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The now moment is the only time that exists.

On Earth as it is in Heaven!”  That is what humanity is aiming for.  In the book A Course in Miracles Jesus talks about the “happy dream,” the place or state from which God will draw you home to Oneness with Him.

Humanity’s awakening, your personal awakening, is the entry into that state where perfect peace prevails in the divine field of Love that is All That Exists.  In that state all that is not in complete alignment with Love has dissolved because none of it is Real, and only what is Real exists.  What is Real is eternal, without beginning or end.  What you experience as humans, while seeming intensely real, is just a dream, often a nightmare, filled with pain and suffering, from which you will awaken because it is impossible to remain lost in sleep and dreaming indefinitely.

As a human the time when you sleep is a time to rest your physical vehicle and restore the energy that physical or mental activity demands and has used.  While the body sleeps the eternal you, the You that is One, is where it always is, at peace in the Oneness that is God.

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Daily Message ~ Sunday May 14, 2017

Of all of the myriad of experiences human beings can have, the greatest is to love, deeply, fully, and completely, without expectation, and be open to receive the tide of that love in return. For that is how you know yourself as the love that you are, and you honour your purpose as an ambassador of love and support on an evolving planet. Love is the truest and most magnificent expression of self you will ever have. ~Archangel Gabriel

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The Mover of Life

God said:

The question comes up:

Who is the Mover of Life?

It is said that I am the Doer. Are you the Deed I do? Are you and your Life Destined? Do you make your decisions? Really?

Is it you who moves your arms and walks the Earth, or are you like a stand-in of yourself. Sometimes you may even feel non-existent and needless and reasonless and out of your element and unknown to yourself.

Your heart throbs. Your heart asks:

“What for? What for? Who am I? Am I? What am I doing here in this sometimes-seeming Godforsaken Place?”

You wonder if you really are here or anywhere, or if you exist at all. You may think you are illusion, and that is also true – yet the personality of you is more like a motif.

What you do know and are sure about is that there are many decisions you would undo if you could even had you really been or had not really been the decider. It could be said that a decision is a foolish decision because you change how you perceive. You would take away or redo something you would wish to, yet you can’t quite because the past is no longer even if it ever was. Where do you find the past and have the propensity to walk in on it and move it around? There is nowhere. Oh, sure in stories. Please do not think I knock stories. Stories have value.

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How Hollywood & The Military Industrial Complex Collaborate

by Andrew Martin, Collective Evolution

The latest Bond movie, Spectre, touches on an insidious connection between certain vested interests who wish to control intelligence and spy on citizens on a global level. The movie shows how special interest groups create terror throughout countries in an effort to push through and scare the public and governments into enacting stricter surveillance and reducing civil liberties. While the Bond movie makes the baddies out to be nothing more than a bunch of voyeurs who wish to know what everyone is up to, in reality the stakes are much higher. During his farewell address on January 17, 1961, President Dwight Eisenhower warned about what he described as a threat to democratic government. He called it the military-industrial complex. This was the union of defense contractors and the armed forces. He explains:

“In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist.”

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Action and Reaction

Most of your actions and reactions to any given situation are based on previous experiences.  What if, for one day, you chose to act/react differently?  How much would your world change?  That is your ‘homework’ for the day, dear one.  (Smiling)  Take some notes, see how thing are different and know that you are growing and learning in love. ~ Creator

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You Sing in a Wholeness That Can Only Be Sung as You Sing It.

God said:

There is a moment of no thought. No thought is where the Heart of Life discovers or uncovers itself, or, We could say, gets past itself. At this non-time, there is no existent time. There is no ego dancing around. You are at these non-times spot on, assuredly sans time.

For general purposes, when you are above thought -- or is it when you are beneath thought or out of thought -- who can say? -- no one on Earth can speak for you beyond a doubt to establish that you are solidly in Infinity. I, however, do say this to you without a doubt.

Beloveds, in Infinity, there are no seat-backs to lean against. When you are in Infinity, you are nowhere else even when you may be without your cognizance of this in your daily life.

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7 Fascinating Facts About The Endocannabinoid System You Probably Didn’t Know

by Mary Biles, Collective Evolution

Did you know you have an endocannabinoid system? A year ago, I didn’t either. That’s because unless you’re a research scientist or work in the field of medical cannabis, it’s unlikely you’ll ever have heard of it. And yet, the endocannabinoid system has been hailed as “the most important physiologic system involved in establishing and maintaining human health.”

Why do so few people know about the endocannabinoid system?

It might have something to do with how the endocannabinoid system (ECS) was discovered. Back in the 1990s, scientists were trying to understand how THC, the psychoactive substance in the cannabis plant, affects the body. What they uncovered was a complex network of receptors (CB1) in the brain and central nervous system that were a perfect fit for the THC molecule.


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