GFP Newsletter - 6/22/2017

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You fall in love with a man or a woman, then you become afraid of hate, anger and conflict. But what will you do? - they are bound to come. Your so-called love depends on them; it cannot exist alone, it is a rhythm. The opposite is needed.

Have you ever seen a river with one bank? Life is a river, and mind tries to flow with one bank - that is the neurosis. There are peaks and there are valleys. There are high moments and there are low moments. Don't get obsessed with any high peak, otherwise, what will happen to the valley? Have you seen a peak without a valley?


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Divine Rapport

God said:

So many thoughts rule the world, thoughts escaping like a mass release of prisoners. Thoughts like cars entering the freeway. Thoughts speeding on electrical connections.

Thoughts come in so many languages, and thoughts tussle with each other to make more room for themselves.

How is it that so many thoughts crisscross the Universe, zooming around at the speed of light? How busy is the human mind. There is no lack of thoughts. It seems that you hardly choose your thoughts. It’s more like thoughts grab you, unending constant thoughts. Constant appraisals and conclusions drawn, the process of thinking something like riding the merry-go-round in every direction, up and down and sideways.

How busy your thoughts are. How random. How often short-sided. How often harried. Thoughts often like robbers, robbing you of your peace of mind. Bundled up thoughts, thoughts rushing in, each thought trying to keep its place in the cosmos. Indeed, thoughts seem to have a mind of their own. Thoughts upon thoughts. Thoughts running a race in order to confound you.

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Top 7 Pieces of Modern Day Geopolitical Propaganda - Waking Times

Makia Freeman, Contributor
Waking Times

Modern day propaganda is all around us. However, people have usually become so numb to it that they can no longer perceive it. Many people choose ignorance, complacency or apathy to deal with it. Often you can observe groups developing societal Stockholm Syndrome, where they praise they captors out of a forlorn hope that by doing so that may somehow change things or alleviate the pain.

The control system uses all of its tentacles to keep people conditioned to a more a sheeplike and unconscious state. It is the politician’s job to lie, the MSM (mainstream media’s) job to program you and Big Pharma’s job to keep you sedated with synthetic petrochemical drugs. It is a constant battle to broaden your awareness, uplift your consciousness and expand your perception in the face of these forces which seek to imprison humanity in a limited perception of Who We Are, who’s running the world, how they’re doing it and how we can change it. Propaganda does not just belong to Nazi Germany or Soviet Russia. Modern day propaganda is everywhere; sometimes subtle, sometimes overt, always pervasive.

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Monsanto and Bayer are Maneuvering to Take Over the Cannabis Industry

Phillip Schneider, Staff Writer
Waking Times

It has been rumored for years that Monsanto plans to take over the cannabis industry with genetic engineering just as they’ve taken over the corn and soy industries. Although they have always denied having any intentions to do so, at this point it is unlikely that anybody really believes them. In contrast, many in the cannabis sphere are prepared to resist any kind of GMO takeover of marijuana by Monsanto or any of their cohorts.

Evidence is mounting, though, which points strongly to the notion that Monsanto does indeed plan to take control of the cannabis plant, and it doesn’t look good for medical users, or anyone planning on getting into the industry.

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Daily Message ~ Thursday June 22, 2017

Dear Ones, as you are in the process of co-creating, there may be some twists and turns in the unfoldment. This does not mean things are wrong in any way!

Occasionally it will be necessary to pause to allow other elements to fall into place. Sometimes you will find yourself inexplicably stalled or delayed in one place because your energy is required there. Or sometimes you may be rerouted momentarily because there is an opportunity for you to make an intersection with another person that will benefit you both. There is always a purpose to your circumstances that serves you.

So trust. Accept. Find peace wherever you are. Hold your vision, follow your heart, and know that you are doing a marvellous job. ~Archangel Gabriel

GFP Newsletter - 6/21/2017

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Look at the beauty: you exale - the moment you exhale, you have created a situation for a deep inhalation. When you inhale, you have created a situation for a deep exhalation. The opposite is really not the opposite. How can it be the opposite? Inhalation depends upon exhalation, exhalation depends on inhalation. How can they be enemies? How can there be any antagonism? They are friends, they are not foes. They are playing a game in which they appear to be opposites, but deep down they are one earth.


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Our One Truth

God said:

Beloveds, I gave you My troth. We are betrothed. I give it to you now. We are Truth. The Truth is that We are One.

Beloveds, it isn’t so much that you are to trust Me. From the world view, how can you trust Me, rely on Me, depend upon Me when, at any moment, something untoward and inexplicable can happen to you in the blink of an eye? From the world view, somehow, somewhere, when you expect it or when you don’t, in whatever manner it may occur, your body will lie down, and it is bye-bye for you -- as you may see it.

Yeah, you feel certain that you can trust Me about about your body’s dying all right! You can count on Me for that. It will inevitably happen. How and when, you don’t know. You do know that a moment will come when a seeming Big Hand out of the Sky will whisk you away.

The cause of your death can be unknown. There can be no rhyme nor reason, and still you will not live in your body forever, so you have heard, and, so there you are. Even as a young child, you caught onto the meaning of what is called death.

At the same time that death -- this closing of your eyes and your ceasing to breathe --is inevitably yours, you can’t quite believe it. It just seems eerie, not real at all. Not your death. No, not yours.

Furthermore, you may be the finest person in the world all your Life, and, still, even as the miracle of adjudged death reaches out for you, you may feel you are singled out for a disastrous end. The idea of death has throttled the Life out of you.

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Standing Rock Wins First Legal Victory Against The Dakota Access Pipeline

by Kalee Brown, Collective Evolution

In 2016, we witnessed an incredible environmental movement as people from all over the world flew to Standing Rock to stand in solidarity, fighting against the Dakota Access pipeline (DAPL). Though President Obama halted construction of the pipeline in response to the overwhelming number of protestors, President Trump shifted the waters by ordering the pipeline to move forward.

On April 6, the pipeline suffered its first major spill, dumping 84 gallons of crude oil at a South Dakota pump station. The spill occurred during the final stages of preparation, meaning the pipeline wasn’t even fully up and running before it had its first spill. This careless spill could easily have been prevented if the courts and the government had simply listened to the concerns of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and other environmental activists.

Well, perhaps their voices will finally be heard now that a federal judge ruled in favour of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe on Wednesday, representing the tribe’s first legal victory against the DAPL.

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Proposed Law Threatens Industrial Hemp and Turns CBD Research Over to Big Pharma - Waking Times

Anna Hunt, Staff Writer
Waking Times

In May 2017, two U.S. Senators, Feinstein and Grassley, introduced the Cannabidiol Research Expansion Act S.1276, to the Senate. The act suggests that the government allows research on the medical benefits of cannabidiol (CBD) using Schedule II registration.

The Controlled Substances Act current lists cannabis and its CBD chemical components as Schedule I substances. This is the same categorization as cocaine and heroin.

Moving marijuana and CBD off Schedule I seems like a move in the right direction. The main goal of proposed act is to remove unnecessary barriers to studying CBD’s potential benefits and risks. At least, this is the perspective of Senator Thom Tillis, one of the co-sponsors of the bill.

Yet, there is a much bigger impact that this law would have on the industrial hemp industry. Furthermore, it may give Big Pharma more control over the medical marijuana market.


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