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Growth & Healing

Your healing is not always about asking for forgiveness or begging it from another. There are many facets to this process that often go unnoticed and unused.  A great deal of introspection may be required of you.  My darling one, I know that it can be painful and very challenging to look back into your past and see/experience the damages, but it is for the best when your growth is involved.  This does not mean you need to devote hours and hours of time ‘beating up on yourself’ for what you have/have not done.  It does mean taking an honest look at who you are and how you have improved since then.  As always, be kind to yourself during this process and know that The Universe is right beside you, loving you, every step of the way. ~ Creator

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First Make Peace in Your Own Heart

God said:

It certainly seems that the world is too much with you too often. The thing is that you want plenty of everything. You want to ride the rapids while you also want to float on cool mountain streams. You want plenty of sunshine, and you desire plenty of the darkness of night too. You want it all while you want it, whatever it may be, when you want it. Confess, you love contrast, darlings. You want what you want when you want it, and, even then, you may not feel consoled. You want to direct traffic while, at the same time, you just want Life to happen. Beloveds, sometimes you give Life mixed signals.

If everything were your choosing, what would you choose? Not so sure, are you? What about choosing goodness and mercy for all? How about starting with that?

You might want to nix some occurrences that previously you had invited. Choosing Life inch by inch isn’t so easy as you would have thought. Of course, some matters you are positive about, yet you’re not positive about everything. Dear Ones, you simply don’t have enough information to positively know where something might lead you. You may have some fear that, left to your own devices, you might miss out on something, or, on the other hand, you could be up a creek. You may want to be a leader, yet find yourself stranded.

GFP Newsletter - 5/10/2017

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Try silence; be silent with me. If you feel it impossible, then listen to the music; not to the words I am saying to you, words are just excuses - listen to the music. And don't argue, because what I am saying is not a logical statement, it is absurd. But that is not the point at all, the logic of it. The point is the music of it.

First try silence with me. If it happens, it is beautiful. If it cannot happen, then try music. These two are the only ways, there is no third way. Don't listen to what I say, just listen to the rhythm. Just listen to the harmony, the harmony of the opposites. And it is a single note, remember. I go on repeating the same thing every day in different ways. Sometimes a Zen story is the excuse, sometimes a Sufi story is the excuse, sometimes the Gita, sometimes Jesus or Mahavir; these are all excuses. But I go on repeating the same note. I go around you trying from everywhere, all the possibilities.

Listen to the music! Don't listen to the logic. It has no logic in it - it has only a melody.


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Hospitals Begin Dispensing Medical Cannabis Oil to Patients

Anna HuntStaff
Waking Times

Grand Cayman’s CTMH Doctors Hospital and Cayman Pharmacy Group has started dispensing cannabis oil to patients with a valid medical documentation. To meet expected demand, CTMH purchased nearly 13 liters of cannabis oil from Canadian-based CanniMed® Oils. Doctors at the hospital can now prescribe it to selected patients who reside in the Cayman Islands.

The hospital officials stated:

These advancements in medicinal cannabis have been proven successful in multiple case studies around the world. These case studies reveal life changing results for patients suffering with many conditions such as chronic pain, neuropathic pain and seizures. As with all medications, care and caution must be exercised to minimise risks and maximise health benefits.

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Signs of Consciousness, Sentience and Intelligence in Nature Demand Our Respect

Sofia Adamson, Staff Writer
Waking Times

Part of our lot as human beings on planet earth is dominion over the plant and animal kingdoms, and as a by-product of our economic and cultural heritage, we have largely become indifferent to the suffering of animals. An indicator of the cruelest aspects of our nature.

This systemic disrespect for nature and her creatures is part of, or symptomatic of, a larger problem with modern society, the institutionalized perception that we are separate and independent of our environment. This dualism is part of the division of consciousness that is often noted in ancient texts as well as contemporary discussions of the characteristics of human consciousness.

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Full Moon In Scorpio: Acting On Our Passions and Desires

by Carmen Di Luccio, Collective Evolution

We are having a Full Moon in Scorpio on May 10th or 11th, depending on your location. Full Moons are the climax of the Moon cycle, and its energies become noticeable in the days leading up to it and also strongly influence how the proceeding two weeks, until the next New Moon, play out.

Mercury finished its retrograde on May 3rd/4th and we are now moving forward based on realizations and developments that have transpired over the previous month. Venus will be finishing up its post-retrograde phase on May 18th. For some people this upcoming week (until the 18th) will play host to any remaining Venus-themed conclusions that need to occur in relation to what has been playing out since February. This could be connected to our relationships, love, money, values, beauty, and worth.

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Two of the heaviest sentences in the world; “You owe me” and “You are responsible”.  You must come to the realization that no one owes you anything. It is up to you to make the best You that you can. You also know that you are responsible for yourself; putting that on someone else does nothing except create separation.  What lesson do you wish to learn today? ~ Creator

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Awesome Underclothes Display The 4th Amendment When X-Rayed By TSA - TruthTheory

By Eden Marie Truth Theory

Are you tired of the TSA conducting invasive screenings and X-ray scans before you’re allowed to wait for your flight at the airport? If so, we’ve found the perfect undergarments for you.

4th Amendment Wear is the perfect travel attire, especially for those who are aware of their rights and would like to inform nosy airport personnel of the same. Using metallic ink, the unique clothing literally prints the Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution onto t-shirts and underwear for men and women. The text “read the 4th amendment perverts” is also printed on underwear for children to remind the TSA they’ve gone too far.

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday May 10, 2017

Dear Ones, every single time you allow yourself to expand through experience, you are able to see further into what your future potentials and what would like to create from there. Experience gives you information, which allows you to decide what matches you, what doesn’t, and what direction you would like to try next. Your expansion is always a gift for it allows you to glimpse beyond, which is how you become open to new potentials. Experience is truly what being in the body is all about – it is how pioneers forge new trails, how you evolve, and how you will continue to drive the shift on your planet. ~Archangel Gabriel


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