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I hear you! (Smiling) You sit there wondering if you should begin something new, end something you perceive as old and boring or move toward a new future.  I hear you!  I hear your incessant inner chatter covering up My Voice, the one with the plan, the direction and motivation to point you in the right direction.  No not let fear (and that ‘annoying noise’) keep you from hearing what you need to hear.  I am here to assist you. ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 3/31/2017

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The word for medical science in the East is ayurveda. Even the word will show you the difference.

In the West you call it "medicine." Medicine means curing, healing, but can you see the implication: it does not mean health, it comes after the disease has already come in. It is a follow-up. First you are sick, then comes the doctor. The doctor follows sickness, with his bag of medicines.

Ayurveda means the science of life. The very word has nothing to do with disease, sickness; it has something to do with life, health, longevity. It is positive, it is not negative. It shows you the way to remain healthy, to remain young as long as you want, to live longer if that's what you want. Its focus is not on sickness, its focus is on health.


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Vault7: WikiLeaks Reveals ‘Marble’ Tool That Can Frame Russia, China, & More For Cyber Attacks

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

Wikileaks just released another set of documents from Vault 7 that detail the CIA’s secret anti-forensic program, Marble Framework, which allows them to prevent forensic investigators from pinning hacking attacks, viruses, and trojans to the agency. It shows just how protected the CIA is from being held accountable for unethical or illegal actions.

According to Wikileaks, the program allows them to direct blame away from the CIA and onto another party by hiding fragments of texts that would allow the author of the malware to be identified.

Perhaps more alarmingly, they can also “add foreign languages” to malware, meaning that the agency can effectively divert attention to other countries. The program lists Chinese, Russian, Korean, Arabic, and Farsi in example code. So, if malware and hacks are indeed domestic, they could easily be made to look as though they originated from another country.

Wikileaks has pinned the information atop their Twitter page.

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A Topsy-Turvy World

God said:

Congratulations! You successfully live in a world that asks a lot of you – sometimes too much of you, so it seems. It takes daring to live on Earth. Sometimes, you may feel that Life in the World appears to take all it can away from you. Sometimes, in the world, you may feel you hang by your toes. It’s not always easy to see right-side up in a topsy-turvy world.

Inasmuch as the world you become acquainted with is temporary, you sit atop a rocky world. This world you find yourself in is an ever-changing world, which means that the world, as you yourself know it, isn’t nailed down. You are in flux every day.

Wherein lies the stability you long for? You, the Real You, the Truth of Who You Are, is Eternal. This means you are permanent. You are as Essence of Life. In this sense, We can call you A Rock of Gibraltar. In Truth, you are unshakable.

In Truth, in the middle of a tornado, you -- the Very You I address -- are invincible. Remember, Life on Earth is a game you enter. You have entered it. However the game is played, you come out unscathed. We could say the game is rigged. You can only come out with flying colors. You can only come out alive. You can only come out alive. You can only come out alive. There is no death. You are sustained. You are renewable. You exist, not as matter, but as Essence of Life. You don’t have to stroll in a dimensioned world in order to exist.

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Europe is on the Brink of Completely Banning Bee-Killing Insecticides

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer
Waking Times 

As the first North American bumble bee has been officially added to the list of endangered species in the U.S., the European government is making a move to prohibit the use of neonicotinoid insecticides, which are widely believed to be a major contributing factor to the rapid collapse of the world’s bee and pollinator insect populations.

The European commission (EC) has drafted regulations which would end the use of neonics, a family of agrichemicals which pose a ‘high acute risk to bees.’ As The Guardian reports:

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Daily Message ~ Friday March 31, 2017

Dear Ones, you cannot judge and love at the same time. Acceptance is what opens the door to true connection, while judgment only perpetuates separation. It is the pain of separation you are all seeking to heal beyond, whether it be the illusion of separation from Source, keeping yourself separate from others, or denying your own divinity through self judgment. Isn't it time to open the floodgates of love and allow it to flow, boldly and beautifully, in all areas of your life? For that is the healing balm you seek, and that is how you will finally experience the joy of expressing yourself in your truth and divinity. ~Archangel Gabriel

GFP Newsletter - 3/30/2017

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In the East a statue is not made for its own sake. It is made as a code language for centuries to follow. Scriptures may disappear, languages may change, words may be interpreted. Doctrines can be wrongly interpreted, commented upon. There may be dispute about theories - and there has been - so they thought there must be a different way than language.

Now what dispute can there be about the statue of a Buddha or Mahavira? There is no question of dispute, there is no need of any commentary. Anybody who is capable of sitting silently by the side of this statue will have a certain thing stirred in his heart. This is objective art.


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Short Video Reveals “What It Actually Means To Be A Shaman” - TruthTheory

By Luke Miller Truth Theory

The word Shaman is derived from the Siberian word “Saman” which means to know. Shaman are healers in there many forms and many modern day Shaman go through their lives without ever correlating their abilities with the word. This also works in the same way with many calling themselves Shaman without the abilities and/or right intentions to actually heal others.

Shaman speak the language of energy and have an unspoken way of understanding what needs healing within a person. The Shaman can access this knowing by entering altered states of consciousness and communicating with the spirits- by training the mind, through the use of psychedelic substances and/or by altering the senses. This short video explores the roots of Shamanism and what it actually means to be a Shaman.

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Life Slips Through Your Fingers

God said:

All aboard! Get onto this vehicle of Life on Earth. You are here for a Tour of Earth. There is nothing like it. Sometimes your Life goes a mile a minute and a surprise a minute. Fasten your seat belts!

Nevertheless, where else is there such excitement? This is the Ride of a Lifetime. Sometimes it feels like you are bombarded with too much of Life, and yet you don’t want to miss any of it. When all is said or done, you signed up for this Once in a Lifetime Adventure. Your Adventure is unique. There never was and never will be one just like it. You experience it all. There is no space to fly through even as it appears that you do. Actually, you may hesitate to fly through space because: What if you fell, or what if you went too high and could never get back?

Even when Life isn’t your cup of tea, you want to hold on for all you are worth, or that Life is worth, whether Life is golden-seeming or not -- even when Life may seem like tin.

Of course, what matters is the ride you are on now. Regardless of all the fuss and furor and all the joy, Life slips through your fingers. What is this Lifetime on Earth after all but a fling? In love, out of love, love here and love there, you come shining through. Thus is your Travel in Life. You are indeed a Traveler. You travel the world. You travel to unforgettable places that you forget. When all is said and done, Life is simply an exercise, a kind of rehearsal, and that’s it.


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