God said:
Everyone on Earth is a seeker. Everyone is seeking something. Some seek entertainment. Some, oblivion. And some seek Me from the bottom of their hearts.
You can only seek what you desire to find. Your desire for Oneness with Me may be buried deep in the recesses of your heart, yet, ultimately, I am what you seek, for I am happiness. No one desires absence from happiness. Everyone wants happiness a-plenty.
And everyone in Creation shall have Me filling their hearts, emblazoning their hearts. Everyone shall have My gait, and everyone shall ride with Me as One. Everyone, for this is My Will.
I will leave no one out. I called you to Me long ago, and, and you cannot withstand My Will. You may be stubborn for a while, declaring separateness, yet you will change your tune by and by.
This is one parade to join, the parade in which My Will and your will are in tune, are identical, are supreme, and fill the ranks. The time comes when there are no Prodigal Sons, for all souls are aware they are at Home.
Fear becomes unknown. Not a fragment of fear continues. Fear gives up. Fear’s goose is cooked. Fear has ebbed away. There are no comers for fear any longer. Fear abdicates the throne and is sent to a deserted island. Fear is no longer in the picture. Please imagine life without fear, for this is coming true.