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Grocery Store Rescues Food and Will Give It Away to Those Who Need It - Waking Times

Anna Hunt
Waking Times

Why should we be excited about a new grocery store? Because this new store is giving away rescued food, in addition to offering it up for sale. OzHarvest, a new marketplace in Kensington, Australia, tackles both problems: food waste and food insecurity.

“Every time we save good food, we help the planet. Every time we take that food and feed hungry people, we address social issues,” stated Ronni Kahn, Founder of OzHarvest.

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday May 17, 2017


One of the hardest things for some enlightening human beings on a service path to do is to ask for help. They simply aren’t comfortable to do so since they so clearly know their mission to be the help. But that is continuing a martyred paradigm and not embracing the energies that are shifting toward unity consciousness and unconditional love for all.

So hear us if you have trouble accepting help – that is your next frontier to conquer. Expanding your knowingness to understand that receiving help IS being the help to others if it allows them to step into their service and experience the joy that comes offering their love and support. It is how people get to experience their highest expression of self.

Moving into greater acceptance means that you will step out of carrying the load by yourself, into a more supportive flow that serves all. That is exactly how the lightworkers and wayshowers who have been working so tirelessly will move into greater balance, health, love, and abundance – by shifting into a new paradigm that is a flow of joyful service that includes both giving and receiving for the highest good of all. ~Archangel Gabriel


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Investigator: DNC Staffer Seth Rich Leaked 44K Emails to WikiLeaks Before His Murder

by Josie Wales, The Anti-Media

New information has surfaced regarding the murder of Seth Rich, the Democratic National Committee staffer who was mysteriously killed last July in what Washington D.C. police claimed was a botched robbery despite no evidence to back the claim. After almost a year of conspiracy theories linking the staffer’s death to the DNC, private investigator Rod Wheeler has come forward with information indicating that those theories may not be too far off.

The former D.C. detective, hired by Rich’s family, indicated to local Fox affiliate Fox 5 that “there is tangible evidence on Rich’s laptop that confirms he was communicating with WikiLeaks prior to his death.” Wheeler believes the murder is being covered up and said a source inside the department told him D.C. police have been told not to investigate the case.

According to Wheeler:

The police department nor the FBI have been forthcoming. They haven’t been cooperating at all. I believe that the answer to solving his death lies on that computer, which I believe is either at the police department or either at the FBI. I have been told both.”

GFP Newsletter - 5/16/2017

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A man who cannot learn anymore is already old. A man who cannot learn anymore is already dead - now there is no purpose for him to be here. Life is a school, a discipline; it is a learning process. If you have stopped learning, you are already dead. Sufis say that ordinarily people die at thirty and are buried at sixty. When you stop learning, you are dead.


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Sparklers Like Stars

God said:

Stay by My Side. Know where you are. Abide with Me. No need to run away nor to wander off. There is nothing you have to do but to choose to be by My side. We shall all the treasures prove. Let Us turn Fair Days to Sparklers like Stars. Together, We light up the Universe. Now you live in Truth and no longer in speculation. Speculation amounts to doubt. Lay down a royal carpet. You are to be caught up in Truth. Love is Truth. The Truth of Love is the Lay of the Land.

No longer does Life on Earth possibly take on the Role of Heave Ho. Burdens, be gone. Burdens serve no good purpose. Burdens are wastrels. Unburden yourself, and you unburden the World. Champion Life. You are Heaven Born and Heaven Chosen. You are not a fly-by-night, here and there and nowhere. You are not meant to be skittery. Soar on Light of Love. All Light is Ours. You are the Light, and Light shall lead the Way. You are the Precursor of Light. You light up the world. We light up the world.

Know that you reach My Heart. Know that you are My Heart. You are My Love on Earth. You are the Blessing of My Heart. There is no wilderness. Speak for Me. Embrace the Earth. You are the Deliverer and Signaler of Love. Hasten the Awakening of the World. Hasten your Crossing of the Universe, and you hasten Magnificence. There is nothing else to hasten.

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Why Living With Less Can Actually Make You Happier - Waking Times

Phillip Schneider, Staff Writer
Waking Times

Will having more wealth actually make you happier? According to a number of studies an addition to your income isn’t only unlikely to make you happier, but it can make those around you less happy, and you for the fear of losing it.

To explain, we must first look at a study from the National Bureau of Economic Research. Two economists, David Blanchflower of Dartmouth and Andrew Oswald of Warwick, set out to document the relation that age has to overall happiness. What they found was that as income tends to increase steadily over time, happiness follows a U-shape pattern, dipping to its lowest point at around age 45, then quickly climbing up thereafter.

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Everyday Ways to Balance the Chakras

by Avery Rouda, Collective Evolution

There are various activities a person can do every day in the Western world to discover calm serenity.

Life is like standing on a balancing board: One does not achieve constant steadiness, for there are always waves of emotion to push us up and down, pull us this way and that. Our best option is to surf the spiral.

The seven sections below correlate to the seven chakras, or chi energy centers of the human body. Identical to the order in a mystical rainbow, the chakras are illustrated by ROYGBIV. Red is Root, Orange is Sacral, Yellow is Solar Plexus, Green is Heart, Blue is Throat, Indigo is Brow, and Violet is Crown.

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Ancient Egyptian Art As A Portal To Consciousness

by Tom Bunzel, Collective Evolution

I have been fascinated by Egypt ever since a friend who lived near the Mayan Ruins in Cancun gave me a book about the Great Pyramid of Giza.

From this introduction I was exposed, for the first time, to the idea that the Great Pyramid, rather than being a tomb for a pharaoh, was actually a repository of ancient wisdom and conveyed in its proportions mathematical and astronomical relationships that were not known to modern science until recently.

I followed up by reading Secrets of the Great Pyramid by Peter Tompkins, which explored these relationships in more detail and included an appendix by mathematician Livio Stechini. Tompkins provided a history of efforts to explore the pyramid of Giza and some of the stark experiences of many, including Napoleon, when left alone in the Kings Chamber.

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday May 16, 2017

Dear Ones, do you have an attachment to an outcome that you are so invested in that you will not budge? We want you to dream and create, but we also want you to understand that creation is fluid, has flow, is malleable. Anything that you become controlling or constrained about has lost its ability to expand, and thus becomes unsupported because the universe is all about expansion, growth and movement.

So what do you do? Have the highest vision you can imagine for yourself and then hand it off to the universe to tweak and adjust. Know that any adjustments are for your highest good and for the sustainability of your wildest dreams and perfect matches. Trust enough to allow your dreams the freedom to take on greater form and become all they can be. ~Archangel Gabriel



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