GFP Newsletter - 5/15/2017

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In the East, when death started approaching, when death knocked for the first time on the door, people became very, very happy. Death was a door, it was not the end. Something new was going to start, and it was not the enemy, it was God coming in the garb of death. They had come to know that they are not the body, they are not going to die. The bodies will be left behind and they will go on an eternal journey.

Death was not the end. Death was a meeting, a meeting with the Unknown. Death was a long, long awaited moment - desired, dreamed, hoped. It was the last desire: to leave the body and to meet the Divine, to merge into it so totally that not even a trace of you is left behind. The body looked like a barrier, so when it was dropped, you were completely free. Death was freedom and the culmination of life, it was not just the end.


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Grace the Playing Field

God said:

When someone is impatient with you, no matter how much you deserve patience, this is your cue to double your own patience now. When someone raises his voice with you, this is your cue to lower your voice. When someone is crotchety with you, this is your cue to be serene. Unless you want a yelling match, change your tactics. Even if the rules might say your teacher is supposed to lead the way or your mother or father or an older brother or sister, there is no rule that says you are not to show the way. Go ahead.

I am giving you a powerful tool for Life – if you will do it you can do it. Actually, Dear Ones, this tool works. It may well beat prayer!

You have been told not to react to another’s impatience or being out of sort. I am giving you a wise way to react. This is another way of saying how to stay out of the fray. Do this unless you prefer raised voices.

Please understand I am not saying you caused a particular situation. What I am giving you is a way to change the dynamics you sorely want to change. You, of course, are responsible for yourself. What is at issue here for you? If you prefer another shooting match, go ahead as you may have been used to.

In the World, you don’t like to hear that you need a new sub-flooring in your sun room. This is not at all what you want to hear. Yet what point is there in your balking or protesting or yelling or screaming? Hop to it. Find a way to change your footing.

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Observing Your Own Brain Activity Could Be The Future Of Treating Depression

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

With depression affecting millions of American adults, it makes sense that psychiatric research has focused so intently on the disorder.

Pinpointing its triggers and best treatments have remained important concerns, with the general consensus being that it is a change in brain chemistry, and that various other factors contribute to its onset, including genetics, changes in hormone levels, certain medical conditions, stress, and grief or difficult life circumstances.

Though research can pigeonhole you into a category, more or less, to help better understand why you have depression and how it can be treated, depression is a unique experience for every individual, which is why recent findings that reveal observing your own brain activity may be the key to treating depression seems so intriguing.

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Plan An Adventure Or Become A Part Of Someone Else's Plan - TruthTheory

By Luke Miller Truth Theory

Regardless of your beliefs spiritual, scientific or other we can all agree that for the human part of the experience we are going through we have an average of close to 67 years on planet earth. Without trying to sound cliche, life (as a human) is short! Picture this- it is thought the universe is 13.8 billion years old with humans (as we know them) being here for a mere 200,000 of those years. Our lives equate to 0.03% of human history 0.0000004% of this planet’s history- meaning if human history was a day, your life would equate to 4 minutes out of 1440 and 3 one thousandths of a second in our planet’s history. So I hope I am hitting home the point that life is indeed short!

The paradox is of course that life is pretty long, we have a lot of time in which we can get stuff done, and we well and truly have a choice. There is a world of opportunity there for anyone who would like to open up the box of adventure and if you don’t choose your path, you quickly become a pillar for someone else’s path.

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Two Major Credit Reporting Agencies Have Been Deceiving Us - Is Your Credit Score a Scam? - Waking Times

Isaac Davis, Staff Writer
Waking Times

As the world is pressed ever closer to a cashless society, individual control over one’s own wealth will become a thing of the past and our personal finances will be lorded over by government and the ‘official’ agencies contracted to manage our financial lives. The pieces are already in place, as is evidenced by the ubiquitousness of credit reporting agencies, and in this brave new world your credit score will be even more important than it is now.

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Daily Message ~ Monday May 15, 2017

Do you believe grace and ease are available to you? Have you adopted struggle as a way of life, or as somehow necessary before you become worthy enough to receive? Do you have an expectation of hard?

What you believe is what is available to you. You create through alignment. The old paradigm has always been if you work hard enough you will gain reward. Why this seemed to be a working model is because once you had worked to a level or standard that you believed was enough, you would then shift into a space of allowing and acceptance. You would then let yourself receive.

Do you see? It is about alignment. It is about what you believe is possible, and that usually goes right to your beliefs about your worthiness. Do you believe you are worthy to receive? If not, why? Do you not think your many lifetimes of effort, or your continued growth and expansion this lifetime is enough? If you feel the need to keep proving yourself, it is telling you you don't feel worthy just as you are. What if we told you that you did not need to do one thing in order to be worthy?

Dear Ones, abundance is your birthright. You are divine beings, individuated aspects of Source energy. You are part of all that is. Your enlightenment process is truly about letting go of your limitations and embracing that truth, and with that comes your acknowledgment of your own divinity and innate worthiness, and from there embracing your ability to create.

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Mushroom Powders Linked To Heart Health Benefits

by Mae Chan,

Mushrooms are known for their immune system boosting properties as well as treatments for anxiety and anti-cancer capabilities.

For centuries, mushrooms have been used as medicinal plants, and, more recently, have been a growing component of a healthy diet. Mushrooms are low in sodium and are good sources of fiber, bioactive compounds, selenium, potassium and vitamin D, all which may contribute to a healthy heart through anti-inflammatory and anti-atherogenic activities. While several types of mushrooms have been studied for their effects on serum lipid profiles, few studies have demonstrated edible mushrooms’ effects on atherogenesis.

Scientists from Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research on Aging at Tufts University report that supplementing the diets of lab mice with the mushroom powders had lower body weight gains, compared to animals fed an unsupplemented high-fat diet.

GFP Newsletter - 5/14/2017

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Why such a helplessness? Because you are not in contact with the eternal; your roots are not in the eternal. You have lived a temporal life, and death is the end of time. Not you. Remember, death ends time, not you. And if you have lived in time, with time, only with temporal goals, then death is a problem. But if you have lived deeper within yourself, in the remoter mountains where Kakua moved, inside where nobody can visit you, totally alone - then death is not a problem. Because, you know the deathless - it is hidden there.

On the surface is time, at the center is eternity. Remember, eternity is not a long, long time - no.

Eternity is not time at all. Eternity means 'no time'.



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