

amissvik's picture




I have written some posts but they have gone unpublished, undone, unfinished, somehow incomplete in a very complete way, intact in their attempts to bridge realities but unready to be sung, these private songs, whistling and humming in the background.


This has been a time of extraordinary moments, shimmering realizations that occur in the oddest situations.


Twice in the last two weeks I have been driving, and, for an extended period of time, I am operating my vehicle with absolutely no idea where I am or what I am supposed to be doing. It's as if I get plunked into this situation, and I do not recognize landmarks, everything is not unfamiliar but so abstracted, so theoretical, that it takes me some time to snap back into better aligned awareness.


I had an argument with myself about this yesterday. Do I want to shock myself into fearing a grisly demise as a victim of aggressive, advancing dementia? Forgetting where you are is the first sign! Pretty soon I'll be crapping my pants and demanding coffee and cigarettes from an overworked and resentful nursing home staff. Christ. I am fucked.



amissvik's picture




To say I feel different is such an understatement. It's like saying a tiger is different than a kiwi. Yes. They are different. There is a before and after at play here, something big moving, shifting, evolving, coming up for review and appreciation.


I remember that dream which inspired “Sandstorms.” It's been coming back to me in waves. Working very hard, concentrating utterly on something, then a sandstorm kicks up, and then, through the dust, all the old structures that I just took for granted as the ones I'd see after the storm, they had all been replaced, very mystically and magically and against reason.




I can feel the dust settling.


I've been pandering Seth. I bought The Nature of Personal Reality a month ago, and dove into it a week ago. I remember mainlining that book in the '80's, and I'd be able to read about a paragraph, sometimes just a couple sentences. Then I'd feel full, complete. Then I'd go to sleep, and have a dream explaining the concept I'd just read about. That happened so predictably with Seth, that I have always recognized him as a great teacher of mine. And here he is again, reminding me in words I can now better understand and concepts I can now finally feel in my heart when I read, and then easily and readily APPLY in my physical life.


amissvik's picture


It has been quite awhile since I have had words enough to spare in the act of writing. My thoughts, concepts, and my reality have all been somewhat misshapen, to a degree, as if a baby giraffe is wriggling under the wrapping paper I placed her in months ago. Odd, subtly miasmic, obvious in its symbology.

It's been fun playing with symbols lately. I am not able to look at digital clocks without seeing symbology, messages. I know that the psychiatric community might mislabel this “ideas of reference.” They are an imaginative and creative bunch.

Now, though, something else is happening.

I have perceived myself to have been in the bottleneck for some time now, maybe since Thanksgiving did I start to make this shift.

Thanksgiving was the first time I had a sustained conscious altered state. It lasted the day and into the night. It was sainted. It was holy. I was glowing. It was a day among days.

Christmas Eve ranks high, too. That moment when I saw, felt, knew this reality for the stuff it is. I perceived, somehow, in a way that I yearn to know constantly the density and vibrancy and aliveness of this reality, this focus. Becoming aware of it was a place so divinely clear, so perfectly and utterly benevolent, so breathtakingly joyous.

Holy crap.

These have been coming on with less intensity but more frequency lately.

I want to share two weird things that have altered me, or maybe I altered them.

First, the neighbor I give shots to for her disease, been doing that for years and years. Just after Christmas my car died, and I was canceled, and things are slim financially right now. My ex got the towing done for free, but the car will be $900 to fix. I won't have that money until Friday.

Letting go of perceptions

Justagirltm's picture

The arrival to the fifth dimension is an inner journey.  Our perceptions of what ascension is, what is entails, involves, and means limits our experience to what ascension beholds; limitless creative power of your world.  Any expectation bestowed on our physical world that is let down immediately creates the experience we are not creating our world, when in fact we are. 


The date of Dec 21, 2012 signified an important date around the wolrd, on a collective level, the death of the world or the birth of a new one, and if you take duality out of the picture, it was simply a unifying date of to take gaia out of duality, and the collective into unity. 


As part of the old collective, we were either waiting for some sort of radical change to produce proof to us that there was a re-birth or to others the end of time.  They both did happen, we just need to wake up to what has occured.  Also, there are others that remained unconsious to any occurence but are slowly being forced to wake up to some other sense other than their ordinary senses which percieves the world around them. 


Constantly we are bombarded with everyday occurences from society, friends, and loved ones that attempt to instill their reality to ours.  It can be difficult to let go of 3-dimensional dynamics that effect your flow of source between you and your world.  We are given a choice here, remain in 3-d or transcend into 5-d when needed and transmute the energetic dynamic of 3-d into creative force of source. 


The Ears That Light Up <3

Reiki Doc's picture

For those of you who live in the Southern California region, and for those of you who have made a visit there recently, this blog post is going to make a lot of sense. If not, I am going to have to ask you for your patience in advance: a lot of what I am going to be writing about shall be written in a way so as not to trip up the 'internet flags' that would activate the 'radar' of a certain place that is the number one employer in all of Orange County. Onwards and upwards with the story...  : )

I finally bought one of those wonderful hats, you know, the ones that are synchronized to the water show with the fountains and all the lights that is hard to get to see. (There are limited spaces for standing to watch it, and one must obtain tickets one way or another--there are several ways to get 'reservations' at the park).

As I watched all the little ears dancing with color in synchronicity to the colorful show, blinking in time to the music, I thought of how nice they are to demonstrate the Ascension Process to the visual people out there...

There is a 'Source' for the hats. It sends out a 'signal' that you can't see or hear or taste or touch or smell. But the 'ears' can pick it up, and go along with the 'signal' for 'the show'. The ears are available to anybody that wants them--they are stacked up way high on the shelves in the retail stores in the park, and also on little carts where there is generally anything available for purchase that is cute and lights up.  So as you walk through the park at night, some of the  'guests' are synchronized to 'Source' with their 'little ears on their heads' and others are not.

It is a beautiful thing to see them all together in the audience for the show, lighting and blinking in a sea of 'ears that light up'.


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