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All Heaven Is Bursting Open

God said:

From the crevices of your heart comes Love, Love Beautiful, Love to beat the band, Love indistinguishable from Joy, Love on Its Own, Love from Where All Love Comes, and that is from Me.

Certainly, you feel this Fulfilling Love as yours, yet All Love is Mine. Inasmuch as you know that I am Full of Treasure and I own Everything. I am not possessive, however, I share, so then All Love is Ours. It is from Ourselves to Ourselves. This is it. This is how it is.

You could be feeling bereft of Love at any given moment, yet what you may feel simply isn’t so. Your mind may be disconnected from Love, yet your mind is simply not the whole story. The Heart is the Whole Story. Our Oneness is the Whole Story.

I insist that We are One. Why would I do that unless this is the God’s Honest Truth? Your arms may keep at bay from you your recognition of this Truth. You might say that this could become true some day, yet it cannot possibly be true yet. Where did this idea of yours come from?

Beloveds, there has to be more that is true than you accept now. It is as though you are automatically primed to deny what is true for as long as it takes you to open your Heart Fully into your Consciousness -- and open your Inner Eye as well.

C’mon, now, why not open yourself fully now? Why in God’s Name not?

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InfoWars Host Alex Jones In Custody Battle For Kids, Admits He’s A Fraud

by Brianna Acuesta, True Activist

Alex Jones' attorneys are saying that he's a "performance artist."

The infamous host of InfoWars, Alex Jones, is currently in the middle of a custody battle for the three children he shares with ex-wife Kelly Jones, whose divorce was finalized in 2015. Though the original divorce settlement determined that Alex would have custody of the children, ages 14, 12, and 9, with limited visits with Kelly. However, Kelly is now pursuing joint or full custody because she claims that Alex is “unstable” and that the persona he uses on his radio talk show is genuine.

Surprisingly, Alex Jones and his attorneys beg to differ. His attorneys are reportedly using the argument that Alex’s persona is just that. Randall Wilhite, his lead attorney, stated in trial,

“He’s playing a character,” and that he’s a “performance artist.”

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5 Plants That Give Out Oxygen, Even During The Night

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

With people spending more than 90 percent of their time indoors, it makes sense that air quality matters. There are various factors in many people’s homes working against this, however. From furnishings and upholstery to synthetic building materials and cleaning products, toxic compounds are being emitted all around you. There’s also the concern of pollen, bacteria, and molds that need to be considered. And all of this, combined with poorly-ventilated spaces, such as a windows that have been painted shut in your apartment, it’s incredibly important that you become aware of ways to combat all that junk being inhaled.

Enter houseplants. Though you may only have them to better your green thumb, or decorate your home with a sense of nature — which are both great reasons — they’re also extremely beneficial for improving air quality. According to NASA, plants’ ability to purify air makes them “nature’s life support system.”

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All The Good

Amidst the chaos and violence happening, it is important to remember all the good things surrounding you every day.  Depending where you are in the world, the flowers blooming or leaves falling, the joyous moments with family and friends, those lovely stolen moment of solitude where you can relax and connect with The Universe.  Dear child……there truly is more good in the world that you can ever imagine. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Saturday April 22, 2017

Dear Ones, one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself is learning how energies affect you and what gives you relief. The energies flooding your planet are unprecedented and will continue to present you with previously unseen aspects moving forward. These are transformative times!

We cannot recommend enough making an energy journal for yourselves. Keep track of any days that seem to be particularly intense or uncomfortable and watch for any correlating events, such as solar flares, geomagnetic storms, earth changes, and astrological alignments.

If you find something that helps your specific symptoms during that time, jot it down. As the energies continue to shift higher in vibration it can be difficult to remember things, so we highly recommend taking the time to make notes as an act of love for your future self.

Sometimes simply knowing that how you have been feeling is directly related to the energies is all it takes for you to settle down and feel better, as humans do have a tendency to make themselves be wrong for any reactions they have. Knowing there is a reason can be very relieving.

Other things that can be helpful can be grounding, earthing, surrendering, asking ascension guides for assistance, allowing some sun on your bare skin and intending to receive its healing gifts, meditation, and immersing yourself in salt water. You may find other things that help immensely, and that is where your journal will serve you well in the future if you think to take note of what eased you and brought you comfort.

GFP Newsletter - 4/21/2017

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the real teaching defies words but it cannot defy the heart. If there were a language of the heart, it could be said through it. But the heart has no language, silence is the only language of the heart.

When the heart is silent, it says something; when the mind is silent, it says nothing. Words are the vehicle of the mind. No words, silence, is the vehicle of the heart. Silence is a language without words, but one has to learn it. Just as one has to learn the languages of the mind, one has to learn the language of the heart: how to be silent, how to be wordless, how to be without a mind, how to be a no-mind.

When the mind stops functioning, immediately the whole energy moves towards the heart. When the mind is not functioning the heart functions; when the heart functions, only then can something be taught to you. The real teaching can be taught through the heart. You MUST be near the heart.

The nearer you are, the more capable you become of understanding the silence.


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Shining Oneness

God said:

In England, you can hear a common expression: “Don’t get your knickers in a twist.” This is My advice to you, My Darlings.

Frankly, you do get upset. You tend to aggravate over situations and over possible incoming situations, aggravate over what might be, not in a sense of what lovely happenings might occur, but rather in the sense of all the direness that could.

A common expression in the U.S. is: “Don’t yell until you are hit.”

In every country in the world, there is an expression that addresses the practical point: “Don’t borrow trouble ahead of time.”

The world does happen to include some good solid advice for My children to listen to.

Of course, the world also holds advice that is contrary.

What I say is: Refrain from culturing worry. This is incumbent upon you.

Only in the world is there this and is there that. As I speak to you of the world, I talk of this view and that view as well. This is the case so that We may communicate our worlds to each other as best We can and come to shine Our Oneness.

In Truth, behold, there is the Richness of Oneness. In Truth, Oneness exists. Oneness exists beyond words. Oneness is not a matter of words. Oneness is a matter of Being, not a manner of Being. Ah, just plain Being being Beingness. There is One Beingness.

Being doesn’t count noses. Being is an intransitive verb. This means that Being doesn’t go anywhere. Being doesn’t tell stories. It simply is.

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New Leaks Show NSA Hacked Crucial Infrastructure Of Middle East Banking System

by Whitney Webb, True Activist

A new release from the hacking collective known as the “Shadow Brokers” has revealed that the National Security Agency infiltrated essential infrastructure of the Middle East’s banking system, affecting several financial firms based in nations supposedly allied with the U.S.

After Trump took unilateral military action against the Syrian government, many of those who had voted for him lashed out, accusing the President of bowing to pressure from the Military-Industrial complex and other pro-war interest groups that – overtly and covertly – direct U.S. government policy.

Among those criticizing the President were the hacking group known as the “Shadow Brokers,” who emerged last year after claiming to have stolen extensive amounts of information from the National Security Agency’s (NSA) cyber-espionage division, known as the Equation Group.

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Daily Message ~ Friday April 21, 2017

Dear Ones, many of you find it difficult to connect with others, particularly loved ones, who are residing in a different energetic space. As you have grown along your ascension journey, perhaps you have found an energetic divide between you and them that is difficult to bridge.

The first thing we want you to understand is that this is completely normal. In most partnerships there is a soul agreement that you will go first, so to speak, clearing the way for them to follow, if and when the timing is right for them to do so.

So it is common for one to take a big step forward energetically, shift into comfort in that new energy, and then the other to move along with those energies however that presents for themselves. Please remember you are anchoring that energy for them to utilize for their own forward movement, whenever that may be appropriate for them and their own soul agenda.

Most couples will stay within a certain vibrational range, where one will step forward, and the other will follow in their own time. So it is very common when there has been an influx of energy to feel a momentary disconnect. It is a cycle that you can be aware of, and start to see as normal and predictable and simply the way the energies work within your own partnership.

Does that mean there is nothing you can do to connect with others in the meantime? Absolutely not. It is not that you can’t connect, it is that you must find a new energetic middle ground to do it from.

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Meditation & The Psychedelic Drug Ayahuasca Appear To Change The Brain In Similar Ways

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

Ailments — physical, emotional, mental, spiritual — are often cured in the modern day world with outside help. Big Pharma’s stranglehold on our health, along with the restrictions on field experts, can hinder us, as individuals, from seeking within to heal from the inside out.

That is not to say that some modern medical practices and experts do not have a place in this world, but our world has nevertheless created a dangerous disconnect between self and health.

Mind-altering substances, such as ayahuasca, have long been thought to help people re-connect with themselves.

In the Peruvian Amazon, indigenous healers called Onanya teach visitors the way of the psychedelic drug as a therapeutic hallucinogenic brew. It’s been used for thousands of years by locals, but has become a hot topic in modern times due to a global shift in consciousness to break from this idea that we should cover our wounds with synthetic medicine rather than heal them fully from within.


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