descending into us from we know not whence.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

If you could give the person that you loved most in all the world any gift you could possibly imagine, what gift would you choose? Would it be the same gift if the person you love most turned out to be yourself?

What would you say or ask of yourself if you had the full attention of every dimension of you? What is it that you’d like to know, and what is it that you’d like to share with your very own soul?

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday August 1, 2017

Do you believe that the universe tests you? To believe that you are being tested suggests that you also believe you are being judged and graded. Dear Ones, nothing is further from the truth!

We only have unconditional love and support for you. We encourage you to have a myriad of experiences, for that is how you define yourself and decide what you would like to experience next with your free will. If we are not judging you, why should you be so hard on yourself?

Take the pressure off and understand that being on the planet, in a human body, is deciding to enter the playland of experience. This is so you can better know and choose your preferences, which supports your expansion and growth, and allows you to demonstrate your mastery for no other reason than that is who you are.

And that, Dear Ones, is the true freedom and joy of self expression we wish to see from each and every one of you, for that is how you add to the mosaic of the whole in the ways that only you can do. ~Archangel Gabriel


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