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Farming Entrepreneur Makes $100K Using 1/3 Of An Acre

by Jessica Murray, True Activist

His original ideas are being taught to thousands of people worldwide.

Farmer, author, speaker, and consultant, Curtis Stone, has created a new method of farming where the focus is on quality of life and profitability co-existing. Established in 2010, his farm, named Green City Acres, is located in Kelowna BC Canada, and generates over $100,000 per year on only one-third of an acre. Having always had an interest in geopolitical issues, Stone wanted to take his life into his own hands and gain a sense of independence through being a producer rather than a consumer. In time, with a lack of funds, and a lot of research showing that a lot can be done in backyards, he set to work with no experience, and yet boomed into being a commercial grower in a very short space of time. He claims that a lot of his success is down to modern technology, and accessibility to resources such as YouTube, which provide valuable and free information.

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Harvard Scientists Think They’ve Pinpointed The Physical Source Of Consciousness

by Kalee Brown, Collective Evolution

“Looking for consciousness in the brain is like looking inside a radio for the announcer. – Nassim Haramein

The quote above is great food for thoughts before you get into this article. It also related to the video posted at the end of this article.

For years, quantum physicists have been trying to catch up to what many ancient spiritual practices have been preaching for centuries. We, along with everything else in existence, are made up of consciousness. Ancient yogic, Hindu, and Buddhist texts claim that we are fundamentally connected to everything, a concept commonly referred to as “oneness,” but only now is science proving the truth of these claims.

Researchers at Harvard University have been studying consciousness, and more specifically, where exactly it originates in human beings. What does it mean to be human? Are we defined by our emotions, the awareness of our existence, or something much greater? These are the questions the scientific community are finally starting to ask.

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Your Instruction Manual

Now that the waves have finally subsided, you may be sitting there asking yourself, “What now?  What do I do?  Which direction should I move in?”  The process you all underwent very recently was to get you ready to receive the answers to those very questions.  Now is the time to quiet yourself and listen.  You are and always have been the co-Creator of your existence and nothing happens without your permission and, most certainly does not happen without action from you!
Take some time and think on what you really want to do and in which direction you choose to move.  Although it may feel as if you are lacking an instruction manual, one has always been available in your heart. ~ Creator


GFP Newsletter - 4/5/2017

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You ask me, "Do politicians have brains?"

I can only say what I have experienced and seen. Certainly the question will arise, because if I say they don't have any brains then how do they go on working? They go on working just like computers, just like robots. They go on working, not intelligently, but mechanically.

Two thousand years of history we know clearly, with evidence. One thing comes out absolutely clearly, that all political leaders have functioned mechanically. That's why history is repeated - because of the mechanical behavior of the politicians. It is the same wheel that goes on moving: the same ambition, the same desire, the same strategy, the same tricks, the same exploitations - and the same results.

But now the game has come to a point where either the game has to finish or humanity has to be ready to commit suicide.

The game is not so precious, the game is just worthless. Humanity cannot be sacrificed to the political game.

Human individuals should start declaring that the earth is one, the whole of humanity is one; that we don't want any nations, we don't want this dirty politics; that we don't see any problem, why Russia should be against America, or America be against Russia.

The Russian people are as innocent and simple as Americans. It is just the topmost politicians who cannot let you relax, because your relaxation is their death. They want you to remain continuously tense, afraid, so that they go on playing the game that "the war is coming and we have to prepare for it."


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Go Ahead, Have the Time of Your Life! 

God said:

Hello, this is your Life that you are living. Go ahead, have the time of your Life. Your life, the time, they are yours. They belong to no one but you – well, We can add that your Life belongs to Me as well, for I cherish your life.

While you are on Earth, you undergo the sense of time that is prevalent on Earth. The world goes by time, and the world goes by in the blink of an eye. Give Life a whirl. Find your joy, and give your joy.

What is your joy may not be everyone else’s joy or anyone’s. You could be someone who loves to eat out all the time. You could be someone who prefers to cook food for yourself and eat at home. You may love socializing. Someone else may be more contemplative and crave solitude.

I tell you one thing: There is plenty on Earth to choose from, to specialize in, or to take a break from. Life is indeed a many-splendored thing. Your Life is what it is when it is. At the same time, your Life can be whatever you want it to be. In the long run, it can be. You have some say.

Here’s the thing: Want your Life. Want your Life to be what you want it to be. Consider your Life as a camera you take photos with. You focus your camera as you like. Take the pictures you want to take. This is your Life. Make of it what you will. Give your Life a chance. Pay as much attention and intention to your Life as you wish. Run with it. Everyone’s Life has all possibilities. Open your Life up to more, and more, and more. Reach out.

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday April 5, 2017

If you are struggling with an aspect of work, we highly recommend surrendering into joyful co-creation. Such an act will shift the energy instantaneously, activate your team of helpers, and move you out of resistance and back into the divine inspiration and support of the flow. This can also be a very effective fix for what is commonly referred to as writer's block. Inspiration and creation always come from willingly re-connecting back into the sweet spot we call the flow. ~Archangel Gabriel


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Medical Marijuana Is Now Legal In Argentina And It's Free To Patients

by Amanda Froelich, True Activist

Not only is medicinal cannabis now legal in Argentina, patients are guaranteed free access to the herb.

On March 31, Argentina became the latest country to legalize the use of cannabis oil and other marijuana derivatives for medicinal purposes. The bill, which was passed by the House of Representatives last November, was approved unanimously by the Senate, reports The Associated Press. In addition to legalizing the use of medical cannabis, the law also creates a medical marijuana research program at the Health ministry. The facility must “guarantee free access” to cannabis oil and other derivatives to patients who join the program.

Hannah Hetzer, Senior International Policy Manager at the Drug Policy Alliance, commented on the bill’s passing:

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The Pentagon Has Never Been Audited & Trillions Of Dollars Are Unaccounted For. Where Has It Gone?

by Kalee Brown, Collective Evolution

An audit refers to an official financial examination, to which every person, corporation, and government organization in the United States is subject. To be exempt from an audit or to not be audited on an annual basis is practically unheard of, even if a business makes a small amount of money. So, why doesn’t the Pentagon, the headquarters for the United States Department of Defense — which accounts for 54% of the U.S. government discretionary spending — get audited?

To be clear, this is illegal. Legislation that was passed in the early 90s states that all government agencies must be audited on an annual basis. The Pentagon has not been audited for the past 20 years, yet there have been no legal consequences. Instead, the U.S. government awards the Department of Defense with billions of dollars annually. Why does the Pentagon get special treatment from the U.S. government and what exactly is it hiding?

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The Last 5 U.S. Presidents In A Row Have Bombed Iraq

By: , AntiMedia

Who is to blame for the current state of chaos in Iraq? An oversimplified and misguided, if not dishonest course of action would be to blame Iraqis for being radical, death-cult worshipping fanatics and ignore America’s foreign policy decision-making, which led to the current situation. In turn, one could place Iraq on a travel ban list of nations that doesn’t include any of the countries that created and support al-Qaeda (and then nonsensically remove them from your revised list some weeks later).

Of course, a more honest and fruitful venture would be to examine the events that led to the current situation engulfing Iraq. As American airstrikes continue to massacre the Iraqi civilian population by the hundreds, we owe it to the Iraqi people to get to the bottom of this story. From there, we could ostensibly create a future path that might bring peace to the war-torn nation as opposed to blindly continuing the same policies Iraq has been victim to for decades.


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