
A Message From Our Lady for January 1, 2013

Reiki Doc's picture

Sweet Children,

There is happiness around you on the road ahead. Some of you have challenges. Some of you are struggling. (she touches her heart with both hands and looks sad) This I understand. When the going gets toughest, you have to persist--have to persist! (shows her finger and thumb about an inch apart).This is the difference between a failure and success! It is this very inch when you cannot make it any more. It is when your mind and your body are telling you, 'I have had it! I am bound to quit! I have made a mistake in getting in to this! I am in far over my head!' (her voice gets soft and gentle) This is why you came to Gaia to suffer and wail in the beginning: to have the chance to doubt yourself and find the diamond that is within...the courage...and the faith that had to be fired like metal to gain strength.

Hold on my little children. The wonderous world is going to amaze you! And fill you with delight!

Everything happens for the best. I ask you to keep reminding yourself of this, writing it down on little cards where they will be easy to see and placing them about your home and your desk and your automobile...

(Note: MY favorite childhood show theme song just came on while the family was looking at a TIVO episode of Scooby Doo--the Banana Splits--these words in the captions on the song stand out--
Making up a mess of fun    making up a mess of fun    lots of fun for every one tra la la tra la la la... I am captivated by the coincidence and the memories that start welling up in me.--Reiki Doc)

I want you to recall the sheer joy of childhood. Even if you had a sub-optimal youth, I want you to recall themoments of pleasure and comfort that you experienced at this time.

Everything happens for the best! Onwards and Upwards! Everything is happening in the moment of sheer perfection and awesomeness!



amissvik's picture




I have had diarrhea of the pen the last few times I have written. This, of course, is a symptom of obfuscation, borne of the twin mothers of denial and ambivalence.


About a year ago, trying to figure out why I kept hitting dead ends professionally, I went to my psychic, Norma, who said, quite simply, “You don't have enough because you do not believe yourself to be enough, yet. Solve this, and you will have all you need, and much more.”


This is a central theme in so many of the lives who touch mine. To be frank, I think the degree to which someone displays what are called “egoic” or “negative” behaviors is the degree to which one's refusal to love self, and by extension, other, is poking through. It's certainly been true of me.


Projection is something I have been really contemplating lately. What stuff is mine, and what is yours? That has always been a keen question on my lips when trying to make friends, and peace, lately.


The question comes up, what happens when you are interacting with someone and the interaction is just awful? There is too much indirectness, too much obfuscation, and there is a slidy, weird feeling to it? What then?



amissvik's picture




On Christmas Eve, my ex-husband, Jerry, picked Sam and I up at our house and drove out to my dad's. It was a quiet night, our small clan broken off into little splinters, talking, telling jokes, each of us shirking off our issues and our worries to come together and exchange gifts, kindnesses, remembrances.


We each got very nice stuff, though it was shockingly sparse all-around this year, and then it was time to go home.


I sat in the little truck cab flip-seat behind Sam. Closer to home, I felt myself becoming a little overwhelmed, a little overcome. So I put my arms in front of me and draped them on my son's chest, and I put my head down on the headrest that was right in front of me due to how small my seating space was. I rested my head, felt my hands holding Sam's chest, turned my head, and looked at the way my son's head was resting on the car window, fast asleep as he was.


Why is my position so important? Well, it's not. I guess I wanted you to know that while crammed into a child's jump seat, in a car alternately freezing and like a furnace, I had a revelation.



amissvik's picture




Today is Christmas Eve. Growing up, we never celebrated on Christmas Day. That was sort of the Dirge Day of the holiday season. But, oh my God, the fun we had on our Christmas Eves! I was recounting holiday memories to Sam, telling him of the wonderful nuances and delights of this season when I was his age. It felt very nice to wake up to the opportunity to chatter about Christmases Past.


But the day began for me before I opened my eyes. I have been given a gift of unusual proportion and splendor. I want to tell you about it.


This morning, upon first re-entry, that fuzzy place before full consciousness, I understood something that has been a Major Life Koan, and I have been studying intently the last three months.


See, what I was shown was sort of like the way things get distributed. I remember, as a goodwill gesture when our new team settled into our flagging nursing home, we all took tours of local businesses, and one was the distribution center for the Rocky Mountain area Wal*Marts.



amissvik's picture




I am writing this as a letter to myself. I have meditatively gathered up many of my fragments, called many parts of myself home, and feel oddly consolidated.


I have been puzzling on the meaning of the solstice now since the 12-12-12, and although I may not be that much closer to knowing what will happen, I want to record my letter, a letter I intend to wake up and read tomorrow morning.


As I prepare to do this, I am aware that it will be a bigger/different portion of myself doing the typing. I'm ok with that, hope you are too.



December 21, 2012,


Dearest Friend Kathy,


Another cold December morning.


But it is unlike any other December morning in the history of man.


And do you know why that is?



amissvik's picture




Running Man, just like a master conductor, allowed the music, the light, within us, to come out, weave together, creating something sturdy but etheric. He, with song and dance and intention, danced us to a rock face.


We found ourselves, Lily, Sam and I, perched impossibly, in the blink of an eye, on top of that rock face. We had to have been up six or seven stories. I'd like to tell you we levitated, but in this ceremony, it was a more now-you-see-it-now-you-don't feel. One moment we were on the ground, and quite literally, the next moment found us standing on that cliff.


It would have been weird to the point of distraction had Sari not been just floating around, up there in the moonlight, waiting for this moment in the ritual.


Sari gathered us together, and we took positions in the shape of a square. We held hands. We swayed.


And then Running Man was in front of us. Sabrina was a far northern position, Eddie, far south, but all of us were now high above the ancient site we'd come to explore that afternoon.


Running Man now had in his hand a long, gnarly staff, and at the tip, little shiny bells glinted off the moonlight. He shook his staff, and clunked it on the ground three times.

Yeshua and the Company of Heaven: Step Into Your Glorious New Light-Filled World ~ December 19, 2012

franheal's picture


Yeshua.peacenewselves.3Yeshua and the Company of Heaven:


Greetings, One and All, my fellow Lightworkers, the Love of my Heart, the Love of our Hearts. We present you today with another offering about your ascension.

For many it is already happening, and as I have said, it will happen in just the right way and time for each of you, if that remains your choice, and for you reading this, I trust it is.

You are approaching the final hours of duality and lifting splendidly. Many are feeling the effects and settling into opening their hearts and beings to the shift. From here on out it is your own unique journey and we see that many of you are embracing it with fresh eyes and open hearts.

Many of you are having a bit of difficulty letting go as you feel yourselves being swept up with the current of rising energies. Trust yourselves and trust your hearts. You are safe and protected, and you are proceeding according to your life plan and the Divine Plan, which is one and the same in many ways.

Letting go is not an easy thing, because you have been locked up in the realm of duality where you felt you had to maintain control at all times for the sake of your survival. It is not an easy thing to trust and surrender, especially now if the old realm is still making its presence known to you in these final hours.

So we ask you to ask yourselves: “Would I want to put my all into this in order to reap the highest and fullest outcome?” If the answer is yes, you know what to do.


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