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Truly, you’ve got what it takes to live successfully as a human.

Life is GOOD!  There is only Life/Love/Source/God.  Pain and suffering, while feeling intensely real, are of the illusion, and will pass.  You can ease your pain and suffering enormously by accepting whatever arises and dealing with it in the now moment!  That may well sound insane to those of you who are suffering and in pain, but if you truly open your hearts to Love, releasing your attachment to any of your attitudes that cause you pain – judgment, blame, resentment, bitterness, hatred – you will find joy, peace of mind, and contentment.  And I can assure you that those attitudes are the cause of your suffering and pain.  When your mind ceases to dwell on hurts you have experienced that were inflicted by others, or by yourselves, your pain and suffering will and does ease.

You hold onto pain and suffering by frequently or constantly dwelling on the wrongs others have done you, or on the sins that you yourselves believe you have committed.  You know this, because when you are in that mode you feel BAD!  Then, when you are distracted from those thoughts by something pleasurable, your pain and suffering are gone, even if only momentarily, before you quickly return to that egoic indwelling state (me, me, me,) of being abused or mistreated.

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Milk Wars Battle On: Farmer’s Raw Milk vs. Big Dairy's Pasteurized - Waking Times

Paul A. Philips, Guest
Waking Times

As more and more people wake up to health there is an increasing demand for raw milk in recognition of its nutritional benefit. It is nutritionally superior to pasteurized milk. However, our freedom to choose raw milk is seriously under threat. The CDC and the FDA are imposing their oppressive views.

To consolidate and favour Big Dairy’s current monopoly of the industry through pasteurized milk sales, the CDC have been using unjust fear-mongering tactics based on questionable claims to quash raw milk interests. Sadly, this has been quite successful. Through shady science the CDC asserts that raw dairy products including milk and cheese have caused significant numbers of microbial infections leading to illnesses and hospitalizations.

–In retrospect, this is the basis for the war on dairy farmers:  Governmental authorities  are attempting to prevent the unregulated selling of raw milk directly to consumers because the food is deemed ‘unfit for consumption.’ Indeed, this threatens the livelihood of the dairy farmers.

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Daily Message ~ Saturday May 20, 2017

As the shift of consciousness continues on your planet, many of you are wrapping up one phase of your incarnation and moving into brand new adventures. So how do you know when it is time to move on, and what to embrace for your next phase of experience?

You know it is time to move on when something just doesn’t feel energetically supported any longer – when it feels uncomfortable and far less satisfying than it used to. When you are coming to the end of one phase you will always feel that discomfort. It is how you ease out of one thing and into another. Human beings can be resistant to change, and if you didn’t have the discomfort build for a while it is unlikely you would embrace the new when it showed up.

How do you know what direction you should take next? Feel into your soul. Where is your inner self trying to guide you? What aspects are appealing to you? Do you need more freedom? More creativity? How does your soul want to express itself? What draws your interest and brings you joy?

If you are still unsure, ask your guides to show you the way. Surrender into being of your highest service and then follow the signs and synchronicities. This is the fastest way to move into your perfect matches because it allows your highest self to take the wheel with the most support possible. Follow the unfoldment.

GFP Newsletter - 5/19/2017

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Just try to understand the nature of the mind, that it goes right and left, past and future, moves from one thought to another. It is a monkey. Just try to understand, just try to watch what mind is. And just in watching what mind is, suddenly one day you will feel something has clicked, something has changed gear; you are no longer the same. Something unknown has entered into you. There is no mind; meditation has come in. just by trying to understand.


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This Honeyed World

God said:

For what reason would you, My Child, wander far afield? All the Green Pastures I offer to you -- partake of these, My Offerings to you. Drink deep. Aspire and fulfill. What can hold you back but a little hiccup within you?

I give you all the Majesty that exists on Heaven and Earth. Do you really turn your nose up in the air as if to say that I hide treats from you? There cannot be more in Heaven or on Earth than I hold out to you now with My Arms Wide-Open. I do not withhold any good-hearted Beauty from you. I pour out all the Treasures of the Kingdom to you. I am not stingy. I offer all treasures to you.

Avail yourself of what I give. All the treasures are yours. Come to the waters to drink and then drink more. I fill up the troughs of the Universe to give you drink. I offer the Universe to you. I am replete with Abundance for you.

Where can a disconnection be in this honeyed world? All locks are open. No doors are barred. I say so to you, yet an argument arises in your mind. Consider, it is perhaps for you to unlock your mind from an avowal of inability.

What disconnect do you believe in, and why on Earth would you disavow God’s Plenty? Can you possibly be looking into the Garden of Eden and seeing a desert before you? Clean your glasses, Beloveds. Begin to see all there is to see.

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Scientists Identify 28,000 Medicinal Plants That Treat Ailments from Cancer to Diabetes

by Carey Wedler, The Anti-Media

In recent years, the term “plant medicine” has come to be associated with psychedelics like mushrooms and ayahuasca, which are increasingly documented to provide mental and emotional relief to users. But according to a recent analysis from Kew Gardens in the United Kingdom, there are over 28,000 other plants currently being used as medicine throughout the world.

The second annual report from Britain’s Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew, located in London, is the result of the research and analysis of 128 scientists from 12 countries around across the globe.

According to their findings, there are 28,187 plants “currently recorded as being of medicinal use.

The report [pdf] explains:

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In Less Than 5 Years, Ethical Lab-Grown Meat Will Be Available For Sale - TruthTheory

By Eden Marie Truth Theory

For those who eschew animal products – particularly meat and dairy – but understand the possible health benefits to be gained from eating foods rich in protein, a dietary conundrum is presented. Fortunately, lab-grown meat, which is promoted to be both cheaper and healthier than meat obtained from slaughterhouses, is only a handful of years away from being sold in stores.

While the concept of consuming faux meat products is nothing new, lab-grown “meat” which isn’t harvested from animals is. Unlike Tofurkey or other meat substitute products, lab-grown meat is, technically, tissue from an animal. However, it isn’t sourced from one because it is grown from a very small sample. In effect, it is deemed to be far more ethical. Additionally, the meat is said to be healthier than traditionally sourced beef (or turkey, chicken, etc…) because it is raised in a lab, therefore, won’t be contaminated with hormones or pesticides possibly obtained via ingestion.

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Daily Message ~ Friday May 19, 2017

As you work your way through the layers into the essence of who you really are, you can rediscover the innocence and purity you may have thought you had lost along the way. It is that part of you that sees the world through wonder, that is fully present, and has a curious and joyful heart.

If you are one of the enlightening human beings on the planet who is tired, who has worked hard and wonders where the fun has gone, connect to that inner part of you. Allow that innocent you to come forward, with the assurance that you know how to keep that part of you safe and loved and nurtured, and let him or her bring lightness, exploration and play back into your life.

Your innocence has much to offer you. It isn't lost or broken, it has been patiently waiting for you to discover it is still there and acknowledge it. Isn't it time for you to have a joyful reunion with that beautifully pure and light essence of you? ~Archangel Gabriel

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Urban Abundance – 1/2-Acre Urban Property Transformed Into Organic Veggie Gardens

by Andrew Martin, Collective Evolution

In August 2005, Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast off the coast of the United States. This had unforeseen and radical consequences on the price of food. Around 2,900 oil rigs were shut down, disrupting 95% of oil production in the Gulf of Mexico — the impact of which lasted several months. While to the casual observer this may not sound terribly remarkable, it had far-reaching consequences that affected millions of people. The price of gasoline, for instance, surged around 40% in a matter of days in some places throughout the U.S.


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