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The Goddess Roots of Easter: Where The Eggs & Bunny Came From

by Giovanni Bartolomeo, Collective Evolution

The following article was written by a very inspiring friend of mine that I was fortunate enough to recently meet. Her name is Clarity Bartleet and in the last few years she has gone through some incredible transformations. She has been inspired to get in touch with her divine femininity and also connect with many women through various women’s circles to help them reconnect as well. We were fortunate enough  to sit down and record an Episode of “The Way Within” with her, (www.thewaywithin.me) and discuss the Origins of the Easter Story and much more. You can listen or watch that episode which is linked at the bottom of this article.

Here’s the article Clarity wrote for Collective Evolution:

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Daily Message ~ Sunday April 16, 2017

There is always an influx of Christed energies during your Easter holiday. This is a high vibrational energy that is available for you to open up and receive. Regardless of your belief system, this energy is present for you to harness to soothe, heal, and support you moving forward on your own ascension journey. All that is required is simply taking a moment to still yourself, open up, and intend to receive the energetic gifts of the day. A moment of heartfelt gratitude will then claim and integrate them as your own. ~Archangel Gabriel


GFP Newsletter - 4/15/2017

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Christians have condemned pagans; they had to condemn them because either the pagan can exist in the world, or millions of Christians - and they have destroyed the pagans almost completely. Now there are very few pagans in the world. They too have to live a double life. Just on the surface they have to show they are Christians, they are Hindus, they are Mohammedans; and underneath, underground, they have to live life as they would have loved to live it openly.

These Christians have made the whole of humanity schizophrenic. They have divided every man in two, one thing on the surface and just the opposite underneath. And the life you live underneath you

cannot enjoy fully; in fact, you feel guilty about it, you know that you are deceiving God. You know you are going against religion, you know you are not following the holy scripture.

So even those who are living something true and natural, underground of course they are not living joyously; the guilt poisons everything.


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Top Ten Reasons To Doubt The Official Report On The "Chemical Weapons Attack"

by Anthony Tyler, The Last American Vagabond

There are many different reasons for critiquing and criticizing the official reports of President Assad’s alleged sarin gas attacks on his citizens. The greater majority of these critiques do not have to involve the support of Assad, Putin, or an “Illuminati” conspiracy theory. By simply digging through some source material with a proper sense of critical analysis (see the Trivium Education for more details), the entire story begins to cave in on itself.

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Accept Truth When I Say It

God said:

Beloved Beloveds, what shall I do with you? Of course I know what to do with you, and that is to continue the flow of My Love for you and to you, you who are My Beloved and from what can be called simply My High Regard for you. You must know, besides Our differences sometimes, you are My Beloved Pride and Joy.

From the first moment I thought of you, of the external presence of you, I loved you as Myself. This does not begin to describe My Love for you. Well, to say I love you as you love a newborn baby does not begin to say it. Nothing begins to describe the Magnificence of My Love for you as great as it is.

From the first moment I thought of you, you stirred My Heart. From the first moment I created you, I was emblazoned by your Light. We can say that from the very first moment, you stole My Heart. That is not quite correct. It is more correct to say that My Love manifested Itself into a Human Being the world identifies as you. You ARE Myself. How I love Myself. How I love My Creation.

To Me, there is no Dearest, for everyone and everything is dear to Me. No exceptions. I love every leaf. I love every ant. There is no one or no thing that I don’t love. I love every drawing of yours. I love every mist and fog and color. I don’t have to have an object to love, for I am Love Incarnate, and so are you.

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Daily Message ~ Saturday April 15, 2017

Dear Ones, we are always speaking to you, always guiding you. We encourage you and give you information through your environment, through animals signs, by angel signs, and nature signs. There is a wealth of information and guidance available to you, if only you have eyes to see!

Why not make a commitment to become more present, to look around you and truly see, and to be open to the many ways you can receive our support and direction. The world can be truly wondrous when you make room in your life to include magic. ~Archangel Gabriel


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Out of 47 Major Editorials on Trump’s Syria Strikes, Only One Opposed

by Adam Johnson, FAIR

Of the top 100 US newspapers, 47 ran editorials on President Donald Trump’s Syria airstrikes last week: 39 in favor, seven ambiguous and only one opposed to the military attack.

In other words, 83 percent of editorials on the Syria attack supported Trump’s bombing, 15 percent took an ambivalent position and 2 percent said the attack shouldn’t have happened. Polls showed the US public being much more split: Gallup (4/7–8/17) and ABC/Washington Post (4/7–9/17) each had 51 percent supporting the airstrikes and 40 percent opposed, while CBS (4/7–9/17) found 57 percent in favor and 36 percent opposed.

A list of the editorials with quotes showing support or opposition can be seen here. The list of the top 100 editorial boards in the country was taken from a 2016 Hill piece (10/5/16) on presidential election endorsements.

GFP Newsletter - 4/14/2017

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Saviors cannot leave people alone. That's why I say they are the most dangerous people on the earth: in the name of good they will interfere with your privacy. They won't allow you to live according to your own nature. They will force you according to their ideas of how a man should be. They have a certain mold, and they will try to fit you into that mold; and nobody is going to fit into their mold, because their mold is according to their size, their height, their weight, their shape. It is their mold - it fits them perfectly.

But all these saviors carrying this idiotic idea that what fits them is going to fit everybody; not only is going to, has to fit. The man is for the mold, not vice versa; the mold is not for the man. The mold cannot be changed according to you; you have to change according to their mold.



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