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The World's Food Seeds are Going Extinct, but You Can Help

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer
Waking Times

Most of the truly important news of our times goes unnoticed, under-reported or ignored by the corporate media, and as they focus on the ever-evolving narrative of human political drama, we are missing opportunities to participate in the most important struggles of our time. Seven generations from now, the destruction of the world’s seed diversity by corporate greed will have a much greater impact on the human condition than as much as anything else we can fathom.

Seeds are absolutely vital to life on earth, but once a crop has gone extinct there is no way to revive it. In the last century alone, the world has lost at least 93% of all seed types, which had been cultivated by individual farmers around the globe for millennia providing a robust array of nutrition and sustenance.

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Daily Message ~ Monday April 3, 2017

Dear Ones, as your theology evolves, so naturally does your relationship with others. As you move beyond the belief in a judgmental, punishing God, into connection with a loving, accepting, and encouraging Source, and more than that, seeing yourself as an integral and beloved aspect of that divine whole, you lay the foundation to move beyond separation into unity consciousness.

You make the profound shift from conditional love to unconditional love, which paves the way for far deeper and meaningful interactions with others. That is exactly what will allow higher vibrational relationships to start to come together, creating new divine templates that hold and express the higher aspects of love your soul has been yearning to experience. It truly is the dawn of a new day for your relationships with Source, yourselves, and each other. ~Archangel Gabriel


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When You Wake Up in the Morning

God said:

Your thoughts are not always uplifting. Too many negative thoughts trot in and take over. Your thoughts are powerful, and so are your feelings. Your thoughts and feelings bounce off each other. Mostly, you don’t have one without the other.

Which comes first is beyond your comprehension. Your thoughts and feelings may seem to be beyond you, well beyond your will. Of course, you would rather be elated with Life than disenchanted.

If you wake up in the morning, and you don’t want to leap out of bed, you may feel that you are obliged to drag yourself out of bed, perhaps with the thought: “Another day, another dollar.”

You get up dragging a sense of duty. How dull. You may have forgotten all about the possibility of leaping out of bed with joy, enthusiasm, and desire. Instead, you make yourself get up, for what other choice do you have?

You are well aware that you would love to leap out of bed as you once did. Leaping out of bed was once a way of life for you. What happened? It almost seems that you filed off joy as you might your fingernails.

Discouraging words and thoughts happened to you. Your thoughts and your feelings work as a team. Both activate you. They rise up together, or they plop down together.

Dear Ones, you can reverse the trend of your feelings and thoughts. This you can do. This is for you to do.

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Jane Goodall: How Can We Believe It Is A Good Idea To Grow Our Food With Poisons?

by Collective Evolution

In 1996, Steven M. Druker did something very few Americans were doing then — learn the facts about the massive venture to restructure the genetic core of the world’s food supply. The problem of unawareness still exists today, but it’s getting much better thanks to activists like Druker.

Druker, being a public interest attorney and the Executive Director of the Alliance For Bio-Integrity, initiated a lawsuit in 1998 that forced the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to divulge its files on genetically engineered foods.

He’s recently published a book on the lawsuit (2015). In the book, Druker provides details of his experience, and he’s also released the documents on his website showing the significant hazards of genetically engineering foods and the flaws that the FDA made in its policy.

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Media Silence As Russia Calls Out US/NATO Role In Afghan Drug Trafficking

This week, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov held his annual press conference, at which he slammed NATO's role in Afghan heroin trade.

By: Jack Burns / The Free Thought Project  For many years now, the United States has been fighting, and losing, the violent war to end opiate, opioid, and heroin overdoses. As The Free Thought Project has consistently reported, opiate-related overdoses are now killing thousands of Americans per year, with no real end in sight. Our political foes know this and, according to Russia’s foreign minister Sergei Lavrov, the United States is using its own soldiers to protect the cultivation, production, and exportation of heroin from Afghanistan to other parts of the world.

As late as 2011, Moscow has been voicing its concerns over the drug trade in Afghanistan. Wikileaks published, as part of its Global Intelligence Files database, emails from Stratfor, describing Moscow’s criticism of U.S. foreign policy prohibiting its soldiers from destroying Afghani poppy fields.

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6 Qigong Exercises For Cultivating Healing Energy

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

Qigong combines both meditative and physically active elements. The physical elements are expressed through relaxing, visualization, stretching, and breathing. It’s a mind-body practice that first developed over 5,000 years ago, and comprises an important aspect of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). There is also a term commonly used in the medical community related to this type of practice, known as Medical Qigong(MQ). It’s a mind-body practice that uses physical activity and meditation to harmonize the body, mind, and spirit.

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DEA Approves Synthetic Marijuana for Company That Spent $500K to Keep Weed Illegal

by Alex Thomas, The Anti-Media

Lobbying in the nation’s capitol is a billion dollar industry, but sometimes, companies dip their toes into state and local politics, as well. When giant corporations want to influence bills and national elections, they generally spread their money around, cozying up to a number of politicians and shaking hands with numerous government officials. However, at the local level, high-dollar financing is a bit more transparent.

Insys Therapeutics is a small player on the national scale. The Center for Responsive Politics reported that they spent only $120,000 lobbying in D.C. in 2016. But in Arizona, where the company is based, they forked over $500,000 — and they did it to keep marijuana illegal in the traditionally Republican state.

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During the resting phase after a large energy shift, the time will give you a moment to look at things differently. The old self may try to reestablish itself…. including its doubts and fears in your abilities. Never fear, dear one, there must be a clearing before you can move forward. Stay positive and focused on the good that is to come and all will be well. ~ Creator


GFP Newsletter - 4/2/2017

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I feel that politics and politicians should be completely debarred as far as the education of the new generation is concerned. The new generation should be helped to forget the whole past so they can start living anew.

There is a saying that history repeats itself. Yes, it repeats itself because you go on teaching it.

Just stop teaching history and it won't repeat any more.

You teach it, you poison the minds of children, and they start having political ambitions themselves.

You make them ambitious. In every possible way you make them ambitious.

Your whole education system is not to make children intelligent but to make them ambitious.


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You Are Flying High

God said:

Oneness is inescapable. Oneness is a fact of Life. Oneness is here to stay.

At the same time, you live in a contiguous world which is called relative. In the world, everything is relative to something else. You live in a world of contrast and comparison. You are always keeping your eye on the ball. Your attention is swept up in the world. You take your cues from the external world.

A World of Greatness lies within you. You are rising to it. You are coming closer. You are finding your sea legs as it were, or a new shoe size, or perhaps We could say you are coming closer to going barefoot in the sand. Very near the Ocean are you in your recognition and actual realization of the boundlessness that you are and always were. Accept this.

No longer will you be seeing yourself mainly as a feat of the world, an object of the world, a personage of the world. You are coming closer to your Creator. It may not always feel this way to you. In fact, you may feel you are up against great odds as though you must be hammered into some kind of obeisance to the world. You have been lodged in the world of individuality -- far away from the Realization of Oneness in the world.


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