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So What If Life Makes You Stretch Yourself?

God said:

All the time you protect yourself, and you think this is the way to go. What you are doing is likely preventing yourself. Preventing yourself from what? From life! Awake!

When you hide from life or hide yourself from yourself, you narrow yourself. You are stuck in a past image of yourself. You reduce yourself. You cut off your feet in order to fit a narrow bed you made for yourself. You are looking for comfort, and you choose tightness.

You are made to move along. You are not made to stay on the same rung of the ladder. You are meant to keep moving and keep growing. Be glad you can move up in order to see further. It is not to your benefit to stay the same. Life will get you out of your short bed one way or another. Life will give you a run for your money.

Whatever life may do, it won’t stay the same no matter how much you stamp your foot.

Why be stilted when you can be pliant and roll right along? Why be rigid when you can flex your muscles? Why close your mind when you can open your mind and discover new possibilities? Given only easy choices, you might never have ventured.

You will get through life. How you enjoy the sights you see and how you expand the world for others is up to you. Surely, you don’t want to be in a coma for the extent of your life? Why stop growing when you can blossom and do somersaults?

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Green Pastures and Mount Olympus

God said:

Come with Me to the Green Pastures, and We shall lie on Our backs and look up at the blue sky. Perhaps We chew on a blade of grass. We nod, and We say: “This is good.”

We sink to the Center of the Earth at the same time as We are at the peak of Mount Olympus. You may ask: “What is the significance of Mount Olympus?”

In Greek mythology, Mount Olympus was the meeting place of the Gods. Figuratively, this is where We meet. And, as We survey the Inner Earth and the Highest Heavens, We say: “This is good.”

In Infinity, there is only Forever which is no time at all. There are no deadlines. There is no having to get something done and then the next thing in a long line to get to in time and roll off the press. There are no mad rushes where I abide.

“Produce,” says the world yet unaware that hustle and bustle are not necessary and that Intent and Vision are the precursors to activity.

Now forget the supposed past, for what is the point of calling the past to you as if the past were enchanted? Of course, the past is a kind of enchantment. The past wishes to lure us back so that the past can be honored and believed in.

My advice is: Once the past has told its story, let it rest.

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You Are a Commuter in Life

God said:

There are times when you would rather be alone than in the presence of anyone else. There are times when you feel hampered or held back by the presence of even friends. There are times when others break your train of thought or seem to impose upon your life just by being there.

On the other hand, when you feel all alone and don’t want to be, you may feel forlorn and unloved. You may not even know whose companionship you want and, yet you know you are without it. You are certain that you are supposed to have it. Something is missing from your life that should be here for you. Sometimes you feel like the loneliest person in the world.

Sometimes you may feel that I, God, am a poor substitute for a live person beside you. You may crave My Presence, yet you want Me to take the initiative. You would like Me to loom large favorably in your life and make Myself known. You hesitate. Sometimes I don’t feel real to you. To you, I am far away, other-worldly, perhaps not really here.

What happens in life sometimes is that you want to sulk alone and ponder all the wishes you have all in a row, wishes that are not fulfilled and that you may have decided to keep at bay. And so you want and don’t want at the same time. You push and pull, pull and push. You bemoan the loss of what you push away. You might like to evade heartbreak at any cost.

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A Palace of Wonders

God said:

Your soul is like poetry in the sense that your soul is powerful even as you can’t quite put your finger on it. A passage in a poem may touch you deeply. It may be only a few words that hold power and deep feeling over you. You don’t quite grasp the words or why on Earth you are so touched. You’re not at all clear, yet, there you are, under the spell of a few simple words. The poetry of your soul lures you. Your soul is irresistible. It leads you to Me. Even when you disavow Me, heedlessly, you come closer to the God within you.

It has been said that music is the poetry of the soul. In any case, your soul touches you like that. It is beyond your ken to translate beautiful music into words, and, yet, here you are touched, perhaps even over-taken by the music, perhaps out of this world. You and the music are beyond words. Words are not needed. Words voiced, perhaps, and explanations of that which cannot be described might take away the power, limit the effect, even if words were possible.

Let Me say it: The literal mind simply cannot reach far enough. The brain can only go so far. The human heart, however, can reach far and wide and near as well and skip over the restrictions of the learn-ed mind. The intellect can only go so far, and it is not far enough.

There are no words for your soul as it succors you. There are no words. You are transported beyond words. You come closer to Me. Of course, this is only one way that you come closer to Me.

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There Is No Far Away When It Comes to Consciousness

God said:

There are times when you look at life as if it were a boxing match. Life -- the boxing champion -- and you, the unsuspecting, punched and knocked out for the count underdog. Then you see yourself carried away from that particular arena to face another match anon whenever life says so.

An area of your life is taken away, and another area left which you desperately want to evade and/or desire at the same time. In any case, you hold on tight and keep your feet where they happen to be. Sometimes you lash at life to stay just where you want it to stay.

You may or may not consciously decide the turns life takes, yet you feel that sooner or later, life socks it to you. Life trips you up and knocks you off your feet. Of course, time and time again, you get up.

It is a good idea to lose the idea that life is something you face. Who wants to face life as if life were a mighty opponent who gets in your way, the same way as you don’t want to face a judge’s gavel or a physician’s needle.

How about viewing life as a friend you meet with and walk along the road with, arm in arm? How about a friend who cares about you and often hears your thoughts and dearly wishes to respond to your wishes?

Your wishes are not separate from your thoughts, voiced or unvoiced. On some level, your thoughts and words are telling life what to deliver to you. You and life are like twins. Life is the twin who knows what you are thinking about and will do everything for you, even displease you if that’s what it takes.

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Making It Across the Bridge

God said:

When you are overwhelmed with life as it appears to you, I ask you: “Who is overwhelmed? Is life the Doer in this case? Or, do you think I am the Doer Who insists that you be overwhelmed?” It seems to be that he or she who is overwhelmed is the overwhelmer.

Your arms are full. Your head is full of responsibility. Granted, the load you carry is too much for you. If you were carrying lumber and couldn’t carry a thousand pounds across a bridge, you would lessen the burden you are carrying. You would leave some and go back to make a second trip of it. On a simple physical level, solutions are easier for you. You would not demand yourself to carry too much all at once. You would not feel that you are irresponsible to lay down your burden for a while and find another way to handle it.

The weight you carry now is a story you have told yourself. You box yourself in. On the psychological level, you may have a great sense of not only responsibility that belongs to you but also a great sense of urgency. In addition, you have imposed urgency upon yourself. You are, indeed, responsible for your sense of urgency. Urgency is the frosting on the cake of your overwhelm. Urgency is overwhelming and not really the responsibility itself.

How do your sense of urgency and your processing it help you? Not at all!

Urgency and overwhelm are your way of crying out: “Woe is me. All this is too much for me. I cannot do all this.”

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The Ocean Runs to Itself

God said:

Everyone on Earth is a seeker. Everyone is seeking something. Some seek entertainment. Some, oblivion. And some seek Me from the bottom of their hearts.

You can only seek what you desire to find. Your desire for Oneness with Me may be buried deep in the recesses of your heart, yet, ultimately, I am what you seek, for I am happiness. No one desires absence from happiness. Everyone wants happiness a-plenty.

And everyone in Creation shall have Me filling their hearts, emblazoning their hearts. Everyone shall have My gait, and everyone shall ride with Me as One. Everyone, for this is My Will.

I will leave no one out. I called you to Me long ago, and, and you cannot withstand My Will. You may be stubborn for a while, declaring separateness, yet you will change your tune by and by.

This is one parade to join, the parade in which My Will and your will are in tune, are identical, are supreme, and fill the ranks. The time comes when there are no Prodigal Sons, for all souls are aware they are at Home.

Fear becomes unknown. Not a fragment of fear continues. Fear gives up. Fear’s goose is cooked. Fear has ebbed away. There are no comers for fear any longer. Fear abdicates the throne and is sent to a deserted island. Fear is no longer in the picture. Please imagine life without fear, for this is coming true.

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Your Heartstrings

God said:

What is distress but a pulling tight of your heartstrings? Language sometimes describes tension as getting wound up. Distress is a contraction of your heart. It is your heart that you are pulling tight, as if your heart were the bow of an arrow you get ready to let go, yet never do let go. You keep tightening your heart as if to make life taut and fraught without cease or release.

Language also tells you to unwind.

Your heart is like a violin string.

You are pulling your heart back too far and tie your heart up in knots.

Your heart is restrained with fear. What terrible thing would happen if you would release all your built-up tension and untangle your palpitating heart from tension?

Freedom would happen.

You have been breathing too much air into your heart as if your heart were a balloon. Let some of the air out so your heart can be a viable heart and not a heart squeezed tight.

You don’t even know what you are afraid of. Your fear is generalized without demarcation. It is an unknown overwhelming fear that leaves you jagged. Jagged fear presses on you, oppresses you, represses you. Fear is like a tourniquet you wind too tight.

You are like a runner who cannot seem to stop running. Even in sleep, your legs are churning.

You may fear that you would be undone if you were not wound tight. You may fear, that you would collapse, relapse when you have a lapse in tension. Of course, this relaxation is exactly what is required.

What is tension doing as your long-lived companion?.

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Your Heart's True Nature

God said:

Your heart is meant to beat quietly for Me. Understand that your heart beats for Me at My behest. From the onset of time, your heart has been beating for Me.

I do not look for exultation. I am unexcitable. I take care of life in an even beat. If I had a form and a physical heart, I would still cover the world in one stride. My heart would beat with ease and steadily. No ups and downs. I am Love, and I am also Peace. I am not fomentation. No conflicts go on in My heart, no turmoil, no despair, no trepidation.

My heart is an ongoing spa. My heart knows only gentleness.

The rhythm of My heart was set long ago in Infinity. Steady is the beat of My heart. Emulate My heartbeat, why not? My heart never beats wildly. My heart is never frantic.

Your heart may beat like a drumming band. Your heart may be temperamental, rising and falling to extremes. You may not like to be a middle-of-the-roader, for you value excitement to the extreme. You may be an over-achiever of excitement. Since when was the purpose of your heart to achieve and bong life loudly?

Come now, settle back into peace then and rest in harmony with Me. I live in you, yet you see danger. In fact, you may see danger everywhere at every turn, and your heart becomes like a horse going at a great clip.

Consider the quieting down of your heartbeat. May peace rather than excitement become your ambition. May peace be what you seek, and may peace be what you give.

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Be Good to Yourself

God said:

What will life be like when you become good to yourself? This is not self-centeredness We are talking about. This is when you will be pleasant and welcoming of yourself, knowing you are here to be kind even to yourself. Not forgiving yourself, none of that. Accepting. Accepting that you are learning along the way. Accepting that you don’t know all there is to know about life and yourself and most certainly accepting that you don’t know all there is to know the routes others are to take or to diverge from. You are not a decider of another soul.

You don’t know everything. Not by a long shot do you begin to know everything. Now you will find you are losing judgment and bravado and coming closer and closer to Truth.

It may have seemed to you that you have the right to assert yourself over others. One great lesson to learn is that you do not have to assert yourself and come out on top. What does coming out on top mean anyway? Does coming out on top mean you must declare yourself a winner? To what avail? An assault is not an accomplishment. For what reason would you assault another human being on any dimension of life? You do not make yourself big. You make yourself small.


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