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First “Free” Supermarket Opens Up In Australia To Help Combat Food Waste - TruthTheory

By Luke Miller Truth Theory

Food waste has become a global problem with an estimated third of all food produced worldwide ending up in the bin. It is believed that if we could save that food from being thrown away we would have enough to feed over 3 billion people, ending world hunger.

Ozharvest are the first perishable food rescue organisation based in Australia. They collect good quality excess food which is destined for the trash and provide it for the needy and those who want to save the world from waste- all free of charge.

Taken from their website:

OzHarvest has four pillars that direct the work that we do:

  • Rescue

We are on a mission to eliminate hunger and food waste through the redistribution of quality surplus food. Likewise, to provide a framework for food rescue that can be replicated.

  • Educate

Educating and raising awareness about food waste, food rescue, food security and sustainability is central to our vision. Protecting and improving the environment through all our actions matters deeply to us. Promoting nutrition education is paramount. Providing hospitality training and mentoring for disadvantaged youth drives us onwards and upwards, together.

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Daily Message ~ Thursday June 29, 2017

Your survival brain is always concerned with what might happen with change. It likes to look at worst case scenarios so it can be prepared for any potential dangers. This is not necessarily a bad thing! It is only detrimental to you if you stay in the energies of what may go wrong.

In fact, allowing your brain to play out the potentials and have a plan should such an event happen, can reassure you that you are well prepared. But your focus should not end there. Now that you have weighed potential dangers, you are free to start playing with the energies we would call, “What if wonderful happens?”

It is fine to be cautious before moving forward. But don’t allow that to paralyze you! Once that first phase is taken care of, the fun part begins. Start to imagine all the amazing potentials that can open up to you. Know you are protected and prepared and then start to create in earnest! Allow your imagination to flow to wonderful, positive places. Get as creative in your exploration of the good as you were in the not so good.

If you can begin considering the weighing of risks as simply prep work before you move into the true joy of creation, you will be able to step forward with the cooperation of your inner worrier because it will be honoured and appeased. You will then be able to surrender and play and create joyfully and openheartedly to your heart’s content. Your focus will then be shifted onto how the universe can serve and delight you with what matches you and your truest desires. ~Archangel Gabriel

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In…Or In Your Own Way

You can continue to move along your current path, taking whatever ‘hits’ come your way…or…you can change that path.  You may decide that staying where you are energetically is less challenging.  You can also make the decision to move forward.  Please remember; you are in…. or in your own way.  All it takes is one thought, one decision, one action to change everything! ~ Creator


GFP Newsletter - 6/28/2017

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Remember, you are both! And remember this always: wherever you see an opposite polarity, you are both, and neither is to be chosen. You are both and you have to accept both and enjoy both. And nothing is wrong. If you are a man, nothing is wrong in moving to the other polarity sometimes and just being feminine. Just weep like a woman - it is so beautiful, so relaxing. It is such a benediction.

Just weep like a woman, cry like a woman, laugh like a man - it is such a great phenomenon.


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Love Blooming

God said:

I am always in Silence, and, at the same time, an echo of Me is always speaking. What I say reverberates. My Silence is complete, yet a chord never finishes. I sing. I have said it before. I sing of thee. I sing to thee. Of the One of you, I sing, and the Universe sings with Me, and you sing with Me. There is one Song, and it is the Song of Myself sung in unending ways, even as there is no beginning or ending ways.

We could say there are no capital letters that say a sentence is beginning, and there are no punctuation marks that say there is an end note that issues from My Throat. I sing I sing I sing. I sing a Song of Sixpence, and I sing a song of you in a million ways in One Note that circles the Universe.

We always have been. We always are. We have never not been. There is no break in Our Presence. My singing is never interrupted. Hear Me sing as I sing of thee.

I communicate with Myself. I am the Singer. I am the Hearer. I hear Myself. I am the Questioner, and I am the Answerer. There is no one to compare Me to, yet you, yourself, seemed to split into many pieces and fill up the world with fragments of Me that can only be complete and unfragmented.

Broken hearts do not exist. My heart is never broken. My heart never wavers. You think your heart does break. Hearts do not break in even two pieces let alone fragments. There are no broken hearts even when you believe you are brokenhearted. You enter a stream of thought that isn’t true.

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The Erosion of Empathy in Medicine | Global Freedom Movement

by Brendan D Murphy, Global Freedom Movement

…despite the obvious vital importance of feelings to the human condition, little can be found on the subject in modern and medical psychology textbooks. We are being held back by a structure that is ill-suited to our needs. What is needed is the energy and vision to support the emerging paradigm…It is clear that, as doctors, we need your help.

–Dr. Robin Kelly, The Human Hologram

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday June 28, 2017

Dear Ones, it is not your job to figure out how things will come together for you. Your job is to choose what you would like to experience next that will bring you joy and expansion. You are the expert of your life expression and where you would like it to go next. We are the experts of honouring and matching the energy of your desires and laying out the most direct way to get you there. Do you see? You are part of a team of masters who all have their individual roles and expertise in the process of co-creation, so trust and enjoy the unfoldment. ~Archangel Gabriel


GFP Newsletter - 6/27/2017

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It is a circle: left goes into right, right goes into left. It is a circle.

That's why in China, they have made the yin-yang symbol. It is a moving circle and this circle exists in every dimension. A man is not man, he is also a woman. A woman is not only a woman, she is also a man. There are moments when a woman is man, there are moments when a man is woman.

And you become afraid: I should not be a woman. I am not effeminate, I am male, and I should never betray any feminine qualities. This has been taught for centuries all over the world. Even to small boys you say: Don't be a sissy. What nonsense! You even start poisoning a small boy: You are a man. Behave like a man - don't be girlish. The right side is male and the left is female in the boy. The same is true in a girl. If the girl starts behaving like a tomboy, everybody is afraid. If she starts climbing a tree, then you say: What are you doing? You are a girl! Behave like a girl. Girls never do this. They only play with toys, and arrange marriage, and make a house.


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A Fairy Tale of Untold Dreams

God said:

It can be said that every day is a Holy Day. Every day is a gift and a breakthrough. Every day is fresh and new, and so shall you be fresh and new. Whatever Life brings, you progress. No matter what you may think at a given moment, you are stepping into the light fantastic. You are dancing on the stars.

Life is not old hat. No two days are the same. Nevertheless, you may have desired days to be the same until you desire that something new will happen.

What you want and what you go for are meant to be the same. Your questioning is not. No longer ask: “Must I be quick or must I be cautious?” It is not necessary for you to be either. At the same time, a step waits for you to take it.

Begin where you are. Keep your eye on the skies. The moment comes when you dive into Life and do something you may have never done before, even something you would never have dreamed of being part of, and, yet, here you are. If you are given a beautiful medal, and it wasn’t a mistake. Could it have been ordained, or was it catch-as-catch-can? How did you possibly get here where you are today? Unbelievable, yet, in this world, it is true. You are somewhere called here.

An adventure is new. If you knew everything ahead of time, where could adventure be? Of course, an adventure starts out new. There is a lot to be said for paddling your own canoe.


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