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Study Finds Mothers Who Breastfeed Have Lower Chance Of Heart Disease And Stroke

By Amanda Froelich Truth Theory

Because the female form has been sexualized in Western cultures, women feel immense pressure to wean their children off breast milk as soon as possible. Many also hide the practice in public, as they feel embarrassed about the necessity. Such is unfortunate, as there are well-established benefits to breastfeeding a young infant may miss out on if they are instantly transitioned to formula food. For instance, research has shown that breastfed babies have improved immune systems, reduced risk of developing childhood leukemia, reduced likelihood of becoming obese, developing type 2 diabetes, and even a reduced likelihood of getting cardiovascular disease later on in life.

Another lesser-known benefit to breastfeeding is that the mothers who partake in the practice actually safeguard their own health in the process. A new study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association determined that women who breastfeed have a lower risk of developing heart disease or stroke.

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday June 27, 2017

What allows you to experience the energy of peace? How often do you feel it? What can you do to grow that peace, to make it a more consistent and predominant energy in your life? The more you can anchor the energy of peace as part of your own personal energetics, the more you will assist the planet in birthing a new era of peace on earth.

We remind you that the great shift of consciousness that is occurring on your planet is the accumulation of many human beings waking up and choosing to embody what they wish to experience and then pioneering new potentials by allowing their preferred energy to lead the way. That is how powerful you are, each and every one of you, so never underestimate your ability to positively affect the whole through your consistent and mindful choices. ~Archangel Gabriel


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Swiss Researchers Find That The Brain Is Full of Multi-Dimensional Geometrical Structures

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

A team of researchers from the Swiss Blue Brain Project — a group focusing on supercomputer-powered reconstruction of the human brain — have used a classic branch of maths in a completely new way to better understand the structure of our brains.

The brain is a complicated organ, and little is still known about its inner workings, so this new study, which found that the brain is full of multi-dimensional geometrical structures operating in as many as 11 dimensions, is fascinating, to say the least.

The neuroscientists behind the study used algebraic topology, which is a branch of mathematics that describes the properties of objects and spaces without the confinements of how they change shape, to conclude that groups of neurons connect into “cliques.” Their work also revealed that the number of neurons in a clique leads to its size as a high-dimensional geometric object.

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The Science Behind Essential Oils & Digestive Health

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

Optimizing digestive health is often associated with eating properly. And while that’s certainly a good place to start, there are other important parts of maintaining a healthy gut.

The gastrointestinal system, also referred to as the gastrointestinal tract, digestive system, digestive tract, or gut, is made up of a group of organs that includes the mouth, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, liver, gallbladder, small intestine, colon, and rectum. In recent years, much emphasis has been put on the importance of gut health, with experts now revealing the gastrointestinal system is more than the body’s primary site of taking in and absorbing nutrients, but is also a communication center to and from the brain. It also functions as one of the body’s primary centers for fighting diseases, and has even been referred to as “the second brain.”

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Make Love!

Of all the things you make every day, how often does that include love? This is not just the intimate love shared between humans, but a way to view the world. If you start each of your creations with love, it will grow and become something so much bigger than you ever imagined. Make love the basis of all you do! ~ Creator


GFP Newsletter - 6/26/2017

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You are afraid, because you know well that you have suppressed tears so if you laugh deeply, tears may come. And it happens. You may have noticed many times, if you start laughing deeply immediately you feel tears are coming.

You feel confused - why are tears coming? Tears are coming because you have been suppressing them, and you have never allowed a totality. And now you laugh totally: the suppressed needs expression, the suppressed flows, the suppressed seeks a moment; the door is open - it flows.


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Breathe In New Vision

God said:

Behold the Glory that you are filled with. Look up. Keep your attention high. Let your mind soar. Love the Earth. Love the ground your feet walk on. Love the flowers. Love the dirt. Love it all. Relish this Earth that I have given to you for Joy just as it appears.

If you were out in Nature every day, and under the stars at night, you would love the Earth and Life on Earth more than you may presently love them these days. If there were no doors to open or close or to lock, if keys had not been invented, you would already be well-versed in the Joys of Earth. Your Freedom of Choice is not meant to be put far off to a later date.

You have a Mind that can take you anywhere, and a Heart to take you everywhere. What prevents you? What forwards you?

Take your attention higher.

Worries are not high-minded. Worries keep you looking down rather than up. Worries affirm that which you do not want to affirm.

Put your attention on higher fields than worries. Grow inspiration. Grow Light. Take in deeper breaths and exhale all the past and all its worries. Breathe in new air. Expand your lungs, and expand your vision.

Sing a new tune. Write yourself a new story. No more delays. Now you begin rising to the heights. All you have to do is to let go of where you have been.

Stop holding onto bannisters in your Life.

You learned to swim. Now you are learning to soar. Spread your wings, Beloveds.

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The Importance of Acknowledging the Energetic Shift that came with the Solstice

by Jessie Klassen

As we pass through and beyond the time of Solstice, it is becoming easier to feel the energetic shift that happened during this special time, as well as make sense of the lessons that came with it.

Prior to the Solstice, and I apologize in advance for this, but for lack of better word, there was a real “yuckiness” to the energy that we were feeling.

The deepest, darkest wounds are clearing from Mother Earth and the entire collective.  We are like snakes shedding our dead skins, and this “skin shedding” consisted of and triggered feelings of anxiety, fear, worry, dread, hopelessness, despair, and depression.  Physically, within my family, we were experiencing cold and flu like symptoms, aches, pains, cramps, nightmares, restlessness, and even sleepwalking.

And just like a snakes’ eyes look cloudy when they are shedding their skin, our vision was also cloudy at this time.

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Daily Message ~ Monday June 26, 2017

As you continue to deepen into the recognition and acceptance of your own truth and divinity, that becomes your predominant energetic emanation. It allows you to lead and serve through your own beingness, anchoring a stability that others and the planet can benefit from. It becomes profoundly beautiful love and purpose in action. ~Archangel Gabriel



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