God said:
Congratulations! You successfully live in a world that asks a lot of you – sometimes too much of you, so it seems. It takes daring to live on Earth. Sometimes, you may feel that Life in the World appears to take all it can away from you. Sometimes, in the world, you may feel you hang by your toes. It’s not always easy to see right-side up in a topsy-turvy world.
Inasmuch as the world you become acquainted with is temporary, you sit atop a rocky world. This world you find yourself in is an ever-changing world, which means that the world, as you yourself know it, isn’t nailed down. You are in flux every day.
Wherein lies the stability you long for? You, the Real You, the Truth of Who You Are, is Eternal. This means you are permanent. You are as Essence of Life. In this sense, We can call you A Rock of Gibraltar. In Truth, you are unshakable.
In Truth, in the middle of a tornado, you -- the Very You I address -- are invincible. Remember, Life on Earth is a game you enter. You have entered it. However the game is played, you come out unscathed. We could say the game is rigged. You can only come out with flying colors. You can only come out alive. You can only come out alive. You can only come out alive. There is no death. You are sustained. You are renewable. You exist, not as matter, but as Essence of Life. You don’t have to stroll in a dimensioned world in order to exist.