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An Understanding with God

God said:

Beginning today, no longer are you to be on the verge of your Great Discovery. Now, today, dally no longer. Jump in. Now, today, you are to enter Life with both feet. No longer do you sit down at the Table at the Grand Feast of Life and not pick up your fork.

It’s true that I repeat Myself, yet never do I wander. I make no bones about My beckoning to you. I do not fiddle around. I adhere to the Truth. You can say I persist. Now, in My Steadfastness, I set an example for you.

Winston Churchill and I are both in agreement about going forward without ever even one moment of giving up so easily. For you, too, conceding defeat within Our Jurisdiction is not even a possibility. It is inconceivable. Winston Churchill holds firm. He never thinks: “Whose responsibility is this anyway? Should I find a way to get out of this, or shall I forge through?”

Churchill found his way, and he burst through boundaries. He put boundaries in their place. He allowed himself the freedom to reach his goals. Ever he forged through. This is your next step, My darlings.

Too many of My children may say: “Later, God, if you don’t mind. I like to have my prerogatives laid out all ahead of me lined up in a row.”

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Daily Message ~ Thursday July 6, 2017

Dear Ones, many fears arise from the idea that you are a limited resource and someone can take away from you, leaving you depleted. This comes from seeing yourself as separate from Source energy. Next time you experience yourself in resistance to anything, stop and ask yourself whether your fear is valid or if you have allowed yourself to shift out of your balance and alignment that sees yourself as a fully capable and abundant creator. When you embrace your divinity as part of All That Is, you recognize that you are also an infinite resource. ~Archangel Gabriel

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The Madness of War

Julian Rose, Contributor
Waking Times

It is essential to constantly remind ourselves, that war, apart from a very few exceptions, is a symptom of madness. Yet war is a disease which is largely taken for granted; considered ‘normal’ and unless it involves a large swathe of humanity, ignored. How did we allow ourselves to be trapped by such insanity?

In 2017, wars are as prevalent as ever. They are being manifest in the Middle East, in Africa, in South America, and in a lesser form, in almost all countries of the World. They are the result of a failure to recognize that killing another is actually killing one’s self. A failure to grasp that humanity is a collective made up of millions of individuals, all of whom share a common ancestry and, on a subconscious plain, a common aspiration and destiny.

There is no victory in war. War is an admission of defeat. When humans resort to mass killing of each other we see an expression of failure, never success. Not so long ago war was glorified and, for the victor, held up as an expression of supreme national pride. In fact, such an attitude was predominant in the species for thousands of years.

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Chemotherapy May Spread Cancer and Trigger More Aggressive Tumors, Says New Research - Waking Times

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer
Waking Times

The world spent over $100 billion a year on cancer drugs in 2015, a year in which the world’s highest paid CEO made his killing from cancer patients. Much of this is spent on chemotherapy, which is well-known to weaken patients, sacrifice their immune systems and make them susceptible to co-infections, diseases and other complications.

In addition to these side-effects, it has now been discovered that while chemotherapy does kill cancer cells, it can also trigger cancer cells to disperse throughout the body triggering more aggressive tumors to develop in the lungs and other vital bodily systems.

GFP Newsletter - 7/5/2017

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Be more aware. Be more aware when you exhale, be more aware when you inhale. And don't cling to either of them. Earn money - share - be aware. Don't think of the quantity.


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A Virtuoso of Life

God said:

Well, here is how it is. For some time now, We are ahead in writing down Heavenletters.

Today, as I whisper in the ether this fresh new Heavenletter, the given date is January 1, 2017, the first day of the New Year. This is heralded in the world as a Special Day, a Holiday, a Holy Day.

Of course, every day is a Holy Day and remarkable in the world. Where do days in the world come from if not from Heaven? Every day is remarkable. Every day is a Day Coming over the Horizon that has never arrived on Earth before. Every day is worthy of a celebration.

At the same time, there is Infinity. We can describe Infinity as seamless. Yes, Infinity is seamless. There is no separation. It is impossible for Infinity to separate itself. There is not a way in the world to precisely describe a new day that is unlike any other day in the world. A new day is brand-new.

In Infinity, everything is fresh. Today, the day you receive this Heavenletter, is a day, an ordinary day, if you will. Every day is really a regular day until you name it otherwise. I name each day remarkable.

Yet, of course, named days such as New Year’s Day tend to pull out an expectancy from you. You can name this Expectancy as Desire, Hope, Love and Greater Anticipation.

In the world, everything is more and more or, contritely, less and less, depending on how you look at it. How you look at Life is how you engage in Life.

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday July 5, 2017

Dear Ones, when you have created a firm and divinely connected energetic foundation for yourself, your responses are authentic, balanced, mindful, kind, and loving. If others are unkind to you, it is indicative that they are out of balance - that their fundamental needs have been unmet, that they are in discomfort, and have not yet discovered their own truth, connectedness, or wholeness. Every action or response is simply an indicator of how far along people are in the discovery and acceptance of their own divine nature. ~Archangel Gabriel

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5 lessons from the Animal Kingdom

by Jessie Klassen

Nature has many wisdoms and lessons for those who are open to her teachings.  As children, we tend to be open to nature, but growing into adulthood, we can often fall asleep to our connection with the natural world.  Our senses become numb to the voice of nature as we go about our lives until we forget that there is an entire world right before our eyes just waiting to interact with us.

7 years ago I went through a major life change where I began to “wake up.”  Fortunately, nature was there, patiently waiting for me.

Animals are wonderful communicators and messengers who are more than willing to interact with those open to the possibility.  

Here are 5 of my most profound lessons that I have learned from the animal kingdom in the last 7 years.

Lesson #1

“Accept your spots”

Not surprisingly, this lesson came from a leopard that visited my dreams.  I had never had any previous encounters with leopards before, nor had I ever felt a particular kinship with them either.  Sometimes we just don’t know who is trying to help us or who’s lessons that we are in need of.


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