God said:
The question comes up:
Who is the Mover of Life?
It is said that I am the Doer. Are you the Deed I do? Are you and your Life Destined? Do you make your decisions? Really?
Is it you who moves your arms and walks the Earth, or are you like a stand-in of yourself. Sometimes you may even feel non-existent and needless and reasonless and out of your element and unknown to yourself.
Your heart throbs. Your heart asks:
“What for? What for? Who am I? Am I? What am I doing here in this sometimes-seeming Godforsaken Place?”
You wonder if you really are here or anywhere, or if you exist at all. You may think you are illusion, and that is also true – yet the personality of you is more like a motif.
What you do know and are sure about is that there are many decisions you would undo if you could even had you really been or had not really been the decider. It could be said that a decision is a foolish decision because you change how you perceive. You would take away or redo something you would wish to, yet you can’t quite because the past is no longer even if it ever was. Where do you find the past and have the propensity to walk in on it and move it around? There is nowhere. Oh, sure in stories. Please do not think I knock stories. Stories have value.