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BREAKING: Taiwan Bans Slaughter Of Cats And Dogs For Human Consumption

by Amanda Froelich, True Activist

Taiwan’s parliament approved a bill that bans the selling, purchasing, consumption and/or possession of dog or cat meat. Offenders face up to two years in prison.

On Tuesday, Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan approved a landmark amendment to the country’s Animal Protection Act which bans the selling, purchasing, consumption and/or possession of dog or cat meat. Offenders face fines of between NT$50,000 (US$1600) to NT$250,000 (US$8100), may face up to two years in prison, and risk having photos of themselves publicized, reports the Shanghaiist. The bill also prohibits citizens from using a car or motorbike to pull the pets alongside their vehicle as they travel.

The amendment was sponsored by Kuomintang legislator Wang Yu-min and is the first of its kind in Asia. In 2001, Taiwan passed legislation banning the sale of meat and fur of pets such as cats and dogs. The legislation was supposedly passed for “economic purposes.”

Before the change takes effect, the amendments still need to be signed into law by the Cabinet and Presidential office. According to the BBC, this could take place as soon as the end of April.

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Oil Company Pulls Out of Amazonian Land Inhabited by Uncontacted Tribes

Vic Bishop, Staff Writer
Waking Times

In recent years, aid organizations and companies working to extract resources from the vast wilds of the Amazon rainforest have reported a number of sightings of uncontacted tribes, the last remaining holdouts of a simpler time. While fascinating to see human beings still living in such a natural state, many of these tribes simply do not wish to assimilate into Western culture, and activists are working to preserve many areas of the rainforest, preventing their lands from being turned over to oil and gas exploration.

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday April 11, 2017

When you have a problem or issue that you can't resolve, there is always a solution that exists, you just do not have the vantage point to see it. That is where the tool of surrender comes in. Your guides, your helpers, your highest self can not only see the highest outcome for your situation, they can also see the fastest, most direct way to get there.

Surrender allows us to take the lead, and to guide you to the resolution you seek but cannot find on your own. It is calling in your own team of navigational specialists to get you to your highest outcome. You do not need to go it alone, Dear Ones, for it is our greatest joy to serve you. All you must do is give us the permission to do so, and you do that by letting us steer for a while. ~Archangel Gabriel


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Google Puts CNN, Washington Post, NYT In Charge Of Fact-Checking News

What could go wrong?

By: AntiMedia

Google announced Friday that it’s adding a special feature to its news service — Fact Check. Searchers will now know who checked the validity of a news story and the conclusion they arrived at.

The Fact Check tag “identifies articles that include information fact checked by news publishers and fact-checking organizations.” Each Fact Check snippet “will display information on the claim, who made the claim, and the fact check on that particular claim.”

The rating system will rank stories from “true” to “false” but will also denote stories it finds “partly true” and “partly false.” Searches will also have the option, via hyperlink in the snippet, to review the fact-checkers’ content on the same subject.

This, of course, begs the question: Who are the fact-checkers?

Anyone can volunteer to be one, says Google, cautioning that “Only publishers that are algorithmically determined to be an authoritative source of information will qualify for inclusion.”

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Now Or Later

Your healing is your responsibility.  The Universe has placed people, signs, given you directions in which to move toward or away from and lots of time.  Even with all the learning you ‘have under your belt’, some of you may refuse to move from your comfortable space….and that is OK.  However, allowing others to do what you can do for yourself will eventually put you in a space where all there will be left is you.  Do it now or do it later, the choice has always been yours. ~ Creator


GFP Newsletter - 4/10/2017

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Communists think that I am against them; capitalists think that I am against them ... sometimes I wonder, am I against myself?

But if there is even a little bit of intelligence in America then it is time to stop now; otherwise, the country is going to have the same fate as that of Rome and Roman civilization.

In these last ten years all the decisions of the Supreme Court of America have become more and more favorable to the government against individual freedom. They have been more protective in these ten years; it was not the case before. Before, ten years ago, the Supreme Court of America was really a fair institution, and it was protecting the individual - who is helpless against the state, against the government.

The individual has to be protected. His freedom of speech, his freedom of thinking, his freedom of living, have to be protected. The Supreme Court exists for that; otherwise the state, the monster of state, can simply destroy your freedom, your democracy, your individuality. It is just a steamroller, it can go on killing you.


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A King Is Not Measured by the Heft of His Crown

God said:

How are you today? Who are you today?

Are you your mood? Are you the dress you wear? Are you the house you live in? Are you your household conveniences? Do they make your life easier? Do you collect objects, or do you divest? What do you really want? Tell Me, what do you really want?

Express what you desire, not as lack or complaint. Rather, describe what you like about your desire. What is it that makes it desirable to you? What does the object of your desires represent to you? What field do your dreams play in? Who said that dreams must be modest and easily attainable?

Dreams are good. Farfetched dreams are as good as any skinny dream. Dreams are good. Farfetched dreams may not be farfetched at all. Who has the right to decree anyone’s dreams?

Nor do you have the right to curb the dreams that enter your heart. Play with the dreams that walk into your heart. Give your dreams a good time. No more being strict with your dreams. No cutting them off. No kicking them out. Beckon dreams to you. May your Life be the stuff that dreams are made of. Give your dreams a chance. Even if your dream is the most unlikely thing in the world, give it a chance.

Of course, do not dream of becoming a scalawag.

If you are a pauper who wants to be a King, you can be a Prince in your Life in the world. A King is not measured by the heft of his crown. Are you or are you not descended from Me? A Prince falls not far from the King.

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Daily Message ~ Monday April 10, 2017

If life was always predictable and the same, how on earth would we ever be able to surprise and delight you? Change is your friend, Dear Ones. It is how you grow and expand and make discoveries.

If you have negative connotations with the word change, why not substitute it for co-creation? For that is what empowered human beings are really doing - co-creating beyond what is known into the endless possibilities, potentials, and new perfect matches your team of helpers is assisting you in discovering.

Please hear us when we say you are not really afraid of change, you are afraid of unconscious creation. When you are consciously co-creating you can start moving forward with delicious anticipation. Simply put, you do not fear what arrives in the mailbox when you know what you have ordered. ~Archangel Gabriel


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Beyond a Failing European Super State

by Julian Rose

- Deciding the Future we Want -

This subject should be of interest to everyone, regardless of where you live. We are all affected by the unraveling of this behemoth called the European Union, just as we are by its continued presence. It is, after all, a work of mammon; yet masterfully disguised as a pan European socio-economic entente-cordiale.

It has its roots in the historical imperative of empire building and came into being as a direct extension of Hitler's Nazi inspired goal of establishing a 'Third Reich'.

The leading voice of the EU's first version, the European Union Treaty of 1957, was a German named Walter Hallstein. He became the founder president of the Commission of the European Economic Community and one of the founding fathers of the European Union. His suitability for filling this role was based upon his earlier work as a senior attorney of the Nazi/IG Farben partnership. The line of continuity is direct.

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The World Chips in Over $500k to Save Ron Finley's Gangsta Garden

Dylan Charles, Editor
Waking Times 

In January of this year we reported on the effort to help save Ron Finley’s Gangsta Garden in South Central Los Angeles, a project which has inspired a global resurgence of interest in gardening, self-sufficiency and good health by growing your own organic food.

Faced with eviction after the project’s headquarters and urban farm was sold to a real estate company, a GoFundMe campaign was setup to help raise the $500,000 needed to buy the property and keep their hard work and vision alive.


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