GFP Newsletter - 6/25/2017

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If you cling to one pole, you become afraid of totality. You cannot weep totally, how can you laugh totally? That's why the belly laugh has simply disappeared from the world. You don't know what a belly laugh is - when you not only laugh, but the belly laughs. The whole body vibrates, not only you, but from head to toe everything laughs. That laughter is mad because you are totally in it.

Look at the absurdity of the world: only a madman can be total. You are afraid, because you know well that you have suppressed tears so if you laugh deeply, tears may come. And it happens. You may have noticed many times, if you start laughing deeply immediately you feel tears are coming.

You feel confused - why are tears coming? Tears are coming because you have been suppressing them, and you have never allowed a totality. And now you laugh totally: the suppressed needs expression, the suppressed flows, the suppressed seeks a moment; the door is open - it flows.


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Daily Message ~ Sunday June 25, 2017

Dear Ones, so many of you have the idea that if you are going to create change it has to happen all at once. But the reality is true change is a process of unfoldment, a blending and coming together of many different elements, many of those happening behind the scenes in preparation of when it all comes together in a tangible way.

You can participate by making small choices that support what it is you wish to achieve or experience daily. Those small choices may be staying in faith and trust, using creative visualization, surrendering, asking for help from your guides and helpers, immersing yourself in the energy you wish to experience more of, or any other action that incrementally moves you toward your goal.

It does not need to be complicated at all but the more consistent you are, the greater the benefit. Staying surrendered, fully present, and using your appreciation as a feedback tool to the universe helps tremendously to continue to steer your flow to your next satisfying co-creation. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Sometimes All You Seek Is a Little Peace

God said:

Physical Life consumes most of your time. Every day, you eat. Many days, you commute. You sit. You walk. You stand. You talk on the phone. Physical Life makes its demands on you. And you fulfill these demands pretty much without argument. You wash your face. You put on your shoes. You tie them.

The Spiritual is also always with you. I am always with you.

Now, if time is not true, how does time have anything to do with the Spiritual and its development?

You are right to ask the question. In the physical realm, you make lists and check them off. You feel you’ve gotten somewhere.

The Spiritual Realm is not like that. The Spiritual Realm isn’t made of doing. What action can you take in the Spiritual Realm? What is the procedure? You may read books on growing spiritually, pray day by day -- do everything you can think of to raise your consciousness, yet, how can you measure your progress? How much of your noticeable Spiritual Life do you really have that much to do with. You would hurry the Spiritual along if you knew how. You don’t know how. There may not be a how. You know of no way to whip yourself into shape spiritually just like that.

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Low-Maintenance Plants That Also Work as Air Purifiers In Your Home

by Katherine, Collective Evolution

Prone to killing plants? It’s time to turn a new leaf and not only improve the air quality of your home, but your plant watering skills as well. Improve your home’s air quality with some of the easy-to-care-for plants below.

Spider Plant

These plants remove various toxins from the air such as formaldehyde and xylene. Though this plant does require a little upkeep, all you have to do is trim the dead leaf tips off every once in a while when they start to turn brown. Spider plants are to be watered occasionally with room temperature water, and to be kept in indirect sunlight in a bright room that is 55-65 degrees Fahrenheit. Make sure the soil you buy for your spider plant drains well and that it is placed in a drainage pot. The Spider plant produces flowers that are usually white in colour.

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Holotropic Breathwork: A Powerful Tool Used To Explore Different States of Consciousness & Healing

by Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution

Holotropic breathing is a powerful tool that can be used to unlock other states of consciousness, work through past traumas, heal anxiety and depression, gain wisdom, and so much more. There are many who believe that this is the only way to reach these realms of consciousness without taking psychedelic substances such as psilocybin, DMT, ayahuasca, and the like.

History of Holotropic Breathwork

The scientific method and alternative medicine aspect of Holotropic Breathwork was first discovered by Stanislov and Cristina Grof during the 1970s and 1980s. They both studied medicine and psychoanalysis at the Charles University School of Medicine in Prague, Czech Republic. From past experiences, they knew that the most powerful way to induce these higher levels of consciousness was through the use of psychedelic substances; however, there are some potential drawbacks and concerns that come along with the use of such substances. The Grofs then developed a safe and effective way to achieve comparable states of consciousness, using one’s breath alone.

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What The History Channel Left Out About The Declassified CIA Program: “History Of MK-Ultra”

by Kalee Brown, Collective Evolution

Over the past week, I’ve been watching the History Channel’s America’s War on Drugs mini docu-series. To my surprise, the History Channel was shockingly honest about the CIA’s involvement in the war on drugs and the massive political propaganda campaigns that went along with it. The series criminalized the CIA and the government, and rightly so, discussing their involvement in drug trafficking, production, and testing — on both volunteers and unwilling patients — and even murder.

Part of the first episode honed in on the CIA’s top-secret program that is now declassified, MK-Ultra, which involved sexual and physical abuse, drug testing, hypnosis, mind control, and other types of torture. However, the only aspect that the History Channel discussed in their MK Ultra overview was the role that LSD played.

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Self Love First

Guess what?!  I have a surprise for you; you do not have to tolerate or condone negative behavior.  Yes, it can be a positive thing to look at the other person’s perspective, however, you need not put up with name calling, mental, emotional or physical attacks.
As always you have a choice.  You can choose to stay in an ‘attempt’ to change a person, but that will most likely never happen.  Be it from a lover, friend or acquaintance; change starts from within and you may never be that catalyst.  Be loving to yourself first and the rest will follow. ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 6/24/2017

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One should laugh and one should weep also. Laughter and weeping are two banks - balance is needed. If you really laugh, you will also weep. And what is wrong with weeping? Tears are beautiful.

If you have laughed, if you have laughed deeply, tears become very, very beautiful. They carry something of the laughter, because deep down the banks are one, they are not two. On one pole laughter, on another pole tears; one pole smiles, another pole cries, but deep down they are joined together. If you have laughed totally, you will weep totally, and both are beautiful. Totality is beautiful. But if you cling, then you can never be total.


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You Can Take a Back Seat in the Drama of Life

God said:

Sure, Beloveds, have a degree of solicitousness for others, yet don’t overdo it. You don’t have to outdo everyone else in this Drama of Life you play in.

Dear Ones, it is not a tribute to you to see anyone as less than you. This is not courtesy from you nor is this to be your fulfillment. Serve in order to serve others.

As for concern for yourself and your sensitivity, you are not a hothouse flower that requires extraordinary attention and special favor. You are a hardy rose.

Yes, by all means, enjoy Life. Let enjoyment be a by-product of your Life. To enjoy is a priority, yet you are here for more than your own personal refreshment.

Be good to yourself, yet forgo pampering yourself. Go for a massage or whatever, yet you, yourself, as an individual, are not the be-all and end-all of your Life. You are greater than how you feel at any given moment. The purpose of your Life is grander than you may have ever thought. Have a bigger view now. You are part of a Grand Creation.

The aim of your Life isn’t for you to pick flowers all day. It is also your privilege to give to others from your heart some of the flowers you pick, not by decree of the world but by your own decree.

There is more to you than meets the eye.

Goodness and mercy do not mean that you are to be over-solicitous. You do not give all of yourself away. I am an advocate of service, yet you are not to sacrifice. You have nothing to prove. You have everything to Be.

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New Moon In Cancer: Expressing Ourselves With Greater Sensitivity

by Carmen Di Luccio, Collective Evolution

We are having a New Moon in Cancer on June 23rd/24th, depending on your location. New Moons are the beginning of a new wave of energy influencing the upcoming month. However, the astrological configurations at this time have a stronger influence over the following two weeks.

Neptune recently went retrograde, on June 16th, and this will last until November 22nd. It is in retrograde motion roughly 40% of the time, and generally, throughout the bulk of its duration, its effects aren’t as direct as the retrogrades of Mercury, Venus, and Mars. Rather, its effects are felt most strongly during the transitional period — which we are currently in — as the planet slows down and changes motion.

In recent weeks you may have been pulled back into something Neptune-related to help you shift the way you express its energies to serve your personal growth and development. Now is a time to consider how you will work with this planet, which could require some sort of action, revisitation, or reflection.


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