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The Golden Light of Reality

God said:

What you are to be, you already are. If an acorn is the seed of the oak tree, do you think you are less than an acorn? Do you really? What do you want to be? A sluggard? Or an asset? A hapless victim blown by the breeze? You can capably stand on your own two legs.

Unless you are the Conductor of the Orchestra of Your Life, I will tell you frankly that your vision is quite limited. I would say your vision is way too small. Wow, have you overlooked the Wholeness of the Truth of you? You refuse to look at it. You don't look at your Self. You overlook your Self as if you are not part of Creation and a Creator as well.

Who ever told you to be a fumbling half-mast creator?

You clutter your life. You assume that you are the clutter itself strewn around. A clear Stream of God runs through you. You cover up this stream with leaves and branches. Remove the clutter, and you see the Golden Light of Reality. When all is said and done, who is the Golden Light of Reality? Well, you are.

You collect many things that are not you, and you may keep adding to the pile that flattens your joy of life.

You are the air itself that you breathe. You are the Sun that warms you. You are the heights of the mountains you climb. You are the Vastness you see before you, only you give Vastness the scant name of Hope rather than its true names of Vastness and Love. You fear that you will disappear in Vastness. You may even prefer a toehold in ignorance. You do not quite dare tread where Wholeness is.

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A Divine Rainbow Powered by the Sun

God said:

All you have to do is to be with Me. Being with Me is Being. Being is like a platform you stand on. Being isn't doing. From this platform of Being, you are. All you have to do is to be with Me. There is no doing to do. There is Being to Be, which you already are. You just don't see what is in front of you. You may glance askew.

You do not have to stand on tip-toes to be with Me. It is not a far-reach to be with Me. If I am Omnipresent, I am right with you. Ah, yes, you think of Me as separate from you. So you see Me outside you. Outside you means apart from you. Likely, the image you have of Us is not exactly true.

You can call Me a Partner with you. Therefore, you are also a Partner with Me. Funny, the more you seek Me as if away from you, separated from you, the more self-absorbed you may be. Too finite, it would seem. Too finite for words, that is.

The world uses words such as farther and closer, yet there is no distance between Us. You may feel that, yet feelings, as real as they may illustriously seem to you, are not real. They are a fancy you have adopted as real. You call your feelings real. You have assumed these feelings. You wear these as due you. Anyway, these feelings are not your reality. I am your Reality. You have applied your feelings to the top side of you. Feelings, no matter how important to you, are no more than a little varnish on wood. Varnish is not the wood. Varnish is only a little film that is painted on the wood. Varnish is hardly the wood itself.

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The Unwarranted Past

God said:

Get over your old feelings from the past. Don't hold them to you as if they were precious. I speak of old heavy-duty rejection and dejection from childhood that you bring up to the present, feelings that reverberate within you now, a feeling that you won't be liked, or won't be liked for long, perhaps belief in others' seeming view that you are inadequate and unloved, and that you may hold to you as if you do well to hug these errant impressions.

You have had love, dear ones, yet great love in your childhood was not as prevalent as We would wish. Insecurity came from one place or another, yet not from everywhere. You accrued a belief that you were not acceptable. These feelings were not useful to you then, and they are worthless to you now. Let go of them now. Those who gave you those impressions cannot let go of your feelings about yourself now.

You are My child, and I love you. What other people thought about you once upon a time had nothing to do with you. Nothing. The feelings you engendered from those times were unjust and unwarranted. You were judged and judged falsely. You took these false judgments as photos of you. You never forgot these photos. The pictures taken entered your blood stream, your cells, your heart, when, all the while, they were another's errors of understanding.

You were and are My child, and you were and are to be loved.

At the very least, do it for Me and behold yourself with love.

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I Hear Your Heart Say

God said:

I hear your heart say:

"Beloved God of my heart, Love of my Life, You are my entrance to Heaven from which there is no exit. I say this from the Truth of my Heart. I believe this, for You have said so. There are times I know this without a shadow of a doubt. Doubt is such a pesky mosquito.

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A Palette of Beautiful Colors

God said:

One difference between you and Me concerns how We feel about responsibility and the carrying out of responsibility into the world. You may feel responsibility as heavy-duty and, perhaps, feel heavy-hearted altogether. You may feel responsibility clinging to your shoulders. You weigh responsibility, and find it heavy.

Likely, you worry responsibility back and forth like a cat with a mouse. You may have the idea that responsibility is too much for you. In that case, you may shrug your shoulders and find one way or another to get out of it. If you believe that responsibility is too much for you, then responsibility will be too much for you, and you will shrink from it.

You lump responsibility together with worry. You doubt you worry about how well you will do and how well you may be thought of. Will you do a job well-done, or will you be a flop at it?

You don't want to feel lacking. You don't want to put yourself in that position, so you may decline responsibility. You may excuse yourself by saying: "I'm someone who never liked responsibility. I'm not good at it. I don't even want to be good at it."

The Game of Life is not all about-approval ratings, yet approval-ratings matter a lot to you. You would love to be appreciated beyond your wildest dreams. At the very least, you don't want to feel disapproved of. You may well have had too much criticism and too little sanction given to you in life. You not only disallow some choices, you may dribble along in life, seemingly without a care.

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Finding Yourself in Unity Consciousness

God said:

Infinity exists. The word Infinity is the same as to say that time is non-existent. There is no past, present, or future. There is no time-line, not even a soupçon of time, not even a teaspoonful of time. Everything is simultaneous, even as simultaneous also aligns with time. In life in the world, timing plays a great role.

You are often advised to live in the present. What does this mean really? We can say it means to be focused on Infinity. There is a double-cross here because Infinity is timelessness. Infinity is Vaster than the Vast.

Infinity is certainly more Being than Doing. How many times has this been said?

Yet, there is agreement that it is advisable to live in the moment. Living in the so-called moment can be an Act of Will. I don't suppose that living in the moment is a decision you make. Living in the moment can be a desire and an intention, yet your awareness of "the present" does not happen by dint of a snap of your fingers. You cannot so easily turn yourself off to the past and the future, even as you would wish you could.

Living in what is called the moment takes no focus. You can't focus on being in the present. You are where you happen to be, mildly or full-force all over the place. You are unable to turn the jets of life on and off, any more than you can truthfully turn love on and off at your will. You are where you are.

Where you are right now is not where you have to be or where you will always be. You will sail new seas. You can count on it.

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There Is a Place for You

God said:

There is the idea in the world that everyone on Earth is to be possessed of certain qualities. In certain times and places in the world, there is a list of the good qualities you are to be made of. In other times in the world, there may be a list of different qualities you are to be made of and a different list of the qualities you are absolutely not to be made of.

I remind you that I made you as you are.

A lot depends upon how you view your situation. Of course, the world undoubtedly thinks it knows just how everything is supposed to be. When all is said and done, how much does the world really know?

Regardless of what qualities in time and space are seen as masculine or feminine, successful or unsuccessful, or wildly popular or unpopular, you are you, and you are meant to be you. You do not have to meet the world's changing standards. You do not have to be like everyone else or even like anyone else. You are meant to grow into the tree I made you to be, not as ordered to, but as you are.

You are growing by leaps and bounds. You are My beloved. You are just right for Me. It is wise to follow your deep desires and not someone else's.

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God said:

Your intention, desire, and resolve are trail blazers. Intention, desire, resolve, commitment, and yearning fuel the rocket that engenders your evolution.

I have no axe to grind with money. I have no axe to grind with search and desire for money, yet money appears more as a result of creativity and energy than a desire unto itself. Desire for money may start the pump, yet there is another kind of fire as well that heats up your desires well to reach you.   

You may well taste the arrival of money on your tongue. It feels so real you could be holding it in your mouth. You may have a fervor about great sums of money that will deliver to you the great freedom that money can buy. Your ultimate desire is great freedom, and the innocent freedom of plentifulness.  

Every desire has its own vibration. This means that every desire cultures its own qualities within you. At the same time, all desires also culture something of an equal frequency. Desires tweak your heart. Within every frequency of desire, some of the desire is pretty much the same.

You will know this according to how you feel.

You may be fervent about revenge, let's say, yet you already know without having to give a moment's thought to it that thoughts of revenge or vindication carry a far different vibration than thoughts of good for all. Desire for another's comeuppance is not good will. Beloveds, the desires that you will thrive on – and that the world thrives on – support and uplift everyone.

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Dreams Are Like Gates That Open

God said:

Consider everything that you witness in life as a metaphor. There is a message in everything. Of course, the message is open to interpretation. The point is that there is a message for you in all of life.

Life teaches you, beloveds. It often teaches you in pictures and word. Words also are pictures. There is interpretation on so many dimensions.

Whether you see love or the seeming absence of love, love is the story. Whatever tangent you are on, it is about love, about underscoring love, about your pulling yourself up with love, about your growing to greater heights. You are the teller of your story. Sometimes, seemingly, you make decisions about the story you tell, yet words of your dream come forth out of your mouth as if you have no say. The thought is there, and the thought is spoken out before you know you have it.

In the world, everything is a story. Everything seems to be made up. You run with the story, or the story runs uphill or downhill with you.

In terms of Infinity, stories don't enter. Stories by their very nature must have erroneous space and time to exist in. Stories require challenges. Stories require unfulfilled desires. Wow, you are good at listening to stories and perhaps making much of them.

At the same time, stories filled with fiction also hold Kernels of Truth within. Some stories come to an end -- or do they?

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What God, the Creator, Creates

God said:

To be true to yourself means to not sell yourself short. Be your True Self, and you honor Me, the God Who made you the Being you are – the Beautiful Being you are.

If you do not see yourself as a Beautiful Being, you have misled yourself. Listen to Me once and for all: I create Beautiful Beings, no less. You are a Beautiful Being I created.

It would seem that too many of My children have listened to downtrodden versions of themselves in mind and heart. It is not humility that tells you to conceive of yourself as less. Come on, now, I do not spend My breath on less. Human Beings are more, not less.

There is a tendency for My Greatest Beings to see themselves as less. This is not modesty. This is fool-heartedness. This is frivolousness. This is a form of ego that blushes and says: "Naw, I'm not good-enough."

I say you are Far Greater than good enough. I do not create so-so human beings. I create God Beings. I created you a God Being. It doesn't matter you are pompous about. What does your opinion have to do with your Soul? Keep in mind what is essential, and what is not. World perfection is not the tale that tells. World perfection is not the song that sings.

I do not create has-beens, do you read Me? I don't create lost souls. I create Beings. I create God Beings.

Innocent animals do not question their perfection, for they are deeply at home with themselves. They do not ask: "Why this, and why that?" They accept themselves as My Deeply Beloveds.


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