GFP Newsletter - 7/4/2017

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In the middle, mind disappears. It is just like the pendulum; the pendulum goes on moving to the right and to the left. You know that if the pendulum is moving from right to left and from left to right the clock is functioning. If the pendulum is maintained in the middle, balanced, all movement gone - the clock stops. And when the pendulum goes to the left you only think it is going to the left, but it is gathering momentum to go to the right. So where is it going? When it goes to the left it is gathering momentum. This going to the left is nothing but a preparation to go to the right. It goes to the left, gathers the energy, the momentum, then it goes to the right. Left-right it moves. Those two extremes keep it moving.

Mind is a movement between extremes. It is a travel, a continuous movement between two. In the middle mind simply disappears, because movement disappears. When there is no movement, you are a being for the first time, you are in a state of being. Everything stops, time, space - everything has disappeared.

It doesn't mean that you stop functioning. It simply means that now, your headquarters have changed; they are in the middle. Now you will function from the middle. You will go to the left, you will go to the right. You can go to the left without any fear. You can go to the right and to the left, retaining yourself in the middle. That's why I call it the greatest art to be in the middle.


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What Can You Not Be?

God said:

Yes, what a miracle Life is, and what a miracle you are. Have you obtrusively held the idea that you are a sluggard? Come now, let Me wake you up.

You are a Font of Knowledge Complete. You have it all. Somewhere within you, you have it all. Within you, you are missing nothing. Within you, you have full recognition of your Full Value. You may hedge around this, but what is hedging but not quite looking at the Wholesomeness that you are? Be done with limited awareness that holds you back.

You are complete. You may on occasion see yourself in shambles, yet you are not in shambles and cannot be in shambles. Your intellect has been scrounging around. Your mind is a wonderful thing, yet your mind is not everything. All is contained within you whether you grasp this or not. Likely, you don’t grasp. Nevertheless, somewhere within you, your heart hears your mind’s thoughts. And so, your heart takes a leap upward or downward.

How profound are your heart and mind as they bounce off each other, as if they are to spar instead of being great friends. What a stir in the Universe you create. You are a creator as well. Alas, too often you create doubt and puzzlement.

There is nothing you cannot create. Look, you have created a mess or two, have you not? Tell me then what you could not create? If you can create a tempest in a teapot as well as you do, you can dream and spatter paint. If you can do these, what Beauty can you not create in this moment before you right now?

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Forgive and be at peace.

All is One.  Each and everyone of you is individual, and, in this same now moment, the only moment, the eternal endless moment, in fact the Holy Instant, you are One with Source, Father/Mother/God.  There is No Separation!  There is only One, but, as humans in physical form, you remain unaware of this.

Intellectually many have accepted this truth, but very few have sufficiently detached from their ego personalities to be able to truly know it and live it.  To awaken is to know yourself as you truly and eternally are – One with the All – and in that knowing you are in eternal peace, joyfully fulfilling your creative potential in the most beautiful and harmonious union with your heavenly Father.  You need nothing and you want nothing because he has already given you everything – Himself and All of Creation.

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Super Hero?!

You may have those moments when the darkness feels as if it is coming at you like a bullet train. All you feel you can do is stand there, wide-eyed and frozen in fear as it approaches. However, you do have a ‘secret weapon’…. the Unconditional Love of The Universe!
Regardless of what you are experiencing, if you choose to embrace and radiate that Love out to all, no darkness can withstand it. Rather than a deer in the headlights, you are a super hero! Once you realize that, the rest is easy! ~ Creator

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Photos of NJ Governor Claiming Closed Beach for His Personal Use a Reminder of Why Revolutions Happen

Isaac Davis, Staff Writer
Waking Times

American Independence Day is upon us, and millions of the tax-paying subjects of big government will be enjoying a short furlough from hard work to spend time with family and friends in many of America’s beautiful parks.

For Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey, though, this year’s 4th of July celebration is a reminder of just how good it is to be king. Photos of Christie and his family relaxing in the sun at a closed Island Beach State Park, N.J. have sparked outrage, and serve as a reminder of why revolutions happen: government always abuses its subjects.

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday July 4, 2017

Dear Ones, the unfoldment is always serving you. Have faith. Trust. Be open and curious. Allow yourself to move forward without resistance. Understand your soul is always seeking expansion and growth and knows exactly what it is doing. You can rest assured that all movement is ultimately forward movement. ~Archangel Gabriel

GFP Newsletter - 7/3/2017

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It was said of Vinoba Bhave, that if you brought money to him he would simply close his eyes. He would not touch, he would not look at the money.

This seems to be another extreme. Why be so afraid of money? Why this fear? Why close your eyes? What is wrong with money? Nothing is wrong with money, but you are afraid. This is the reverse image of the miser, because the man is afraid that if he looks at the money then the desire for it will arise.

Remember, if you are afraid of looking at money, at a beautiful woman, if you are afraid to look, what does it show? It shows that a fear is there that if you look at a beautiful woman, the desire for her will arise. You are afraid of the desire and you have suppressed it. Then you cannot even look. This is the most obscene type of mind. If you cannot look at a beautiful woman, what are you doing? Your whole sexuality has become cerebral. You cannot even use your eyes now. No, they are not eyes - they have become genital organs. You are afraid, because if you look then you don't know what will happen. You are afraid of yourself, that's why you cannot see. One can move from one extreme to another. One can hoard money or one can throw it to the dogs and escape from it to the Himalayas.

But both types are the same.


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A Cornucopia of Life

God said:

On one level, the world is indeed not a place to look for perfection. Seeking perfection will get you going around circles as on a merry-go-round, and the happiness you so deeply seek will elude you.

However, when you look for perfection from another angle, the world is nothing but perfection! Man oh man, listen to what I say: The world is perfection in all its shining colors.

To see one sunrise and one sunset could be enough to last you a Lifetime. The same for mountains and mountain streams. The same for all the myriads of waters deep and mist and all the bounties of nature. You can only be dazzled by the wonder of the seasons, of temperatures and all the echoes from one cave to another, from one face to another, from one Ocean to another, from one freckle to another. And what about music! How can music be composed and played in so many endless ways! Oh My Goodness, so many notes made into Infinite varieties of music and sold, well -- sold for a song!

And there is dance! And there is art that is beyond your ken! What is there that I have not thought of? There is nothing for you to miss out on. Even when you take the long way around, you will not be denied. You have a Cornucopia of Life before you. You have Life coming out of the yin/yang. You have Life bursting its seams!

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Ireland Follows Germany, France and Bulgaria with Ban on Fracking - "We've Made History" - Waking Times

Vic Bishop, Staff Writer
Waking Times

The global movement to ban hydraulic fracturing (fracking), a method of extracting petrochemicals from shale rock deposits underneath the ground, is gaining steam as Ireland has just announced a ban on onshore fracking.

After passing the ban within the Irish parliament, The Petroleum and Other Minerals Development (Prohibition of Onshore Hydraulic Fracturing) Bill 2016 is now expected to be signed into law by Irish President Michael D. Higgins, meaning Ireland will join several other European nations in the movement.


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