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Clay Sculptured into a Work of Art

God said:

Once upon a time, when you rubbed Aladdin's Lamp and had only three wishes, you made a wish that all your future wishes would also come true.

Now that you have gained more experience and more wisdom, more of your wishes concern the world at large. Now you would wish that everyone in the world find his or her True Love, not only you. Now you would wish that there would be good food enough for all on Earth, not just for you and your family, and you would wish for peace and love on Earth for all without end, no longer only for your personal peace and love and so on.

You also might have wished that you live forever, is that not so?

Of course, the Truth is that you do live forever. Everyone lives forever. Infinity is on a grander scale than the physical. The physical is a certain format of you, the Spectacular Soul that you are. The physical is an outfit you put on for this time around. Even the outfit, the body you wear, keeps changing even as We speak.

This is not to be bemoaned. Roses can bloom on your cheeks. Once you were lame, and now you can walk. There are many many welcome changes. Did your heart sink at first when I mentioned changes? Even changes you don't want have meaning for you. What you call death is one of those meaningful changes.

Shakespeare said: "Parting is such sweet sorrow." That is true only so far as it goes.

The deeper Truth is that there is no parting, and there never was. Oneness means Oneness.

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The White House Just Blocked CNN, BBC, New York Times, LA Times From Media Briefing

by Joe Martino, Collective Evolution

In an unprecedented move, the White House has blocked several major news outlets from covering its press briefing.

White House Press Secretary Spicer on Friday chose to hand select what news outlets would be allowed to participate in the off-camera briefing with reporters inside his West Wing office as opposed to the James S Brady Press Briefing Room.

Who got barred from attending? The outlets that Trump has often criticized: CNN, BBC, The New York Times, LA Times, New York Daily News, Daily Mail, and a few others.

In an intriguing move, the press secretary allowed outlets including Breitbart News, One America News Network, and The Washington Times, who all tend to be right leaning news organizations. That said, a few other media outlets were allowed in including ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox News, Reuters and Bloomberg.

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Daily Message ~ Friday February 24, 2017

If you have an area of your life that you just can't seem to shift no matter how hard you try, maybe it is time to release the struggle. Maybe it is time to surrender it to Source and allow your team to resolve it for you. Maybe it is time to simply give it to God with the acceptance that you have done everything you can do from your end.

Surrender and acceptance are likely the only two things left that you have not tried. At this point, since you can't seem to budge the situation no matter how hard you try, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. By giving it up to your higher self, the angels, your guides, your entire team of helpers, you open the door to all of the solutions you cannot see from your vantage point and move into the realm of endless potential and possibility.

Trust and allow yourselves to be led, Dear Ones, for that is our speciality and lets us experience our greatest joy and purpose which is serving you. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Can A Library Of Things Solve Our ‘Peak Stuff’ Problem?

by Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution

We’ve all felt this frustration: We need a specific item, be it a tool, a ladder, or a tent, and have to go out and buy it, then store it in our homes, despite only needing it one time. Not only is this kind of purchase costly, it contributes to unnecessary consumerism. We probably have many of the exact same things as our neighbours do, and our houses and apartments are full of stuff that we hardly ever use — talk about wasteful!

To take this even further, just imagine all of the resources that are required to not only make these things that we hardly ever use, but also to transport and package them. It all seems a little silly, doesn’t it? The obvious solution might be to ask a neighbour to borrow the item, but many of us are uncomfortable with both knocking on strangers’ doors asking for help and with opening our own to people we don’t know.

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Concern Over Fukushima Increases As Radiation Cripples Two Robots

By: Whitney Webb/Mint Press News  

While media attention has largely drifted away from the 2011 meltdown at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in the years since the disaster, a recent and disturbing development has once again made Fukushima difficult if not impossible to ignore.

On Feb. 2, Tokyo Electric Power Company, or TEPCO, quietly released a statement regarding the discovery of a hole measuring 2 meters in diameter within the metal grating at the bottom of the containment vessel in the plant’s No. 2 reactor.

Though news of this hole is indeed concerning, even more shocking was the associated jump in radiation detected in the area. According to estimates taken at the time of the hole’s discovery, radiation inside the reactor was found to have reached 530 sieverts per hour, a massive increase compared to the 73 sieverts per hour recorded after the disaster. To put these figures in perspective, NASA’s maximum amount of radiation exposure permitted for astronauts over their entire lifetime is 1 sievert.

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Diabetes Has Become One of the Most Lethal Diseases in the World

By Dr. Mercola

Late last year, research1,2,3 showed life expectancy has declined in the U.S. for the first time in two decades, leaving researchers searching for clues as to the cause.

While drug overdoses appear to have contributed to the decline, obesity also plays a major role. Now, a follow-up study4 suggests type 2 diabetes is a major factor. As reported by Vox:5

"[R]esearchers have long known that diabetes is an underreported cause of death on death certificates, the primary data source for determining life expectancy trends.

GFP Newsletter - 2/23/2017

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I can only show you the way to find your own answer. Truth liberates, but it has to be your own.

Otherwise, if it is somebody else's, truth binds. Jesus Christ's truth, Mohammed's truth, Buddha's truth, have all become prisons. I don't want my truth to become a prison for anybody.

I want my truth to be an inspiration.

I want my truth to trigger something in you which is yours.

My truth simply gives you an assurance that a human being, just like you, can attain to truth.

That will give you immense respect towards yourself. You will not feel unworthy sinners, that somebody has to come to save you - some Christ, some Buddha has to come, and then you will be saved. You don't have to wait for anybody to save you. You are born saved, just a little insight .... If my presence can do that, then my work is finished.

I don't want to become a prison around you.

I want to become a freedom around you, an open sky around you, not a golden cage - so that you can open your wings and feel the joy of flying higher and higher towards the stars.


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Daily Message ~ Thursday February 23, 2017

Dear Ones, please understand that as your grow and evolve it is a process – one that happens one shift at a time. We urge you to be kind and gentle with yourself through that process!

So many of you learn a new concept and then expect yourself to be absolutely perfect in the implementing of it. For example, you will learn about the correlation between your thoughts and your reality and then you will pressure yourselves incredibly to have no negative thoughts at all and then berate yourselves when you cannot comply to that immediately.

It is unreasonable and unrealistic to expect yourselves to master anything new immediately. You would not start piano lessons and be upset that you could not play Mozart right away, would you? Your growth, like the growth of all things, is designed to be gradual – a beautiful unfolding that is the result of new choices and accumulated practice. Perfection never has been, and never will be expected from you.

If you wish to make big changes in your lives, understand that it is by adding new things, new ideas, new explorations, that you open the door to start shifting into the experience of more of those things. That is what first sets the intention, adds your action to it, and through your practice, starts to anchor the energy of it. And by doing it bit by bit, before you know it you will have become far more comfortable with it, and it will have become part of your natural habits and choices. It is important to remember that no one is grading your progress!

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Thrive! Thrive! Thrive!

God said:

You are here on Earth for far more than to survive. Survive has taken on the meaning of barely making it through, just getting by, going through great trials perhaps, running through a gauntlet, or crawling through a desert and not dying of thirst. Surviving, as it is understood today, isn't much, perhaps hanging on by your teeth. In My book, surviving isn't meant to mean hanging on by your teeth.

Super in Latin carried the meaning of superover, above, more. Vivere means to live. Survive meant far greater than mere survival. Let's substitute the word thrive. It is My desire that you thrive on Earth.

I put it to you that you are to enjoy your sojourn, not make the best of it as it is understood, but to have a good time as you learn the ins and outs of living on Earth. Making the best of dreariness is not My dream for you. My dream for you is opening up the sky for you and embracing you to Me and Our Kingdom of Heaven.

Set your sights higher. You are meant to lift the world. You can do this by living in Joy, in Joy for the good of all. By no means are you to relinquish Joy – to give it up or to never have it as if this were by some stretch of the imagination good for your soul.

There is no merit in lackluster. There is no merit in suffering. There is merit in Joy. How can you give Joy unless you have Joy within you to give?


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