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One Key Word

God said:

There is no law that says you must be thrown by what occurs in Life. Will you confess that what upsets your experience may be extreme? No matter how you may genuinely feel about someone else's misinterpretation and offense, confess that you are not the fire department who must put out a fire. Why must your alarm go off?

Okay, sometimes Life is upsetting. Now direct your attention to letting the upset cool down. In a calmer setting, more settled, how would you handle the situation now?

Honestly, you had a knee-jerk reaction. Somehow, a situation or something someone said, set you off. It got your dander up. Something from the past, no doubt. Perhaps something from the past that you have no conscious recollection of.

If you did not feel agitated, how might you respond?

Here's what you can do the next time you feel disturbed by what may well be an innocent mistake and, really, not so heavy-duty as you saw it. The answer I have for you is one word, only one word. This may be a revelation to you. It will save you grief.

It is not the one word Love. In your upset, you do not feel Love at this moment. And to Love isn't something to try to do. Trying doesn't work, does it? Love doesn’t come by force.

The one word is not Patience. All you need in the midst of your internal explosion is to be told to be patient – you might bounce off the ceiling if someone told you to be patient as if you could muster patience just like that.

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Former Director Of IMF Gets Prison Time For Fraud

by Whitney Webb, True Activist

Rodrigo Rato, former Director of the International Monetary Fund, was sentenced to four years and six months in prison last Thursday by a Spanish Court.

While the current director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Christine Lagarde, avoided prison time despite being found guilty of negligence in a high-profile fraud case, one of her predecessors has not been so lucky. Rodrigo Rato, director of the IMF from 2004 to 2007, was just recently sentenced this past Thursday to 4.5 years of prison by a Spanish court for his misappropriation of bank funds, i.e. fraud. Rato’s conviction followed a lengthy trial where he and 64 other executives and former board members of the failed Spanish bank Bankia and its founder bank Caja Madrid.

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This Is Why Doctors Are Recommending Yoga For Lower Back Pain Over Opioids

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

It’s no secret that the abuse of and addiction to opioids, including heroin, morphine, and prescription pain relievers, is a serious global problem harming the social and economic welfare of all societies and the health of many individuals within them. The more loved ones we lose and the more families affected by it, the more we need to take a hard look at some of the biggest culprits behind the problem.

Over the past 25 years in the U.S., the total number of opioid pain relievers prescribed has escalated dramatically. In fact, the amount of prescriptions for opioids like hydrocodone and oxycodone increased from 76 million in 1991 to nearly 207 million in 2013.

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City Fines Interracial Couple After Racial Slur Was Tagged On Their Garage

by Brianna Acuesta, True Activist

Instead of finding the culprit, the city is fining the victims of the crime.

It may seem backwards to fine the victims of a hate crime, and that’s because it absolutely is. The city of Stamford in Connecticut has decided to fine the couple six weeks after the crime took place because they have yet to paint over it.

It all started one morning, the Saturday just before Martin Luther King Jr. Day to be exact, when Lexene Charles went outside to get in his car. He was shocked to see that an anti-black racial slur had been spray painted onto his garage and immediately called for Heather Lindsay, his longtime partner, to come outside.

Charles, who is black, and Lindsay, who is white, have refused to paint over or clean the graffiti until the culprit is caught, which is what sparked the city to slap fines on them. Three weeks after the incident, the city issued a citation for blight that carries a fine of $100 for every day that the graffiti stays up.

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The way Home is through quiet time spent at the holy altar within yourselves.

The changes now occurring on Earth are amazing, and they are due to people like you – those reading and listening to blogs like this – intending every day as you awaken to be loving and accepting in every interaction, in every situation, and releasing all judgmental thoughts without engaging with them.

As you are being consistently reminded: There is ONLY Love!  And you, the Light bearers, Light workers, Starseeds, and those of you who have seemingly only recently embarked on your spiritual paths, have now realized that and are constantly doing your utmost to live that divine Truth.  Of course, you have all been on your spiritual paths since you incarnated for your present human life, it’s just that some of you are only just becoming aware of that.  Despite your seeming unawareness you have in fact been following that path all your lives, it’s just that you had lessons to learn, core issues to heal and release, or contractual obligations to fulfill before you were ready for awareness of your spiritual destiny to arise within you.

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Daily Message ~ Saturday February 25, 2017

Dear Ones, remember, the ebb and flow of energies serves you. The universe, as well as your soul, always has a plan. How things are unfolding for you is always making the best use of the energies. Trust and know that there is always purpose and planning going on far beyond what you could possibly imagine, and it is all designed to serve you. Learning to dance with the natural rhythms of the universe will allow you to embrace all of it with grace and ease and appreciation. ~Archangel Gabriel

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‘Ring of Fire’ Solar Eclipse In Pisces: This Is What It Means!

by Carmen Di Luccio, Collective Evolution

We are having a Solar Eclipse in Pisces on February 26th, 2017 at 2:58pm Universal Time. While it will only be visible in parts of South America and Africa, as with every eclipse, the astrological significance will still affect the whole planet.

This is an annular eclipse, which is when the Sun is almost completely blocked from the Moon except for the outer edges. This is because the Moon is near its apogee, which is its furthest distance from the Earth. This type of eclipse is also referred to as a ‘ring of fire,’ thanks to its unique appearance.

We also had a Lunar Eclipse in Leo a few weeks ago. Eclipse season, which occurs every six months, is a significant period of transitions that can start up to six weeks before eclipses begin and play out over the following months. However, this eclipse window is particularly transitional because we are shifting away from two years of Virgo-Pisces eclipses and into Leo-Aquarius ones.

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Japanese Newspaper With Seeds Embedded Sprouts Flowers When Planted

by Amanda Froelich, True Activist

This successful venture is proof that recycling is beneficial for the planet and that plenty of citizens are willing to support eco-friendly initiatives.

It’s because printed newspapers are anything but environmentally friendly that many news sites have gone online (that, and because internet media reaches an audience at a much faster pace). One of the biggest daily newspapers in Japan, however, figured out a solution to the gargantuan amount of paper waste involved in printing the periodicals.

Because there’s an element of class and comfort in reading a print book or pamphlet, the Japanese “Green Newspaper” is made entirely of recycled and vegetable paper that can be composted after it’s read. Best of all, when planted, sprouts of plants will bloom! As LifeGate shares, the concept isn’t exactly ‘new’, but it is fascinating nonetheless.

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Fix ‘Er Up

As challenging as it may seem at times, it is time to fix your attitude.  You can gloss over the rough parts, smile though the painful and laugh through the terrible.  The chances of things staying exactly as they are will not change unless you choose.  Most often, these actions come from a lack of forgiveness of self… start there, my love.  Even if, in that moment, you do not truly feel it, give yourself a chance.  You are worthy and deserving of a new start. ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 2/24/2017

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What is really happening here is a miracle.

I do nothing but, I don't know why, you have fallen in love with me.

I don't deserve it either because I have never done anything; how can I deserve so many people's love?

But your love is doing the miracle.

You are here for no other reason.

Sometimes you also must be wondering why you are here. I also wonder why; but love is such a thing, that you go on wondering why, and it goes on happening.



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