

amissvik's picture




I have been waking up with huge packets of information reeling off in my head, and I have had some awakenings lately.


And tomorrow is the 12-12-12. The big day.


I want to say, “So, here is my take on tomorrow, and what I am getting about the solstice...” but I am no expert. I just went downstairs to get my day going, and my car doesn't start. It turns over, but that is all it does.


So how can I sit on any kind of pretend throne and distribute anything to people kind enough to read these words, when my own creations crap out on me.


I have reached the long end of an energetic road.


I am encountering dark and light in immediate and real ways now. I see choices and probabilities and possibilities, for instance, in how I will get my car started again. But this whole scene adds a person I did not necessarily want contact with, and adds a wrinkle to this day that I would never, ever have consciously called forth. Ugh.


And that's the weird thing about this next bit.


Fran Zepeda ~ Yeshua ~ It Is Time ~ 12.10.12

franheal's picture

Yeshua ~ It Is Time ~As Channeled through Fran Zepeda ~ 12.10.12





Hello dear ones, I come before you today, on this auspicious day, one of many to come. I beseech you to Be with and gather all you can of Creator’s Divine Love, to absorb it and sift it and spread it through your Heart and out to all your fellow Beings and the Earth Mother.

Oh, these are glorious days, where you have such an opportunity to lift your spirits to untold heights, dear ones. The energies are building and showering you. Stop and be still many times in the day and welcome it, for this is your opportunity for complete transformation. Yes, you have heard this, but we want to be sure that the next eleven days have your complete attention.

In your preparations for 12-12-12, be sure and pay attention to any thoughts of unity and connection to your fellow Beings and Earth. Wrap it all in a ball of Light and hold it in your Heart and expand with it. Feel the Abundance and Joy and Love that all are beginning to experience and make a prayer for all to experience it to the “nth” degree. Go bigger. Go larger. Go lighter. Go brighter. You bring everyone along with you that way.


janetairelle's picture

Please join us to celebrate the beginning of the New Golden Age of Consciousness. Anita Bist will be hosting 2, 90 minute teleseminar and webcast events. Included will be activations, clearings, and meditations. Hear the wisdom of several Arch Angels, and the Ascended Masters. You may choose the time frame that works best for you.

Dec.20, 11PM

Dec.21, 12 Noon

 Please check out website for more info and to register.......Love and Light

The Beeping Box

Reiki Doc's picture

Today, as I hit the snooze button yet another time, my consciousness rose up and thought, 'why am I interacting with this box like this?'. I noticed throughout the course of my day, there is a parade of boxes which I interact with throughout my day. 

This shiny glowing computer box is my favorite one of them. So I wrote about it. If you wish to have your computer box display what words I have written on this line of thinking about the experience of Duality from a Higher Perspective, here is a link. Namaste.

New to Woo? This is for YOU!

Reiki Doc's picture

Are you newly awakened to the Light? Welcome! This is your time! (Everyone's codes are being activated at the time their Light Work is to commence--it is soon to be YOUR time to go 'live' with your Lightwork.). Just be open to Inner Guidance, it is the best navigator you have--right there in the center of your chest!


Here's all you need to know as a first step at:


Namaste, and WELCOME to your Galactic Family of Light!


amissvik's picture




Yesternight I went to bed at 6pm, and I stayed asleep, except for a couple awakenings which were mere interruptions, until this morning at 6:30am. I woke up feeling neutral. Not blank. Just neutral. Neutral curiosity. Feeling like a master.


Today I have begun to address my house. Two weeks worth of dirty clothes, in a heap, waiting for a little help, over here, the pile has called to me. And today, the mess, the tangle, the clutter, it feels so de-tangleable. And so it has been.


Here's a bit of fun. I put enough dirty clothes in my basket to fill four washers, I thought. So I filled two washers, started them, and then moved on to the next two washers. I started a dark and a light machine, and then figured I'd go upstairs and gather the rest of the clothes, since they were not full enough to run. Funny, I noticed, that after loading the last two washers, the timer on the first two seemed stuck on 29 minutes, the amount of time the washer allots itself to do its work. Many minutes passed as I fiddled with the two remaining washers, and as I am wheeling my empty basket away, going to get more, I look once again at the washing machines, still reading twenty nine minutes.



amissvik's picture


Here, now, is the time for integration.

I have always felt a bit of reluctance writing, especially about my process, which, after all, is the core of expression, to combine, integrate, destroy and rebuild. Understanding has, until recently, been fragmented, scattered, necessarily compartmentalized.

Now is the time to allow all aspects to return home, within.

This morning, Sam once again told me about the shadows he sees, especially at night. These shadows scare him, and he is convinced of their malevolent nature, feeling menacing, potentially dangerous and lurking, always lurking.

It dawned on me what is really going on as we walked to the car, preparing for the quick drive to school. I told him, these are aspects of yourself, pieces of your awareness that are wanting to come home to rest within you. They are darker, shadowy, because they have gone unnoticed, unlanguaged, undefined. That's all. They play upon the walls to get your attention.

What is a shadow? Is it solid? Does it have the ability to pick up the phone and call you? Can a shadow be hugged or kicked? A shadow is proof that light is shining very near by, but there is something interrupting the light from shining clearly. That's all. A Shadow is your way of knowing that you have a present, a gift, very close to your imagination which the deeper part of you wants you to unwrap.

He asked me last night, how do you think I am doing?

My Interview with Host of New Realities, Alan Steinfeld on 2012, Dec 21st, ET's, Disclosure & Ascension

Rosangel's picture

Hot of the presses... Enjoy this wonderful interview with Host of New Realities Alan Steinfeld talking about the significance of 2012.

For those who have questions about why this date and this time is so important, I highly recommend you check out this interview.

For those brothers and sisters who are starting to feel fear around this date... LISTEN TO THIS SHOW... You will feel better and lighter and if you are like me, in complete heart space.

For the record, I am looking forward to this date... I am feeling the intensity of the love and light and the acceleration of time.

My being is calling for me to slow down, be present, and enjoy the sweetness of stillness.

Happy Awakenings!

love ya!!!


Sources: New & 2012

How to Navigate the Upcoming Changes

Reiki Doc's picture

We have crossed the first of four big portals in December, 12/3. The next are 12/12, 12/21, and 12/30. 


Hold on to your hats!


Here is some advice based on intel from Cobra and around on the internet. I went to the Laguna Beach Conference, and he has permitted intel to be shared from that event. All 'Yoda' series blog post titles are based on information--a lot of it--that was presented by him.


For the changes:






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