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4 Ways to Throw a Monkey Wrench into the War Machine

Gary ‘Z’ McGee, Staff Writer
Waking Times

“When a public is stressed and confused, a big lie told repeatedly and unchallenged can become accepted truth.” ~George Orwell

One of the biggest lies told is the false notion that in order to maintain peace, we must have war. Orwellian logic.

As ridiculous as it sounds, the majority of naïve statists believe this notion to be true. This is due, in no small part, to statist conditioning and state-driven propaganda that capitalizes on a blind, patriotic whimsy. And so the war machine continues to rage on, destroying lives, while fattening the pockets of the fat cats at Lockheed Martin and Boeing, not to mention all the other companies which directly and indirectly profit from war. It’s an all-too-common tragedy. But what can you expect when living within an oligarchic plutocracy disguised as a democratic republic? Rhetorical questions aside, there must be ways in which we can, as courageous individuals, throw a monkey wrench into the war machine and thus stop it in its violent tracks.

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14-Year-Old Was Given 3 Days To Live, But Then His Mother Gave Him Cannabis Oil

by Amanda Froelich, True Activist

At 14-years-old, he was planning his own funeral. So, his mother did something ‘drastic’ by using a 100% natural herb that has been cultivated for thousands of years.

Though there is a minimum of 60 peer-reviewed studies proving the marijuana plant to have substantial healing potential, the herb remains a classified Schedule I drug in the United States. In the UK and Australia, as well, use of the plant – both recreationally and for medicinal purposes – is illegal. This is a travesty, considering cannabis kills 0 people each year (unlike alcohol and opioid abuse) and has been shown to benefit conditions including cancer, Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy and more!

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The NASA Footage That Captured A UFO In Space Heading Towards Earth, It Looks Like We Shot At It…

by Collective Evolution, Collective Evolution

Those of you who read our articles on UFOs and extraterrestrials will know that we like to emphasize how seriously this topic is taken by government agencies around the world. Many people are still unaware of this, but it’s true — in recent years, dozens of governments and defence intelligence agencies have officially released thousands of pages of UFO related documents into the public domain.

We also like to point out, just to familiarize our new readers with the topic, that these declassified files indicate not only that UFOs are commonly tracked on military ground radar, but also that they are tracked on air radar and visually confirmed by the pilots who are sent to check them out. This is precisely why hundreds of high ranking political and military personnel, alongside researchers and academicians around the world, have been speaking out about this topic for the past few years. You can read more about that here.

GFP Newsletter - 3/28/2017

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According to the Western historians, Sanskrit also reached to its ultimate peak of refinement in some prehistorical age; since then there has been no change. Not that they are against change; you cannot change it because it has been refined to the very last. All the finishing touches were done five thousand years ago.

People were scientific, but their devotion was to human growth - in music, in art, in poetry, in drama, in dance.

In India there are so many schools of dance, centuries old; so many schools of music, centuries old.

And the teaching of dance or drama is not the way it is in the West; it is very religious. The man who teaches you drama, dance, music, is as much respected as a master is. And he is a Master, because music is not only music; it is, deep down, meditation. It is music used for meditation.

You may have come to learn music; you will return with something more, something more precious than you have every imagined. Music of course you will learn, but side by side something will start growing in you which is far more musical, which is the music of silence.


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Near to God Are You

God said:

Near to Me are you. Dear to Me are you.

The Truth of You is Holiness. You scoff at this, yet I will tell you again: The Truth of You is Holiness. You are a Holy Being.

What would I create that was not holy? Imagine the reverence for Life that I hold dear to Me, created by Me. I am proud of My signature. I made you at no charge. There are no limits to what you can make of yourself.

Now, share with Me, reverence for Life and reverence for your own Life.


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+ ONE = ALL,


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New Study Confirms That Nature Reduces Obesity And Depression - TruthTheory

By Jess Murray Truth Theory

Those who live closer to nature are less likely to have an array of medical issues, including obesity and depression, according to a new report. The study found that middle-aged Scottish men who lived in areas that were surrounded by greenery and an abundance of nature had a death rate that was 16% lower than their more urban counterparts. Together with this, the research conducted that pregnant women had added health benefits by living in a greener environment, and consequently had lower blood pressure and gave birth to larger babies.

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Hundreds Of Thousands Gather In Yemen To Protest Sponsored Saudi Terrorism

Hundreds of thousands took to the streets of Yemen's capital city to protest ongoing military conflict and the bombing of civilians.

By: Claire Bernish / The Free Thought Project   Sana’a, Yemen — Hundreds of thousands took to the streets in the Yemeni capital of Sana’a to protest the second anniversary of the invasion by Saudi Arabia, as well as the ongoing military offensive by the loosely U.S.-backed, Saudi-led coalition of nine nations attempting to crush the Shia Houthi rebellion

“I participated in the protests against the aggression (by the Saudi-led coalition), maybe our voice will be heard by the world over to stop the war,” the Associated Press quoted protester, Ahmed Mohsen, who, along with war-weary throngs of others — participated to try to call attention to the U.S.’ other major conflict.

“Two years of wanton violence and bloodshed, thousands of deaths and millions of people desperate for their basic rights to food, water, health and security,” railed UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, “enough is enough.”


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