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Facing The Fire

When you are reaching into the deepest recesses of yourself and you find a fire burning, can you face that fire? Can you touch it without carrying the fear of being burnt? Can you release and embrace it at the same time, knowing that it will open you to greater things and infinite growth? ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 4/12/2017

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The people who are really living are in love with life, in love with the small things of life, not hankering for any great things, non-ambitious.

Sipping a cup of tea is enough of a joy for them.

Just to see the sunrise is such a glory that who bothers what is the meaning of life? They enjoy their food, they enjoy their clothes, they enjoy their houses, they enjoy their gardens, they enjoy their lovers, their beloveds. They enjoy music, they enjoy poetry.

They enjoy everything that is enjoyable, with no guilt.


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Trump Syria Strike - Straight Out of the New World Order Playbook

Makia Freeman, Contributor
Waking Times

The Trump Syria strike – an aggressive, preemptive, unprovoked US attack on Syria which completely violated international law and killed around 14 people (civilians) – was based on the same old lies used to justify virtually every attack, invasion and war in recent history. Trump shocked many people by making the decision to launch 59 tomahawk cruise missiles into Syria, on the morning of April 6th, 2017, right after his administration (via the likes of Secretary of State Tillerson) had just recently stated that the US was no longer attempting regime change in Syria and that the US was no longer interested in trying to remove Assad. In yet another flip-flop, Donald Trump – “President Inconsistent” – turned his back on months of non-interventionist campaigning by attacking a sovereign nation that posed no threat to the US. In doing so, the MSM, which has for months been parroting the line that Trump was a Russian agent, all of a sudden praised Trump for his “beautiful” attacks. But was the Trump Syria strike anything new, or have we literally seen this exact scenario before?

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Bet on Your Life

God said:

Encourage Love to spill over in your life. Find occasions to love wherever you are.

Let go of animosity. Even animosity to material objects. Don’t kick your tires when your car won’t start.

Simply welcome Life whatever it happens to look like. It may be a revelation to you that the process of life can be entertained regardless of what its content may looks like and may be. Don’t think that you are pulling the wool over your eyes to embrace Life.

Try this: Bet on your Life.

Life is going to take you somewhere. You are going to get out of Life alive. You are going to graduate. You may earn a doctorate in Life and are going to become very learn-ed at the same time as you stay innocent.

Life is unpredictable. Life speeds along the freeway. It takes detours. Nevertheless, by hook or by crook, Life finds its way back to the freeway. One way or another, Life gets back onto the Track of Love.

Life is not here to get you down. In the process of Life, you may overthink it. Or, perchance, you may just careen through Life as though you were a wild driver. You can make too much of Life, or you can make too little of it.

Whatever you may feel at a given moment, Life can surpass itself, and you with it.

Life does not always entertain you. There are many songs written about Life, and many of the songs go off the page and take different tracks. Roll with Life, beloveds. Drink its joys. Have a good time while you are at it.

When you crave solace, hand over solace to others. What is solace but peace?

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6 Hormone Balancing Powers Of Red Clover

by Margie King, GreenMedInfo

Menopause can seem like torture. Women at midlife suffer with mood swings, stubborn weight gain, hot flashes, and low energy.  At the same time they can develop anxiety, depression, and trouble sleeping. This natural remedy may provide a perfect solution...

The problem is hormones run amuck. 

The ancient Celts had a natural solution - red clover (Trifolium pretense).  They considered red clover magical and sacred. It wasn’t just superstition. 

Modern research explains why this folk remedy is so effective in helping women at midlife. Red clover contains gentle hormone-balancing plant compounds called isoflavonesThese natural chemicals weakly attach to estrogen receptors in the body’s tissues. And they mimic the effects of estrogen. 

Isoflavones are also adaptogenic.  They sense what the body needs, and adapt their response.

If estrogen levels are low, they act like estrogen.  But if estrogen levels are too high, they take up space on the receptors. They block stronger estrogens. 

Red clover is so powerful it may be a safe and natural alternative to pharmaceutical hormone replacement therapy. 

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The Most Viewed File In The FBI Vault Shows Us What The World Is Really Interested In Right Now

by Kalee Brown, Collective Evolution

The topic of UFOs and extraterrestrials has been gaining a lot of traction in recent years, especially thanks to the plethora of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. Tons of government agencies have declassified an overwhelming number of documents exposing not only the existence of UFOs, but the frequency at which they’re spotted and the physics-defying maneuvers that they carryout.

Of course, UFOs don’t necessarily equate to extraterrestrial technology; however, a significant amount of people have come forward discussing the existence of extraterrestrial (ET) life, including civilian eye witnesses, military personnel, and government officials from around the world.

Mike Gravel, former Democratic Senator, explained, “Something is monitoring the planet, and they are monitoring it very cautiously, because we are a very warlike planet.”

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday April 12, 2017

When times get difficult or the energies get intense, the best way to get through them is to just become very present and do things one now moment at a time. From where you are, take the next natural step ahead of you, followed by the next natural step ahead of you.

You see, if you stop and observe the now moment you will recognize that in that moment many elements are working for you. You are breathing. You have shelter. Your body is working. There are many things meeting your needs and creating comfort for you.

As you start to recognize what is working, you can start to experience gratitude. And it is gratitude that will shift you back into the creation of what is wanted.

You do not need to climb the entire mountain all at once, Dear Ones. All great journeys begin with one step and are the accumulation of many small steps. So step, look around, and step again, harnessing the magic of the now as the fuel for your future. ~Archangel Gabriel

GFP Newsletter - 4/11/2017

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The pagan is a natural man - sincere, not a hypocrite, living life naturally without any domination of the mind.

The pagan is part of existence.

He is not trying to go in some other direction but is always in a let-go and moving with existence wherever it leads.

There is no goal in the life of a pagan.

There is no question of any meaning in the life of a pagan. Life in itself is so beautiful that to ask the question of the meaning of life is simply nonsense. It has to be remembered - we ask about meaning only when something goes wrong.


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God’s Promise

God said:

I send the Heavenletters you receive straight to your heart. When you open your Heavenletter, as soon as you read God said, your heartbeat changes. It becomes more settled.

Were Humphrey Bogart to play Me the way he played many roles as he did in movies, he might say: “Stick with Me, baby.”

He might say: “You can’t go wrong.”

He might say: “I will never let you down.”

Is it possible that you believe Humphrey Bogart more easily than you believe Me?

I say to you: “I will be with you always. I am with you always. We live in Infinity. We are never out of Infinity.”

Is it possible that you conceive of Me as a Candy Store Owner, and you look to Me to hand out candy to you whenever you ask for it?

In this case, you may feel let down, even cast out in Life cuz I don’t meet your expectations.

Is it possible that you feel I owe you and must, in all regards, peel the Orange of Life for you, that I am supposed to, that I am derelict if I do not?

In terms of surface life -- that Thin Top Layer of Frosting on the Cake of Life – you may well feel just like that. In that sense, you may see it that I have let you down, and you are disappointed.

I understand this.

You are sure that I promised you the Stars in the Sky, and that, instead, I have permitted clouds to cover the Stars as a sort of April Fool Day’s joke on you. You are sure you never heard Me promise you clouds.


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