God said:
To be true to yourself means to not sell yourself short. Be your True Self, and you honor Me, the God Who made you the Being you are – the Beautiful Being you are.
If you do not see yourself as a Beautiful Being, you have misled yourself. Listen to Me once and for all: I create Beautiful Beings, no less. You are a Beautiful Being I created.
It would seem that too many of My children have listened to downtrodden versions of themselves in mind and heart. It is not humility that tells you to conceive of yourself as less. Come on, now, I do not spend My breath on less. Human Beings are more, not less.
There is a tendency for My Greatest Beings to see themselves as less. This is not modesty. This is fool-heartedness. This is frivolousness. This is a form of ego that blushes and says: "Naw, I'm not good-enough."
I say you are Far Greater than good enough. I do not create so-so human beings. I create God Beings. I created you a God Being. It doesn't matter you are pompous about. What does your opinion have to do with your Soul? Keep in mind what is essential, and what is not. World perfection is not the tale that tells. World perfection is not the song that sings.
I do not create has-beens, do you read Me? I don't create lost souls. I create Beings. I create God Beings.
Innocent animals do not question their perfection, for they are deeply at home with themselves. They do not ask: "Why this, and why that?" They accept themselves as My Deeply Beloveds.