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Honouring the Solstice

by Jessie Klassen

Depending on where you are in the world, the Solstice on June 20 will either herald summer or winter. Either way, there is always a shift that occurs within Mother Earth during the Solstices, and we are sure to feel this within ourselves as well.

Here in Canada, our days are getting longer and we are enjoying warm weather. Upon my farm, I can always feel the solstice approaching as the energetic intensity of the land amplifies dramatically around this time.

I live upon a ridge, which was at one time an ancient Native summer camp. It is situated between the Riding Mountains and Lake Manitoba, and was a great place for a settlement of people to spend their summer fishing, hunting, and gathering wild berries that would sustain them throughout the winter months.

My father grew up on this yard site, and he spent his childhood collecting arrowheads and old leather bags of pemmican from the nearby field after it had been ploughed. My grandfather had even found a buffalo skull once and donated it to a local museum. As a child, I remember the excitement I felt when I found a smooth rock that had been shaped into a hammerhead. I could feel the energetic imprint within the rock and when I closed my eyes, I could see the last person who touched it. I find this intriguing, because this was never something that had been taught to me. Children just “know.”

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Huachuma - The Visionary Cactus from the Peruvian Andes

Sergey Baranov, Contributor
Waking Times

Huachuama is the original name given to the various mescaline-containing columnar cacti native to the Andes and used traditionally in Peru for millennia for healing and divination.

The cactus thrives at around 3000 meters ( 10,000 feet ) above the sea level and flowers between October and March with beautiful flowers gifting the lucky observer with a gentle scent. Its flower opens for just one day and closing over the next two days. After this the flower gradually dries out and forms a cocoon with new life-seeking seeds. Then it is the turn of the grown cocoon to dry out while releasing the seeds to the will of the wind. Thus the new life is begun.

The most commonly used botanical names are Echinopsis Pachanoi (spineless) and Echinopsis Peruviana (spiteful) but these names, of course, are only a shadow of the real essence of the plant, which is spiritual, not verbal. To realize this, it takes more than knowing the plant’s name. An experience is like a cloud which floats beyond the horizon of botanical study.

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Freedom Of Choice

Just about the time you feel like giving up; that is the time to keep going.
Just about the time you want to stop completely; that is the time to keep moving.
Just about the time you wish to sleep; that is the time to stay awake.
I know these recent changes have been very trying for some of you and I am truly amazed and in awe of the tenacity you show every moment of your day!  Changing can be challenging…remaining static even more so.  My beautiful child, you have always the freedom to choose a better tomorrow.  Use it! ~ Creator


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Daily Message ~ Monday June 19, 2017

Beauty can be expressed in so many ways. Your own taste – the things that draw you and move you into presence and appreciation – are how you experience your own heaven on earth, for all beauty is divinely inspired. So look for the beauty that abounds around you. Create the beauty that makes your heart expand and feel moved, whether it be through tending the earth, art, music, dance, decorating, designing, or acts of love, for it supports your alignment, your energetics, and your soul’s desire to express itself, as well as adding to the mosaic of the whole. ~Archangel Gabriel


GFP Newsletter - 6/18/2017

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Because of the rhythm you are alive - you inhale and exhale. That inhalation and exhalation becomes like two banks for your river to flow, but you are neither.

The breath comes in, the breath goes out; it gives a rhythm - two banks. And that rhythm is beautiful if you are not stuck to some extreme. Even in breathing, the mind is always choosing. Rarely does it happen that you can see a person who exhales and inhales equally - rarely. If you come to a point where you can exhale and inhale and remain just in the middle, you will attain to Enlightenment.


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UFOs In Antiquity: Renowned Scientist Publishes A Series Of Historical Artwork Depicting Possible Extraterrestrial Visitation

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

Sightings of strange objects in the sky have been recorded for a very long time. For example, in 217 BC “at Arpi round shields (parmas) were seen in the sky” (Liv. 22.1.9; Orosius 4.15). A parma was a small round shield made of iron, bronze, and other metals. According to NASA, “we do not know whether the luster of these devices (and not just their shape) was intended to be an element of the description. Mock suns are an unlikely explanation, since in the Roman prodigy lists these were routinely described as ‘double suns’ or ‘triple suns’ (i.e. two mock suns on either side of the real one).” (source)

Another example would be the picture above, known as the “Golden orb” phenomenon seen at Spoletium, Umbria, Italy in 91 BC (from Jaques Vallee, Chris Aubeck: Wonders in the Sky.)

The one below is from August 7, 1566. At dawn, many citizens of Basel (Switzerland) reported seeing many spheres for several hours.

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Panning for Gold

God said:

Look for the gold. It exists.

When you are digging a gold mine, you don’t dig for tin. You don’t look for plastic either.

Consider Life as though you are digging for gold, or consider Life as though you are panning for gold in a mountain stream or are about to.

Look for the gold, and it will come to you.

This isn’t high intensity mining We are speaking of. Let gold be the stance you come from. It isn’t as if you have a quota you must fulfill. Be easygoing about finding the gold. You are set in the direction of gold. You are certainly not mining for coal. Coal has served a purpose, yet gold is what you look for now and claim.

It can happen that you find gold without looking for it. However, you are more likely to win at cards when you are playing cards than when you’re not.

By now, you’re onto fool’s gold and aren’t so easily taken in as you might once have been. Yet if you are taken in by fool’s gold, you might as well have a good laugh at yourself.

Finding the gold in Life is easier than finding a wife right for you, yet you can find a right wife for you, too. Have some clues as to what you want to fill your Life on Earth with to overflowing.

Of course, there are many kinds of gold awaiting you. There are many kinds of gold for you to share, just as there are many good kinds of horses to run with and to say Giddy-yap to.

GFP Newsletter - 6/17/2017

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Existence is not divided into either-or, it has no duality. It is one energy flowing from this end to that.

Both banks of the river are joined together underneath - they are part of one land. They appear to you to be two because you have not entered the river and you have never gone to the very bottom.

The banks are not two, they belong to one land. But for the river to flow, they appear to be as two.

Existence is just like two banks meeting underneath, and mind is just looking at the surface. So mind says: I am at this bank, and you are at that. You are against me. If you are a friend, then you are on this bank with me; you are an enemy if you are on that bank. But both the wings belong to one earth. The mind cannot see so deeply. The mind is the phenomenon on the surface - hence dualities. Existence is one, it cannot be otherwise. There are not two existences, only one exists.



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