

amissvik's picture



I want to write a few words, and I promise to be brief, because I have places to go and things to do this afternoon.


I had a miserable 12, 12, as you already know. And from the reading I did today, I really don't think I was the only one. Someone replied to my “Yesterday” blog that it was the perfect description of a birth. And, holy smokes, this is more than accurate. Abundantly accurate. Spooky, really.


I have said that I see these days between the 12-12 and the solstice as walking in a darkened hallway, lit up in a nether-worldly way, where the very stones glow in some odd fashion, etchings and drawings on the stone walls, real South American and sort of Egyptian, an initiatory walk, a journey. And each day brings us closer. But, to what?


That was my question.


And, really, after feeling a sort of suspension of attachment to the 12-12, when all was said and done, I was beginning to not expect anything at all, at all, on the 21st.


I think I may have misjudged this.


Nothing that is done out of love is in vain – Archangel Raphael through Isabel Henn December 17, 2012

Gabrielle's picture

Note: The intention of this message was to give solace; he knows how people suffer and are confused about what happened and he wants to help people to see clearer and to tell the real context why this horrible murder happened. He says that the young man is in this a victim too.


AA Raphael


My Beloved, as horrible the murder of the children and their teacher was, I beg you, but to remain calm. These admirable humans knew before their incarnation how their lives will end once. Not the exact circumstances, but the fact that it is through an act of violence. None of these wonderful beings had to suffer. Their souls have left the body just before, there were only carcassess that have been hit by the bullets. Their souls were received by us and led to the higher dimensions, in which they have ascended.

Their death was not in vain, but an act of charity. It helps to wake up the people, and to find the meaning behind it all – that violence is not a means to achieve a goal but only a means of the dark side to sow fear and chaos. This murder was not a desperate act of a sick young man, but had the target to hit as many people as possible and to decrease the overall vibration in order to prevent the ascension process.



amissvik's picture





It didn't surprise me to hear, “Mom?” out there in the moonlight. I had felt Sam's approach ever since coming up from the notebook Sari had handed me.


“What's going on, my man?” I asked, stock response to my little boy, all grown up.


“Well, Running Man and I have remembered a whole lot, and they are planning on taking off here in a little bit,” he paused and drew a line in the ancient red dirt with his sneaker.


“Well, I sure hope they don't charge a lot for a ticket. Did you bring any cash?” I asked


Sam looked up from his idle drawing to look at my face. I was smiling, as I handed him the notebook. He took it into his hands, chuckling, reset just as quickly as always. He opened the notebook.


Twenty minutes later, Sam joined Sari and I on our rock. Sari was still serenely floating. My ass was cold and sore, bony as it was. “Mom,” Sam said, “I just can't believe it. It's a dream come true, Mom.”



amissvik's picture




We looked at each other, shock and awe reflecting from the other.


“I just can't believe,” Lily sighed, “how deep we are into something so multidimensional. It's sort of taking my breath away, really.”


“I am curious,” I asked, hoping not to offend, “how one goes about packing for a vacation like this.”


What a vacation we had already had! Both in our flannels just minutes after Sabrina and Eddie took off, we decided to get to sleep by coming up with the perfect vacation scenarios. We'd each do one we'd always imagined taking alone, and then we'd imagine one taken together, and we did that for, gosh, maybe eight rounds.


Remember, we are each travelers, by soul, so it was really hard to stop, actually. The best vacations we had ever dreamed up were the ones we would have gone on whether we were alone or with someone, so those were the ones we decided, in the end, to concentrate on.


It was hard to narrow down the field. Here is our attempt to solidify a dream vacation.




How to Absorb the Highest Energies Well

Reiki Doc's picture

Ascension is your body's vibration increasing to a higher dimensional frequency. Your body is your best guide in this process. Listen to it. When you want to rest, rest. When you want to eat something you really enjoy, go ahead. Your body is tellling you what it needs to make the assimilation of these energies as smooth as it can get. More on this subject at:



amissvik's picture




We'd driven over four hundred miles without a break. Lily enjoyed doing the marathons. I see myself as a butterfly, a fish in a stream, and so, although I need to always keep moving, I like little stops, looking at the world's biggest ball of twine, or the corn cob palace in Iowa. Sort of like Michael in that movie, Michael. I don't smell like cinnamon buns though.


Lily had the glow, plugged in as she was to her CD on hypnosis in the autistic population. I'd hunkered down into Atonement, my fall back novel. In the evenings I still put myself to sleep with Douglas Adams, but during daylight hours, Ian McKewan tells it like it is.


Lily's hand came to rest on my arm, and that was very pleasant, until it wasn't anymore.


She began squeezing my arm so hard, it felt like an Indian burn. I turned to her, ready to start yelling, but then I got a real good look at her face.


She was blankly mesmerized. She sort of looked like a zombie.


She was staring straight ahead, completely lost, completely gone. I got, real fast like, that this was a very dangerous situation. We were rocketing at 75 miles an hour, and here is Lily, frozen. Oh. My. God.


And then something very odd began to happen.


We very slowly, very gently, began to float upward.


INSTRUCTIONS FOR SELF- ACTIVATION NOW Thymus Gland, Connecting to Higher Intelligence and More

JTariah's picture


Thymus Gland, Releasing Fear, Cutting Cords & Taking Back Your Power, plus Connecting to Higher Intelligence, Restoring Your Original Divine Blueprint as well as Taking Up Arms, including the Five Most Needed Things for Ascension 

channeled by Deb Wright of Sananda's Eagles (publicly)


Yeshua ~ Take Your First Steps Into Your New Life ~ December 14, 2012

franheal's picture

Yeshua ~ Take Your First Steps Into Your New Life ~ As Channeled through Fran Zepeda ~ December 14, 2012


baby's firststeps6Yeshua:

Hello dear ones. I come again with more thoughts and assistance for your ascension process.

Each day is a marker for your growth, and decisions based on Love and clear intentions are key in these waning days of duality. Much has been said and touted about the “end times”, but it all comes down to this: Are you ready to change your life into one that is free and abiding with all that is Compassion, Joy, Love and Harmony? If the answer is yes to that, you are almost there; you are ready to slide into the Reality that only encompasses that, dear ones.

I don’t have to tell you how beautiful and full of Love and promise you are. Well, I will say it again, anyway. And you are so loved. It is apparent right now that you are at a crossroads. You can surrender yourself completely to this new World or you can let fear or attachment hold you back. It just takes constant examination to see what is there in your hearts still to release. And my dear friends, so much has been released. It will not go on forever, but you are well advised to dig and root for anything remaining that tethers you from freely flying, from freely accepting your new life and orientation into the 5th dimension.


amissvik's picture




Rapid City is a beautiful place, full of historic buildings, and there is a grandeur, a feeling of impossibility on the streets of that odd little town. Anyone who has seen the sculpture of Crazy Horse changes somehow, sees things with a different inner perspective, begins to think crazy wild things can happen.


We rolled into town at high noon, and we both commented on that. We imagined ourselves gunslingers, having a high noon show down, a contest of of reflexes and bitterness. We imagined this for a little while, then came back into more physical awareness, each commenting on the garb of the other in our shared hallucination.


Duel already taken care of, we decided to find a rinky dink cafe in which to enjoy an old fashioned BLT and some slightly luke and inexplicably metallic tasting coffee. LuLu's Fine Cafe was the ticket.


Sitting in the bay area of the restaurant afforded all the action of a street side table with none of the mist which was clinging to everyone who entered the little place. The city was still in the grips of fog, a chilled and grey day in South Dakota. Lily complained about how her knees still ache in this weather, and I told her yet again how it is only in grey cloudy weather that I feel good, but that yes, I do get achy too, want some Motrin? Some Milk Thistle tea?


“Her office is just a half a block away,” Lily announced from the map she had called up on her phone. “Let's just eat and walk over there.”



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