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What Is Kundalini Energy & How Can You Awaken It?

by Kalee Brown, Collective Evolution

As we come into Spring, a time that represents rebirth and growth after a period of darkness, this is the perfect time to talk about Kundalini energy! Spring relates to transformation and rebirth in nature, so what better time to focus on your personal energy and overall wellness?

As you let go of anything that no longer serves you and welcome more light into your life, you’re likely releasing energy and blockages on your chakras. An excellent way to do this is actually through Kundalini yoga, a branch that focuses on awareness, consciousness, and chakras. However, what exactly is Kundalini energy and how do you awaken it?

If you’re unfamiliar with the chakra system, please read this article first.

GFP Newsletter - 4/17/2017

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A pagan is natural - as natural as trees and birds and rivers and mountains.

Why don't you ask me, "Does a flower need religion?" What will the poor flower do with religion?

The flower blossoms. Its fragrance is released. The flower dances in the wind, in the sun, in the rain. That's its religion. What else is needed? A dance in the rain, in the sun, in the wind ... what more do you want? Your fragrance released to all directions ... what more do you want? - because this is fulfillment. You have matured, blossomed. You have come to your ultimate peak. There is nothing higher than that.

This is the religion of a flower.


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Go Ahead, Make Mistakes.

God said:

Beloveds, don’t be afraid to make a wrong move.

Who told you that you have to be perfect in the eyes of the world? Not I. A desire for perfection may well immobilize you from moving forward. Desire for perfection often stalls you. It is a delaying action. Brave is the Soul Who can let go of having to be perfect in the world.

I understand how it is not generally easy for you to be cavalier with mistakes. I have to tell you directly that you must let go of the idea of perfection in the world. You have to. When you do, this will be a red-letter day. This will be cause for celebration. Doing your best and having to be perfect are too different things.

Remind yourself more than once that everything in this world is compared to something else.

Look, your first draft at writing a story could turn out to be more real, more solid, more magnificent than all the fine-toothed versions that follow. You can revamp grammar, refine the structure, etc., and you may also remove all the life from your story. Momentum has great value.

Perfection may not let go of its hold on you. Some of My blessed souls, rather than living their lives, stall them at every turn. Your intellect is not to always come first. Satisfy your heart, your heart, your beautiful heart.

On Earth, dear Ones, there is always more perfection to be had around the corner. When you seek perfection, you may think you are being realistic, yet you are enmeshing yourself in the purest of fantasies.

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Good News For Elephants: China’s Price Of Ivory Has Plummeted

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

China’s ivory trade has wreaked havoc on the elephant population. Approximately 35,000 elephants are killed annually, largely in part due to the illegal international ivory trade demanded in China primarily. The need to reduce demand for ivory is vital for stopping the endangered Asian elephant and threatened African elephant.

But it looks like we may finally be seeing a breakthrough. As China prepares to impose a domestic ban on the ivory trade, a new report reveals that the price of raw ivory is falling. This is particularly good for African elephants, who have been subject to poaching by the thousands for their tusks, which are then smuggled into China.

According to Save the Elephants researchers, while the wholesale price in early 2014 was $2,100 per kilogram, it had dropped  to $730 per kilogram by last month.

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Daily Message ~ Monday April 17, 2017

Dear Ones, are all of your parts supporting what you wish to create? Are you congruent? Do your actions match your words? Do you do all the things you can to move you forward?

We would like you to examine a desire you have and ask yourself, do you do all of the things you can to support the creation of that dream? Or do you immediately think of reasons why that dream cannot be?

Watch for the word “but”. Everything that follows it is an indication of a self imposed limitation. If there is an aspect you cannot think of how to move beyond, we advise you surrender it to your team of guides and helpers to resolve, and then stop letting it be part of your narrative.

So many of you are so close to everything breaking through for you, all that is required is to gather up and release the last bit of resistance – those final limiting beliefs – that are slowing your movement, and truly enter into the forward flow of co-creation. It is safe, it is possible, and you are ready. ~Archangel Gabriel


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New Report Shows Selfies Kill 800 Percent More People Than Cannabis in the US

by Justin Gardner, The Free Thought Project

Nothing captured the mindless hysteria of prohibitionists quite like the 1936 film Reefer Madness, where pot users were portrayed killing people, committing suicide and going mad. Eighty-one years later, some people – such as Attorney General Jeff Sessions – still push falsehoods and propaganda about cannabis.

The war on drugs is too profitable to the State and the corporatocracy. Big Pharma funded propaganda campaigns in 2016 as nine states were voting whether to legalize medical and/or recreational cannabis. Thankfully, the propaganda had little effect, as all but one state voted for freedom.

Part of the prohibitionist strategy is to try and convince you that cannabis does bad things to people, and can even cause death. But, unlike other drugs – including alcohol and cigarettes – no one has ever died from ingesting cannabis. There is not a single recorded fatal overdose from cannabis.

GFP Newsletter - 4/16/2017

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You are asking me, "Does a pagan need religion?"

I am a pagan.

I do not need religion because I am religion.

The authentic pagan has no need of religion because, whatever religion can provide, he already has it.

Religion gives you only hopes; the pagan has all those hopes realized herenow. Religion tells you that somewhere in the future, in the kingdom of God, you will be happy, continuously playing on the harp and singing, "Alleluia, Alleluia!" But sometimes I think, "How long can you play on the harp?"


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The Way You Fill a Bowl with Granola

God said:

You may wonder what I, God in Heaven, may look like. Physical appearance means a lot to you.

When I see you, I’m not looking at your physical body. I am looking at YOU, as you truly are, not as you appear encased in a body. I see the Bright Golden Light of Your Soul. I see Your Goldenness Swirling Around. You are Truly Golden Light. Our Light matches. We line up. I bequeath My Golden Light upon you. Of course, I extend My Light to you, who are not you at all, but rather One with Me.

Yes, We are Burnished Golden Light. We are Light Burning Brightly. We are Effervescent Light, and Our Light never goes out. There is enough Light for all in My Kingdom. No one is outside My Kingdom.

It’s not that you borrow My Light. Our Light is interchangeable. Our Light is Infinite. This is the Bold Truth. If We are Oneness – which We are – then We are also Light that is One and the Same. Yes, you - anyone you know well or don’t know at all – you are all the Fruit from the Same Tree. When We get down to it, I made you not as an image of Myself carved in stone, yet as I, My Self, Truly Light from the same Golden Tree.


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